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Статья в блоге
Agriculture sans chemicals is giving Himachal farmers better and sustainable incomes

Natural Farming methods have significantly reduced the expenses incurred in the purchase of chemicals, insecticides, and fungicides and improved the incomes of farmers in the Himalayan state in India. Himachal Pradesh which is popularly known as the fruit basket of India produces fruits and vegetables worth Rs 8,000 crores every year....

Agroecological farmers in India: Sireesha’s story

This video tells the story of Sireesha - one of the thousands of women and men farmers in Andhra Pradesh, India, practicing agroecology in Farmer Field Schools facilitated by the Andhra Pradesh Community managed Natural Farming Programme and FAO. Through agroecology and FFS,
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Тематическое исследование
Gender-sensitive social protection in the face of climate risk

Climate change is likely to exacerbate gendered vulnerabilities and compound intersecting forms of discrimination against women. International donors and policymakers are increasingly interested in strengthening social protection programmes to address such adverse impacts, but there is a lack of evidence about how this can be achieved. Addressing this gap, this paper...
2021 - IIED

Журнальная статья
Missed opportunities for delivering nutrition interventions in first 1000 days of life in India: insights from the National Family Health Survey, 2006 and 2016

Existing health and community nutrition systems have the potential to deliver many nutrition interventions. However, the coverage of nutrition interventions across the delivery platforms of these systems has not been uniform. We (1) examined the opportunity gaps between delivery platforms and corresponding nutrition interventions through the continuum of care in...

Saguna Regenerative Technique (SRT), a no-till, conservation agriculture method of rice-based farming

Conservation Agriculture (CA), No-till method of farming which is climate smart, increases organic carbon of the soil, essentially are generative agricultural practice, considerably increases productivity of the land and adds to the amazing happiness & confidence of the farmer." The Saguna Regenerative Technique (SRT) cultivation method was evolved in 2011...
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Статья в блоге
Farmer’s story: Moving towards agroecologically sustainable farming

Sandeep Narayan Jamjade is a farmer residing in Jalochi Village, Baramati, and Pune, India. He is 37 years old with a family of 11. He started his farming venture when he was 24. It took him years of trial and error to adopt various practical solutions leading to ecologically sustainable agricultural...
2021 - LEISA India

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Farmer Field School (FFS)

A guide for facilitators of FFS on maize with special emphasis on fall armyworm
Maize is most important food crop after rice and wheat contributing towards national food security with an annual production of 28.7 million metric tonnes. The major maize producing states are Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Maize is a relatively less water demanding crop and gives higher yield...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Статья в блоге
Knowledge management for urban agriculture – Leveraging the lessons learned

The health conscious urbanites are moving towards growing their own food. Starting as a hobby, urban farming is evolving as a necessary means to address issues of food security, physical and emotional well being. This calls for improved access to information and intensive knowledge exchange through diverse and emerging media. Urbanisation...
2021 - Leisa India

Статья в блоге
Homegrown harvests – Bringing food security to an educational campus

Urban spaces can be innovatively used for food production. They can help city dwellers rethink their connection with food ecosystems and land in the process. Educational institutions provide a unique opportunity conducive to integrating food security as part of its curriculum as well as outreach activities. The IIT Gandhinagar organic farm...
2021 - Leisa India

Статья в блоге
Integrated farming in small holder farms for livelihood and nutritional security

Farmers of coastal Tamil Nadu are compelled to grow rice despite its low returns, as rice alone has the unique feature of withstanding water stagnation for a longer period of time. Integrating fish culture and poultry rearing in rice helped farmers in 3 coastal districts in Tamil Nadu to double their...
2021 - Leisa India

Статья в блоге
Integrated Farming System

Krishi Vigyan Kendras have been instrumental in helping farmers adopt integrated systems on the farm, thereby helping them produce more and earn more. Lyngrah’s farm, now a model farm, serves as an example of such support provided by KVK. Shri Wallam Kupar Lyngrah, a dedicated progressive and innovative farmer, hails from...
2021 - Leisa India

Тематическое исследование
Ensuring Alternative Livelihoods to Traditional Hunting Communities by Supporting Conservation of Small Forest Patches through Ecotourism

Pardhis are a community of traditional hunters, who live a nomadic life, and hunt predominantly for meat. They also help farmers against crop raid by wild herbivores, cull man-eaters on behalf of communities and governments, and in the past helped royalty on hunting expeditions. They had an important role in...
2021 - Agricultural Extension in South Asia

Статья в блоге
Principles matter

In this age of restricted travel, when webinars have taken the place of conferences, at first, I missed face-to-face meetings a lot. But virtual events do allow one to get exposed to far more ideas than before.
2021 - Access Agriculture

Статья в блоге
Of fertilizers and immigration

Chemical or mineral fertilizers have long been touted by agro-industry and by governments as a necessity to feed the growing world population. Sixty years after the start of the Green Revolution, the damage caused to farmland, surface water and groundwater, biodiversity and farmers’ livelihoods has forced policy-makers in India and...
Burkina Faso - Côte d'Ivoire - India - Madagascar - Mali
2021 - Access Agriculture

Operationalizing the Women-led Climate Resilient Farming Model and the Results Achieved

Over the last 5 years, SSP has developed a robust model to transform marginalized rural women working as mere labourers working in their family-owned farms to changemakers in agriculture. These women are bringing in food security, improved livelihoods, and means to conserve water for their families and the community at...
2021 - Swayam Shikshan Prayog

Статья в блоге
Himachal’s women farmers expand their horizons, without hurting the nature

With training and support, low cost natural farming is increasing incomes and leading to social empowerment.
Women farmers in the hill State of Himachal Pradesh are gradually turning to non-chemical, low cost “natural farming”, which has not only provided them with a sustainable livelihood but also empowered them better. Launched in 2018, the State’s Prakritik Kheti Khushhal Yojana is promoting the climate resilient Subhash Palekar Natural Farming...
2021 - The Hindu

Inde : une région du sud fait le pari d'une agriculture 100% vertueuse

Dans le sud de l'Inde, la région agricole autour d'Anantapur, l'une des plus grandes du pays, est en pleine conversion vers une agriculture 100% naturelle, à rebours du modèle agricole indien. La terre compte huit millions de paysans, dont Surendra Reddy. Le fermier a été l'un des premiers convertis. Depuis quatre...
2021 - franceinfo

Territorial management in indigenous matrifocal societies

In recent years, the interests on the social world and the physical world of indigenous peoples have been on the increase, resulting in a gradual growth of literature on indigenous or tribal peoples of the world. Such works have provided an understanding on the situation of indigenous peoples. However, more...
China - Colombia - India - Peru
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Organic biofertilizer in liquid and solid form

For healthy crops you need a healthy soil, because a healthy soil contains many good microbes and earthworms. To prepare biofertilizer for half a hectare, you need 10 kg fresh cow dung, cow urine, flour from chickpeas or another pulse, jaggery or unrefined sugar, and a handful of healthy soil....
2020 - Access Agriculture

The clod breaker: a rolling harrow

The clod breaker is a simple wooden tool made out of a cylindrical log with iron spikes. It can be pulled by animals or even by an adult person. By driving the clod breaker over your field in opposite directions, the soil will become loose, aerated and absorb more water....
2020 - Access Agriculture
Total results:526