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Статья в блоге
Reversing environmental degradation through cooperation in Morocco
Nowhere is the link between the environment and poverty more pronounced than in highly fragile ecosystems, where inhabitants are often compelled to degrade natural resources as they struggle to survive on inhospitable land. IFAD’s drive to break this vicious cycle has led to the development of a number of replicable...
Газетная статья
Agroecology, scaling and interdisciplinarity
Based on a review of its history, its present structure and its objective in the future, agroecology is defined as an integrative discipline that includes elements from agronomy, ecology, sociology and economics. Agroecology’s credentials as a separate scientific discipline were measured against the norms of science, defined by Robert King...
2003 - Elsevier Ltd
Рабочий документ
Integrated natural resources management to enhance food security
The case for community-based approaches in Ethiopia
Securing food and a livelihood is inextricably linked to the exploitation of the natural resources base (land, water and forest) in Ethiopia, where over 85 percent of the population lives in rural areas and depend on smallholder agriculture. The pressure of intense human activity and improper farming and management practices...
2003 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Информационный сборник
Conservation Agriculture Soil compaction - An unnecessary form of land degradation
This leaflet covers the main aspects of soil compaction in Conservation Agriculture.
Conservation agriculture optimizes soil structure for reduced-cost, sustainable cropping systems that maximize the use of rainfall and irrrigation water for improved and more guaranteed productivity. The overall outcome is the more productive soil system that obtains the best from...
2003 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Работа конференции
Agricultura orgánica: una herramienta para el desarrollo rural sostenible y la reducción de la pobreza
La pobreza rural constituye uno de los mayores problemas de América Latina y del Caribe. En América Central la incidencia de la pobreza alcanza a casi la mitad (49.9%) de la población. En 1999, 17,5 millones de centroamericanos tenían ingresos por debajo de la línea de pobreza y 9.3 millones...
2003 - Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA)
Centro Andino para la Formación de Líderes Sociales (CAFOLIS)
El Centro Andino para la Formación de Líderes Sociales, CAFOLIS, inició formalmente sus actividades en el mes de septiembre del 2003, sin embargo, su nacimiento obedece a un proceso que arrancó en el año 2000 y se nutre de la larga experiencia de sus integrantes en procesos de educación popular...
2003 - Centro Andino para la Formación de Líderes Sociales (CAFOLIS)
El impacto del Acuerdo ADPIC y el CDB sobre las Communidades Costeras
Este documento es el resultado de una investigación encargada para evaluar las implicaciones del acuerdo sobre los aspectos de los derechos de propiedad intelectual relacionados con el comercio (ADPIC) y del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CDB). También elucida las implicaciones de ambos acuerdos para el acceso a los recursos...
2003 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Рабочий документ
Socio-economic characterisation of smallholder dairy systems in The Gambia
Milk production, marketing and consumption
The Gambian government, with the assistance of donors, is involved in the promotion of the local milk and dairy products sub-sector. The farming system in this country is characterised by the predominance of mixed crop-livestock production. The cattle stock is mainly composed of N’Dama, a breed described as a low...
2003 - International Trypanotolerance Centre (ITC)
Dangerous Calling: The Life-and-Death Matter of Safety at Sea: A Collection of Articles from Samudra Report
Fishing is arguably the world's most dangerous vocation, reporting the highest rate of occupational fatalities among industries, made only worse by declining fish prices, overfished waters and shortened fishing seasons. As fishermen are forced to move farther away from shore in search of scarce resources, the dangers they face are...
2003 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Proceedings of the Indian Ocean Conference- Forging Unity: Coastal Communities and the Indian Ocean's Future, 9-13 October 2001, India
This is the proceedings of the Indian Ocean Conference "Forging Unity: Coastal Communities and the Indian Ocean's Future". The conference as an important opportunity to explore the idea of an ‘Indian Ocean community’ by bringing together representatives from all frontiers of the Indian Ocean (with the exception of the Middle...
2003 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Доклад конференции
Milk Production in Croatia
In the last few years Croatian economy is restructuring through the processes of market liberalization and closing to EU, which is demanding some significant changes. Agriculture is in the process of reforms on the basis of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) policies of the EU, and those changes are producing different...
2003 - Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus
The Impact of TRIPS and CBD on Coastal Communities
This paper reviews marine biodiversity, coastal communities' traditional ecological knowledge systems (TEKS) and the biodiversity they have conserved, and the industrial exploitation of marine genetic resources; it then analyzes TRIPS and the CBD as applied to marine biodiversity, and the implications of TRIPS and CBD for both coastal States and...
2003 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Газетная статья
Subsistence Agriculture in Development: it’s Role in Processes of Structural Change
Subsistence agriculture is closely linked to a low level of economic development. We find it both in today's less developed countries and in the early stages of industrialised countries. Typically, subsistence agriculture is characterized by a low-external input level and low productivity (per land and/or per labour). In these situations...
2003 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Газетная статья
Institutions and Technologies for Subsistence Agriculture: How to Increase Commercialization
Survey results indicate that on the whole, individual farms in transition countries are far from pure subsistence operations. The majority of farms categorized as individual – household plots and independent peasant farms – sell at least some of their output. The proportion of output sold by these farms is quite...
2003 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Газетная статья
Policy Options to Overcome Subsistence Agriculture in the CEECs
The transformation of the political and economic systems in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union (FSU) was driven by the desire to combine political freedom with improved living conditions. Market-oriented reform is the essence of transformation for the former socialist planned economies. However, considerable segments of Eastern European and...
2003 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Газетная статья
Decision Making Patterns of Subsistence Farmers in Bulgaria
Bulgaria began the transformation of its agricultural sector early in the reform process. The chosen path of land reform was radical and aimed at restoring the status quo enjoyed half a century ago. The outcome of this slow and complicated process was a very fragmented structure of land ownership and...
2003 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
People, land management and environmental change (PLEC)
The People, Land Management and Environmental Change (PLEC) project is a largely farmer-driven demonstration project consisting of five ecosystem clusters and spread over eight countries: Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, China, Papua New Guinea and Brazil. PLEC was initiated in 1992 by the United Nations University (UNU) as an international...
Brazil - China - Ghana - Guinea - Papua New Guinea - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2003 - United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)
Газетная статья
Commercialisation of Subsistence Agriculture in Transition Economies: On Imperfect Competition, Market Development and Support Policies.
From the point of view of promises made ten years ago, the transition of the food sector of many Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) is considered weak and somehow disappointing (MACOURS and SWINNEN 2000). The development of the agricultural sector as the domestic raw material producer for food processing...
2003 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Газетная статья
Development Perspectives of Subsistence Farms in Southeastern Poland: Social Buffer Stock or Commercial Agriculture?
In this paper we discuss the developmental perspectives of subsistence agriculture in the wider framework of structural change within an entire economy. We put forward the proposition that subsistence agriculture in Southeastern Poland must largely be understood and interpreted as one single stage of a mid- to long-term process that...
2003 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
Газетная статья
The Market Potential and Patterns of Contemporary Agriculture in Romania's North-western Plain
Romanian Agriculture went through major transformations after the political changes of December 1989, due especially to the structural reorganization of land ownership. Agrarian reform started in 1990 with the liquidation of the socialist cooperatives and regulated by the new land ownership law (No. 18/1991), along with a whole series of...
2003 - Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
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