Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


La section Ressources contient des publications et des ressources multimédias archivées sur l’agriculture familiale en général.

Les références externes indiquées sur cette page sont à titre d'information exclusive et ne constituent pas  une approbation de la part de la FAO.

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Recherche en plein texte
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Thème principal

Article de revue spécialisée
Efecto ambiental y social por la variación de los niveles del lago Junín en las comunidades campesinas aledañas y su efecto en el costo de la energía eléctrica en el Perú

(Páginas 175 - 186 de la publicación). El impacto ambiental producido por las actividades económicas, principalmente extractivas, es estudiado y evaluado en forma conjunta a su impacto social, fundamentalmente en situaciones en que la actividad se desarrolla en un área geográfica poblada o en relación a ésta;  a fin de...
2007 - Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM)

Zambia: Smallholder Agricultural Commercialization Strategy

This report focuses on the potential and opportunities for smallholder commercialization in Zambia. The paper discusses the framework for Zambia's smallholder commercialization strategy, the current state of smallholder agriculture in Zambia, key issues, support from agribusiness to smallholders, and development of potential and opportunities for smallholder commercialization. The paper concludes...
2007 - World Bank

Programme National d’Investissements Agricoles (PNIA)

Programme National d’Investissements Agricoles(PNIA) a été élaboré dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de la déclaration de Paris qui prône l’amélioration de l’efficacité de l’aide et la gestion axée sur les résultats et également dans celui de la mise en oeuvre de la Déclaration des Chefs d’Etat Africains...
Burkina Faso

Article de revue spécialisée
Exploración de los principales mercados internacionales para flores tropicales de la provincia del Tequendama

El cultivo de flores tropicales en la provincia del Tequendama (Cundinamarca), ha surgido como una alternativa de producción económica, social y ambientalmente viable, gracias a las ventajas comparativas como competitivas de la provincia. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la valoración de la producción de flores tropicales en la...
2007 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Article de revue spécialisée
Conversión agroecológica de sistemas convencionales de producción: teoría, estrategias y evaluación

La conversion de sistemas convencionales de produccion, caracterizados por monocultivos manejados con altos insumos a sistemas diversificados de bajos insumos, se basa en dos pilares agroecologicos: la diversificacion del habitat y el manejo organico del suelo. El funcionamiento optimo del agroecosistema depende de disenos espaciales y temporales que promueven sinergias...
2007 - Ecosistemas. Revista Científica de Ecología y Medio Ambiente

Note/document d'orientation
Impact of EU’s agricultural trade policy on smallholders in Africa

IMF and World Bank liberalisation policies have had an uncertain impact on African economies and their agricultural sector. Despite some improved macro-economic data these liberalisation measures had a negative impact on smallholder farmers and their right to food. The shift in the EU-ACP partnership during the 1990s away from preferential...
Ghana - Uganda - Zambia
2007 - Germanwatch e.V

Integrated Crop Management Vol. 5-2007

Tropical crop–livestock systems in conservation agriculture: The Brazilian experience
This publication describes how pasture, fodder and livestock production have been integrated into conservation agriculture systems in Brazil’s tropical zones. Integrated crop–livestock zero tillage systems (ICLZT) allow the sustainable production of high-yielding pasture without further deforestation; in this system, grazing livestock convert both pastures and crop residues into cash. The...
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Étude de cas
Conservation Agriculture in Africa

Conservation agriculture as practised in Tanzania: three case studies
This book focuses on three specific case studies in Tanzania. A number of results and lessons, however, can be drawn from a cross-analysis of all eight case studies selected. Such an analysis offers a unique opportunity to look at key technical and process issues and will be the focus of...
United Republic of Tanzania

Étude de cas
Chiloé agro-biodiversity cultural system Chile Project Framework

This document presents the Chilean National Project Framework of a global initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) concerning Conservation and Adaptive Management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). Chile’s Chiloé agriculture is one of the pilot GIAHS, featuring the traditional agricultural practices and indigenous management systems of...

Étude de cas
Sistemas Ingeniosos de Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial de Machupicchu al Lago Titicaca

En el caso del Perú se ha definido el proyecto SIPAM en el espacio ubicado en los Andes Centrales, en la sierra sur del Perú, que incluye dos cuencas del río Vilcanota (Cusco) y del río Ramis (Puno) y se le denomina el sitio como “De Machu Picchu al Lago...
2007 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO)

Document de conférence
International conference on organic agriculture and food security

In January 2007, a Call for Papers was put out in preparation for the International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security, 3-5 May, to be held at FAO Headquarers in Rome, Italy. Over the course of 3 months, 115 papers related to organic agriculture and food security were submitted...
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

International conference on organic agriculture and food security

Rome, 3 – 5 May 2007
The International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security was held in connection with the 33rd Session of the Committee on Food Security in FAO, Rome. The objective of the meeting was to shed light on the contribution of organic agriculture to food security through the analysis of existing information...
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Educación, desarrollo rural y juventud

La publicación que se presenta recoge y sistematiza experiencias e iniciativas sobre cuestiones clave de la juventud rural en el norte argentino. El estudio abarca los aspectos sociodemográficos, económicos, de empleo y educación correspondientes a la última década. Se analizan los cambios producidos tanto en los aspectos subjetivos de las...
2007 - Instituto Internacional de Planeamiento de la Educación/ IIPE-UNESCO

Article de revue spécialisée
The full financial costs of irrigation services

A discussion on existing guidelines and implications for smallholder irrigation in South Africa
Considering water as an economic good entails, among other requisites, properly assessing the cost incurred by supplying and managing the resource, and the required infrastructure thereof. Regarding irrigation, the International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) set up a method for assessing the full financial costs, in the form of...
South Africa
2007 - Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement

Document technique
Increasing the contribution of small-scale fisheries to poverty alleviation and food security

The objectives of this Technical Paper are to highlight the contribution that inland and coastal small-scale fisheries can make to poverty alleviation and food security and to make practical suggestions on ways that this contribution can be maximized. This paper is organized into three main sections. The first section discusses...
Bangladesh - Brazil - Cambodia - India - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Malawi - Philippines - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Comptes rendus de conférence
Report of the national workshop on micro-enterprise development in coastal communities in the Philippines: Sharing of experiences and lessons learned

The goals of the National Workshop on Micro-enterprise Development in Coastal Communities in the Philippines were to exchange experiences and good practices and to identify financial and institutional support services and facilities to sustain livelihoods and micro-enterprise development in coastal areas. The workshop was attended by 45 participants from people’s...
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

ICSF Guidebook: Understanding the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007

This guidebook attempts to provide a quick overview of the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007, which was adopted in Geneva, Switzerland, in June 2007 at the 96th International Labour Conference (ILC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO). It does not purport to provide interpretation of any provisions of the Convention...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Document de travail
Conceptual Framework On The Assessment Of The Impact Of Organic Agriculture On The Economies Of Developing Countries

The impact of organic farming in developing countries may be evaluated under a wide range of perspectives. Here we focus on three main areas: economic, environmental and social effects and develop a feasible approach to organic adoption assessments that is – in our intentions- flexible enough to be used in...
2007 - Polytechnic University of Marche (Ancona, Italy)

Asserting Rights, Defining Responsibilities: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities on Coastal and Fisheries Management in Philippines

The studies aimed to document and explore the understanding that fishing communities have about their rights to fisheries and coastal resources, as well as the obligations and responsibilities associated with these rights, and to document and discuss their initiatives to assert these rights and fulfill their responsibilities. The studies formed...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Asserting Rights, Defining Responsibilities: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities on Coastal and Fisheries Management in Cambodia

The studies aimed to document and explore the understanding that fishing communities have about their rights to fisheries and coastal resources, as well as the obligations and responsibilities associated with these rights, and to document and discuss their initiatives to assert these rights and fulfill their responsibilities. The studies formed...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Total results:18848