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EU Agricultural Outlook 2019-2030

This report provides a medium-term outlook for major EU agricultural markets and agricultural income to 2030. It is based on a set of coherent macroeconomic assumptions deemed most plausible at the time of the analysis, including the continuation of current agricultural and trade policies. The analysis relies on information available...
European Union
2019 - European Commission

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) is a broad alliance of different civil society actors that are part of the struggle for food sovereignty and agroecology in Africa. These include: African farmers’ organizations, African NGO networks, specialist African NGOs, consumer movements in Africa, international organizations which support the...
2019 - The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

ICBA at 20: A Look at History

Every day since the early 1990s some 2,000 hectares of irrigated land in arid and semi-arid areas across 75 countries have been degraded by salt. Over the years not only the scale but also the range of threats to food, water and income security of vulnerable communities around the world...
United Arab Emirates
2019 - ICBA

Handbook for the evaluation of agroecology : A method to evaluate its effects and the conditions for its development

Agroecology is increasingly evoked at the core of international discussions on the future of food and agricultural systems across the world, emerging as one of the pertinent responses to major global challenges in terms of economic & social development and the environment, largely reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):...

Статья в блоге
Kyrgyz youth camp teaches sustainability in practice

Young people have key roles to play in helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. With this in mind, FAO is actively trying to involve young people in taking actions for a better future. One of the ways recent FAO has done this is through an annual youth camp held...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

We Unite

The 12-minute film ‘We Unite’ is a window into the lives of two organic farmers and the reasons they join the yearly ‘We are Fed-Up’ demonstration in Germany. Along with hundreds of other farmers, they drive their tractors into the heart of Berlin where they unite with thousands of citizens calling for a better food and...
2019 - IFOAM Organics International

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Agroecology a viable solution to vulnerable Sahel

FAO promotes multi-faceted approach in addressing food security
28 February, 2019, Bamako—Highly-vulnerable communities in the Sahel has agroecology as a mechanism to stem the rise of hunger and malnutrition in a region buffeted by increased pressure on natural resources including soils and water, the loss of biodiversity, and the uncertainties associated with climate change.
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Latin American Agroecology Research Centre (CELIA)

The Centre promotes cross-cutting research using Agroecological science to plan biodiverse, resilient and productive agricultural systems in Latin America. In addition, it develops research and training projects as well as publications, integrating traditional practices with novel knowledge-based ones related to ecology, agronomy and social sciences, in order to support the scaling...
2019 - Latin American Agroecology Research Centre (CELIA)

CEJA Activity Report 2019

CEJA's 2019 Activity Report is the organisation's annual summary of its activities for the year that has passed. It contains information about CEJA, its Presidency and Secrtariat, the topics it tackled 2019 and the projects it is involved in.
European Union
2019 - CEJA

Газетная статья
The economic potential of agroecology: Empirical evidence from Europe

This article discusses the economic dimensions of agroecological farming systems in Europe. It firstly theoretically elaborates the reasons why, and under what conditions, agroecological farming systems have the potential to produce higher incomes than farms that follow the conventional logic. This theoretical exposition is then followed by a presentation of...

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EIP-AGRI Workshop "Small is smart" - Innovative solutions for small agricultural and forestry holdings

The EIP-AGRI Workshop: "Small is smart" - Innovative solutions for small agricultural and forestry holdings, will take place in Bucharest, Romania, on 29-30 October 2019. This two-day event will take place on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 October 2019 in Bucharest Romania. Farmers and farmers' organisations, foresters, EIP-AGRI Operational Groups, SMEs, start-ups, advisers, universities, research and technology organisations,...
2019 - Eip Agri

Статья в блоге
Traditional agricultural heritage systems grab spotlight in Europe and Central Asia

Traditional agricultural systems can sustain biodiversity and conserve genetic resources for food and agriculture, building resilence to climate change while respecting and promoting rural livelihoods and knowledge systems. It was to identify, support and safeguard these systems that FAO launched the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) programme. An event starting today in...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Газетная статья
The Contribution of Agroecology as a Solution to Hunger in the World: A Review

Evidence from different studies has revealed a great contribution of agro-ecology in solving the world hunger sustainably. Agro-ecology addresses the problems and limitations of industrial agriculture such as inequalities, increased poverty and malnutrition rate, and environment degradation especially climate change; which are the roots causes of hunger in the world...
2019 - Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology

Электронные учебные курсы
Course on Agroecological orchard

This online and face-to-face course in French provides practical knowledge on agronomical techniques from production to marketing. The objective of the distance-learning modules is to become familiar with the environment of Miracle Farms and to acquire basic notions of Agroecology in a diversified orchard through interaction with a trainer and participation...
2019 - GAIA Formation

Good Gardening and Growing Root Crops in Rwanda

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

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Anders Borgen | Nurd of the Niche

Anders Borgen has been an organic farmer for 35 years and has for the past 15 years working as a private organic plant breeder in Northern Jutland, Denmark. He has studied agricultural science and philosophy and has a Ph.D. in Agriculture. Hannes Lorenzen meets Anders Borgen at the European Cereal Diversity...
2019 - Arc 2020

The International Year of Plant Health

Healthy plants constitute the foundation for all life on earth, making up the oxygen we breathe and over 80% of the food we eat. Plant health is the key to the sustainable intensification of agriculture to feed the growing global population by 2050. Thus, recognition, advocacy and support for the...

Agrobiodiversidad y semillas en la agricultura familiar campesina

En este número LEISA enfoca la agrobiodiversidad como “una amplia y compleja expresión de las interacciones entre sociedad y naturaleza, y parte fundamental del patrimonio biocultural”. Desde esa perspectiva es una tarea actual reconocer y resaltar el rol que cumple la agricultura campesina como creadora incesante de nuevas variedades de...
2019 - LEISA

Good Gardening and Growing Root Crops in Rwanda

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...
2019 - Food Plant Solutions

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Agroecology Europe Forum | Apo Kinou – Crete’s Full Farm to Fork Social Co-op

Oliver Moore attended the 2nd Agroecology Europe Forum in Crete recently. In the first of three reports from the island and event, he tells us here about one of the field trips. This was a visit to the inspiring Apo Kinou social coop, where production, distribution, and consumption are all under collective...
2019 - Arc 2020
Total results:4096