Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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La metáfora del pozo

Agroecología y desarrollo rural sustentable en Cuba
Finca Marta es reflejo de la Cuba de ayer y de hoy. Se proyecta a lo más íntimo de un país que sueña con un futuro mejor. Finca Marta es el campo cubano que ríe y llora, que se empeña en hacer algo diferente. El libro intenta transmitir esperanza e inspiración...
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

EU agricultural outlook - for markets, income and environment 2021 - 2031

The report covers the EU in its current composition (EU-27). It presents the medium-term outlook for EU agricultural markets, income and environment to 2031, based on a set of macroeconomic assumptions deemed most plausible at the time of the analysis. Oil price, population forecasts (based on IHS Markit), the USD/EUR...
European Union
2021 - European Union

Healthy Soil for Healthy Communities

An Introduction to Soil Health Practices for Africa
This publication is not a technical book. Instead, it aims to help people move towards this mindset shift. The first chapter on soil is the bedrock of the whole book. It presents the kind of understanding of soil needed if we are to have any chance of successfully regenerating soils....
2021 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), Seed and Knowledge Initiative (SKI)

Article de blog
Himachal’s women farmers expand their horizons, without hurting the nature

With training and support, low cost natural farming is increasing incomes and leading to social empowerment.
Women farmers in the hill State of Himachal Pradesh are gradually turning to non-chemical, low cost “natural farming”, which has not only provided them with a sustainable livelihood but also empowered them better. Launched in 2018, the State’s Prakritik Kheti Khushhal Yojana is promoting the climate resilient Subhash Palekar Natural Farming...
2021 - The Hindu

Meet Sylvia Kuria, an organic farmer from Kenya 🇰🇪 #IGrowYourFood

“If we don't support retailers, wholesalers, logistics in the organic value chain: we compromise organic produce being available to more people on the African continent.” Sylvia Kuria gives her call to action for policymakers on #IGrowYourFood 🇰🇪
2021 - IFOAM Organics

Article de blog
Healthy Horticulture for Wealthy Life – A Sri Lankan Scenario

In Sri Lanka over 60 percent of the total population are involved in farming and 38 percent of the total workforce are farm labours, steadily declining the agriculture contribution to GDP. Horticulture plays an important role in providing livelihood to a larger portion of poor people, increases the level of...
Sri Lanka
2021 - Leisa India

Comptes rendus de conférence
Países de América Latina intercambiaron experiencias sobre las políticas en agroecología

Durante dos días fueron presentadas experiencias de Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay y Nicaragua. Cerca de 2.400 personas participaron del seminario internacional virtual Agroecología, agricultura familiar y ODS: políticas públicas en América Latina, promovido los días 9 y 10 de marzo por el proyecto Sembrando Capacidades. Por medio de las plataformas Zoom y...
Argentina - Brazil - Colombia - Nicaragua - Paraguay - Uruguay
2021 - Agencia Brasileña de Cooperación del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (ABC/MRE)

Inde : une région du sud fait le pari d'une agriculture 100% vertueuse

Dans le sud de l'Inde, la région agricole autour d'Anantapur, l'une des plus grandes du pays, est en pleine conversion vers une agriculture 100% naturelle, à rebours du modèle agricole indien. La terre compte huit millions de paysans, dont Surendra Reddy. Le fermier a été l'un des premiers convertis. Depuis quatre...
2021 - franceinfo

Article de blog
Sri Lanka’s inorganic transition to organic farming

On August 30, 2021, Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajpaksa declared economic emergency. The decision was taken to curb hoarding of essential items and to control inflation, since the country is faced with a shortage of food items and a steep rise in prices of essential commodities. Sri Lanka is under a...
Sri Lanka

Manual de pruebas rápidas en laboratorios lácteos

Este manual tiene como objetivos contribuir a que los ganaderos, asociaciones y extensionistas: 1. Amplíen los conocimientos sobre indicadores de calidad de leche en finca como elementos que contribuyen al mejoramiento de su producción. 2. Conozcan el fundamento de las pruebas tamiz realizadas para determinar la calidad de leche cruda....
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Agroecology in the 2021-2027 Multi-annual Financial Framework of the European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships

The scope of the training ''Agroecology in the 2021-2027 Multi-annual Financial Framework of the European Commission's Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA)'' that was held on 3 and 4 November 2021 was to raise awareness on the meaning, role of and country experiences in agroecology and to provide concrete clues...
European Union
2021 - European Commission Share this page

Note/document d'orientation
Recommendations Paper: Achieving a 1.5°C future requires a food systems approach

This recommendation paper presents general recommendations for food systems transformation to achieve net-zero emissions from food production by 2030 and net negative emissions from food systems by 2050. According to the document the following actions are needed to transform food systems: 1. A global shift to nature-positive production: Nature-positive food production systems protect nature,...
2021 - WWF

Report on the holobiont as promising selection target to improve resilience and product quality

Since the late 1990’s, advances in molecular technologies allowed the DNA sequencing of microbial communities. This enabled the identification of the genetic background of all the microbes – bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses – that live associated within a plant (endophyte) or attached to seed, leaf or roots of a...
2021 - LiveSeed

In Southern and Eastern Africa, peasant agroecology is the answer to climate crises

Listen to testimonies from peasant farmers in the Southern and Eastern African regions, who rely on peasant agroecological methods to revive their soil and fight back against the climate crises. They also speak about the centrality of peasants and small-scale food producers in proposing pragmatic ways to rebuild the lost...
2021 - LVC SEAf

Bulletin d'information
Projeto AgroEcos: Boletim de Notícias número 2, Novembro 2021

No contexto de nosso projeto, o termo ‘EcoSol-agroecologia’ indica uma convergência entre agroecologia e economia solidaria, que construí circuitos curtos além das relações financeiras. EcoSol-agroecologia entende a produção e consumo de alimentos num base autogestionado e antipatriarcal. Visa a produção de alimentos limpos, justos, acessíveis. Portanto este proceso valoriza seu...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil

Feeding pea to poultry

Successful farm practices and feed rations with field peas in organic farming.
White-flowering, light-hulled peas can be included up to 30 % in poultry feed. Growers of field pea can sell their crops to compound feed producers. However, trading pea is not always straightforward and on-farm or local use generally increases the profitability of growing pea. For this on-farm use to be...
2021 - Organic Farm Knowledge

Note/document d'orientation
Reaching 25% organic land with the right knowledge – Priorities for the new Organic Action Plan and the Horizon Europe Work Programmes

Our food and farming systems need to respect planetary boundaries, be climate-neutral, circular, diverse, and fair. They need to be prepared for the digitalisation of our economies, which brings new opportunities but also comes with risks. To achieve this, all actors in the food chain need to change – farmers,...
European Union
2021 - TP Organics

WEBINAIRE | Savoir sous influence : créer des savoirs partagés au service de l'agriculture familiale

Vendredi 17 décembre 2021, a eu lieu le webinaire « Savoir sous influence : créer des savoirs partagés au service de l'agriculture familiale » à l'occasion de la sortie annuelle du Baromètre des agricultures familiales : https://barometre-agricultures-famili... Cette nouvelle édition défend la nécessité de créer des savoirs communs. Construire des...
2021 - Baromètre des agricultures familiales

Étude de cas
Agroecology ’ s societal benefits depend on solidaristic relationships: some experiences from Brazil

Agroecological production methods strengthen farmers’ autonomy and adaptive capacity. When expanding agroecological systems, greater societal benefits depend on closer relationships between producers and consumers.   Connecting producers to more equitable and sustainable markets through short food supply chains can increase producers’ income, at the same time as maintaining a fair price...

Article de revue spécialisée
Mushroom cultivation for soil amendment and bioremediation

Intensive crop production, use of pesticides, and unsustainable farming practices are known to cause land degradation and soil contamination. Both have led to a decline in biodiversity and changes in the functional groups of soil microorganisms. Although physicochemical methods have been used to apply soil amendments to agricultural land, mushroom...
2021 - Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Total results:3994