Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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The White/Wiphala Paper on Indigenous Peoples' food systems

This White/Wiphala paper on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems is the result of collective work by Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and experts, scientists, researchers, and UN staff. Over 47 different units, organizations, and institutions have contributed to the Paper from the seven socio-cultural regions. This final version of the White/Wiphala paper has...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Arctic knowledge Echoes from the North : conversations with Arctic indigenous people and others concerned

The work presented in this report aims at making a practical contribution to the study of local and traditional knowledge, exploring how ‘indigenous’ ways of observing, monitoring and governing the Arctic environment bear adaptive strategies in a changing Arctic. The report describes ongoing impacts on Arctic livelihoods through the voices...
European Union
2021 - Joint Research Centre (European Commission)

Stock-take report on agroecology in IFAD operations

An integrated approach to sustainable food systems
This report presents the results of IFAD’s stock-take on agroecology. It assesses to what degree IFAD is supporting agroecology throughout its in-country portfolio across the five IFAD regions to the benefit of small-scale producers and sustainable food systems. It also identifies gaps and opportunities for scaling up and scaling out...
2021 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Article de blog
Instalada Câmara Temática da Agricultura Familiar do Consórcio Nordeste

O Consórcio Interestadual de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Nordeste instalou a Câmara Temática da Agricultura Familiar na última segunda-feira (01/02). O objetivo da Câmara é que, baseando-se nas experiências exitosas dos nove estados que compõem o Consórcio, seja elaborada até março uma proposta que articule, apoie e aperfeiçoe a implementação de políticas...
2021 - Consórcio Interestadual de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Nordeste

Contributions of indigenous peoples to climate action in Latin America

Experiences in the forests, biodiversity and ecosystems sector
This publication provides a summary of the current situation of indigenous peoples and climate action in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries where the EUROCLIMA+ programme has implemented FBE sector projects. It also describes the work guidelines adopted by the implementing entities of Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems (FBE) projects....
2021 - Directorate-General for International Partnerships (European Commission)

Webinar: Stock-take report on agroecology in IFAD operations: An integrated approach to sustainable food systems

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) invites you to the launch of IFAD’s first comprehensive report on a holistic approach to sustainable production and food systems. Based on a stock-take of recent IFAD-supported projects assessing their promotion of agroecology, this learning session will discuss key findings and recommendations for more...
2021 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples

An opportunity for climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean
The document summarizes the report that, based on a review of more than 250 studies, demonstrates the importance and urgency of climate action to protect the forests of the indigenous and tribal territories of Latin America as well as the indigenous and tribal peoples who protect them. These territories contain...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Étude de cas
Following the rhythm of Mother Earth

Learning from Indigenous Peoples’ food systems and their respect for nature
The running fresh water of the Amazon River is a welcoming sound to the peoples of the indigenous resguardo (reserve) in Puerto Nariño, southern Colombia. This watercourse is the only access to the banks of rivers, lakes, flood plains and mainland areas that connect the 22 communities where the Tikuna, Cocama and...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO


Small farmers are by far the largest and most prolific group of seed breeders not only in Uganda but also in Africa and they have successfully cultivated an abundant diversity of crops for centuries. However, various initiatives are underway to introduce the so‐called Green Revolution technologies into the country’s agriculture...
2021 - Seatini Uganda

Note/document d'orientation
Contribución de la investigación de AGROSAVIA a la Agricultura Campesina Familiar y Comunitaria (ACFC)

La agricultura familiar equivale al 87% de las unidades productoras agrícolas de Colombia y dentro del sector agrícola nacional su participación en la superficie cosechada es del orden del 67%; en 2015, a partir de la iniciativa sobre Agricultura Campesina Familiar y Comunitaria (ACFC) liderada por el Ministerio de Agricultura...
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria, AGROSAVIA

Turkana pastoralists of Northern Uganda facing climate change

Turkana pastoralists of Northern Uganda facing climate change
2021 - AFSAfrica

Ñami Ñami. Sabores de Chile

La serie de videos Ñami Ñami, sabores de Chile, difunde el patrimonio alimentario de los territorios de un largo país con ecosistemas tan variados como el desierto, la pampa, valles, bosques y cordillera.  Niñas y niños de estas diversas regiones, nos relatan de una forma entretenida el origen y preparaciones de...
2021 - Iberococinas

Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques

Una oportunidad para la acción climática en América Latina y el Caribe
El informe que aquí se presenta, producto de una amplia revisión de la evidencia científica, explica esta situación y presenta un conjunto de medidas prioritarias para ser implementadas por los gobiernos y los organismos internacionales en estrecha colaboración con los pueblos indígenas y tribales. Demuestra que el conjunto de condiciones...
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Étude de cas
From the countryside with love

Combating food insecurity in Peru with ancestral solidarity during the COVID-19 crisis
Huamani Cardenas lives in Lima, but is originally from Conayca, a rural town of roughly 1 300 people in the central highlands of Peru. When he received a delivery of fresh food from his hometown, he was thrilled. “I sincerely thank the authorities of Conayca for thinking of us,” he...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Niyat, change with a woman’s face

Niyat innovative project is financed by European Union, supported and monitored by Slow Food and implemented by Fundación Gran Chaco with its team of professionals. One of its axes is the production of food to cover the basic needs of families as well as trying to have surpluses that can be marketed and improve their livelihoods.
The food component of the Niyat project currently reaches about 40 families and will reach 120 in the next two years. Each family is a multiplying nucleus that aims to reach 2,400 families in total through trainings carried out in different formats.    
2021 - Slow Food

Caracterización de los espacios rurales en El Salvador a partir de estadísticas nacionales

En el presente estudio se ofrecen algunas reflexiones sobre los límites y alcances de las definiciones de ruralidad actualmente en uso y se propone una caracterización alternativa del territorio rural en El Salvador. Asimismo, se presenta un balance de las nuevas narrativas de la ruralidad surgidas en América Latina en...
El Salvador
2021 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

La Agricultura Familiar Campesina (Indígena) en las Compras Públicas del Programa de Alimentación Escolar - PAE

Este informe se organiza en torno a seis capítulos. En la primera sección, se definen los objetivos de la consultoría, mientras que en la sección siguiente se presentan los antecedentes de la AFC, detallando el panorama histórico a nivel nacional e internacional, las definiciones operacionales de la AFC y una...
2021 - Escuela de Antropología UC

Article de revue spécialisée
Law of Origin Integrator of Premodern - Modern Production Practices in Kankuamo Territory of Colombia

The Kankuamo people from Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta [SNSM], Colombia, are undergoing a process of recovering their local knowledge and self-determination as an indigenous people, however, exogenous information affects their decisions and contributes to their acculturation. In this contr nnovative ones recommended by the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation [AGROSAVIA]....
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Bioeconomia Amazonica

A floresta tem som e ruídos das plantas, do vento, da Curupira. E tudo é música. Até osilêncio é cheio de ruídos”, já dizia o músico Jorge Mautner, quando estava a bordodo projeto Navegar a Amazônia1, em que atuou junto com inúmeras comunidadestradicionais, indígenas e ribeirinhas deste vasto território. Essa...
2021 - World-Transforming Technologies (WTT)

Ang Pangarap ni Alvin: Ang Pag-asa ng mga Dumagat Remontado (The Hope of the Dumagat Remontados)

The Dumagat Remontados is one of the several indigenous groups thriving on the ridges of the Sierra Madre mountains. The concentration of their population is mostly found in Tanay, Rizal province, and General Nakar, Quezon province, Philippines. In this film, the Dumagat Remontados shows us the importance of establishing a youth...
2021 - Pambansang Kilusan ng mga Samahang Magsasaka (PAKISAMA)
Total results:974