Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

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Lomas de resguardo ganadero en Bolivia para épocas de inundación y de sequía

Las lomas de resguardo ganadero son montículos o plataformas altas de tierra construidas a pulso y se utilizan para resguardar al ganado y salvaguardar productos agrícolas en tiempos de inundación. También permiten enfrentar tiempos de sequía, porque están rodeadas periféricamente por un canal con capacidad de almacenamiento de alrededor de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Raised beds for improving crop water productivity and water efficiency in irrigated dryland agriculture

Irrigation is crucial for agricultural activities, however, if not managed well, it entails high water losses and can be inefficient. The raised bed system is an improved surface irrigation strategy, which enhances productivity and makes the application of water in irrigated systems more efficient. It can be easily implemented by...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Tecnologías para el ahorro de mano de obra: agricultura de conservación

Este documento incluye aspectos de la agricultura de conservación, laboreo de conservación, aperos para laboreo de conservación incluyendo la plantadora manual (jab planter) y de los cultivos de cobertura. Todas esas tecnologías ahorran mano de obra.
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Construcción de cobertizo para llamas en situaciones de olas de frío

La presente tecnología describe la construcción de un cobertizo semi-techado para llamas o alpacas y sus crías que permite proteger al ganado ante las inclemencias del tiempo, como heladas, lluvias, granizadas, nevadas y vientos, que provocan índices altos de mortandad en el ganado camélido.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Tecnologías para el ahorro de mano de obra: tracción animal e implementos

Este artículo tiene algunas nociones básicas para el uso correcto de tracción animal, incluyendo enganche e implementos. También se explican las ventajas y desventajas de esta práctica, que incluyen ahorro de mano de obra, diversificación de los medios de vida, fortalecimiento de la resiliencia de los medios de vida, equipos,...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Agroecology for sustainable agriculture in Trinidad: ROCROPS AGROTEC

Rocrops is a smallholder farm established in 1990 in Trinidad. It is owned and managed by the husband and wife Ramgopaul and Beena Roop. The Rocrops farm is comprised of 1.29 ha. (3ac) of former degraded and acidic (3.5pH) sugar cane lands. The development of the farm has emphasized a...
Trinidad and Tobago
2016 - Rocrops farm

Animals, trees for a better crop

In semi-arid West Africa, farmers and herders explain why and how trees and livestock play a crucial role in obtaining a productive soil and crop. In Niger and Ghana this is one of the strategies of integrated striga and soil fertility management that has a positive effect across agroclimatic zones....
2016 - Access Agriculture

Composting to beat striga

Compost is more powerful than manure. What is less known is that the micro-organisms in compost attack striga seeds in the soil. Compost also decreases the amount of striga that will sprout, and reduces its negative effect on cereal crops. Let us look at how farmers in northeast Mali make...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Grow row by row

Farmers in northern Nigeria are changing the way they intercrop their sorghum and millet with cowpea. By planting both crops at higher densities and in separate rows, and by applying some organic fertilizer, they harvest more and reduce damage by the parasitic weed striga. It is one of the strategies...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Integrated approach against striga

The parasitic weed striga causes more damage to cereal crops in poor soils, so both problems have to be tackled together. In this video we will learn why it is important to combine at least three control methods to reduce striga and obtain a good yield of sorghum, millet, maize...
United Republic of Tanzania
2016 - Access Agriculture

Enfermedades de las abejas: Nosemosis

La nosemosis es una enfermedad de las abejas adultas causada por hongos unicelulares pertenecientes a la Clase: Microsporidia, Familia: Nosimatidi, Género: Nosema. Existen dos subespecies diferentes de Nosema que afectan a Apis mellifera con diferente prevalencia dependiendo de la zona: Nosema apis y Nosema ceranae, responsables de dos formas diferentes de la enfermedad. Ambos...

Storing cowpea seed

Intercropping or rotating cereal crops with legume crops are two of the strategies of integrated striga and soil fertility management. But keeping quality legume seed has two major challenges. First, the seed easily loses its ability to germinate. And second, we are not the only ones who love legumes. Let’s...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Striga biology

One of the major parasites is striga, a weed that sucks the juice and nutrients from cereal crops such as millet, sorghum and maize and causes great yield losses. A single striga plant can produce hundreds of thousands of seeds. The seeds are so tiny that most farmers do not...
United Republic of Tanzania
2016 - Access Agriculture

Well dried seed is good seed

Farmers face great difficulties with drying their seeds because seed absorbs moisture from the soil. As a result, seed quality deteriorates, and no-one can expect good yields by using poor quality seed. In this video you can see how farmers of Maria village solved this problem. Now they are no...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Reviving soils with mucuna

In the coastal savanna of West Africa, farmers explain how a mucuna cover crop helped to revive their highly degraded soil, and suppress the noxious weeds Striga and Imperata. They show how to grow it to benefit your maize and cassava, and why discussing land tenure in your community really...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Contour bunds

In the semi-arid savannas where rainfall is limited and highly unpredictable, retaining more water in the soil can make the difference between a poor and a good harvest. You can slow down the runoff water by establishing contour bunds. Contour bunds are permanent ridges of earth that follow positions located...
Burkina Faso
2016 - Access Agriculture

Fanya juu terraces

Fanya juu means "throw the soil up" in Kiswahili. The terraces formed are ideal for fodder grasses and help prevent soil erosion. Cultivation becomes easier as the terraces spread out to make the land more level and when combined with manure/fertilizer yields increase.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Beneficial insects and the cotton pests they control

This technology gives an overview of the beneficial insects that might appear in cotton fields in Western Africa. Knowing the pests and beneficial insects present on a cotton plant is a crucial decision-making tool for applying Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Plantwise Diagnostic Field Guide

A tool to diagnose crop problems and make recommendations for their management
The Plantwise Diagnostic Field Guide is intended for all plant doctors and other plant health advisors around the world. The job of being a plant doctor is not an easy one. Since farmers can bring any crop with any type of problem to a plant clinic, there are many different...
2015 - Plantwise

Document de travail
Scaling up best practices for managing Awassi dairy sheep to small scale sheep farmers in West Asia

This working paper presents an overview of the results of an ICARDA project to provide Awassi sheep farmers in Syria and Lebanon with the latest knowledge on best practices for managing sheep to improve their income. The project provided ICARDA the opportunity to actively convert scientific knowledge generated over many...
Lebanon - Syrian Arab Republic
2015 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Total results:1914