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Статья в блоге
Championing Gender Equity and Social Innovation in Organic!

  Karina Gonçalves David is an organic producer in Brazil working towards achieving gender equity in agriculture and beyond. She is the co-founder of Pro Nobis Agroflorestal, one of the directors of the Instituto Brasil Orgânico, and a former coordinator of Rede Ecovida, a Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) in Brazil.   
2023 - Ifoam Organics

Информационный бюллетень
Boletín Agroclimático Regional: mesa técnica agroclimática de Casanare octubre 2023

De acuerdo con la percepción de los integrantes de la MTA de Casanare, septiembre estuvo más seco de lo normal, especialmente en la segunda quincena, época en la que también se incrementó la temperatura diurna del aire Se espera que en octubre de 2023 el acumulado de lluvias sea de...
2023 - Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Статья в блоге
Josephine Francis (Libéria) : « L’agroforesterie est une solution qui a fait ses preuves »

Depuis près de 20 ans, Josephine Francis – vice-présente du Liberian Farmers Union Network (organisation de producteurs) et du ROPPA – élève des animaux et produit sur sa ferme du cacao, du café et du palmier. Après avoir participé au séminaire régional sur l’avenir des sols forestiers en Afrique de l’Ouest, notre interlocutrice originaire...
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Газетная статья
Agroforests as the intersection of instrumental and relational values of nature: gendered, culture-dependent perspectives?

Agroforests exist in many forms, for example, across Indonesia, but are largely absent from policy documents. Development planners have long seen them as backward, but agroforests, or domesticated forests, with high (agro) biodiversity, reconcile instrumental (goal-oriented) and relational (harmony-oriented) values of nature for various stakeholders. Agroforests combine farmer-managed, remnant, and...

Monitoring the challenges of marine and inland small-scale fisherfolks in Ghana

The study provides a description of Ghana's marine and inland Small-Scale Fisheries Organizations (SSFOs), detailing their characteristics, challenges, and awareness of the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication. The report outlines the survey methodology, and covers organization profiles, members' livelihoods, and...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
Assessing impact of agroecological interventions in Niger through remotely sensed changes in vegetation

Water scarcity is a major challenge in the Sahel region of West Africa. Water scarcity in combination with prevalent soil degradation has severely reduced the land productivity in the region. The decrease in the resiliency of food security systems of the marginalized population has huge societal implications which often leads...
2023 - International Journal for Equity in Health

Статья в блоге
International Day of Forests: Questions and answers on the forests-health nexus for Europe and Central Asia

Views and perspectives on key challenges and solutions on forest and health at the global and regional level. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests in 2012 to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests. The theme for each International...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Часть доклада
Rediscovering Ancient Seeds and Hope

It had been a year since I completed my bachelor’s degree in agriculture, but the dilemma of what to do next still continued. “Should I find a job or get a master’s degree? If I am going for master’s degree, which subject should I choose, what is my field of...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

FAO in Europe and Central Asia 2022

FAO’s work in Europe and Central Asia and throughout the world is guided by the FAO Strategic Framework, reviewed every four years. In its support for the 2030 Agenda and its drive for a transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems, the new FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Статья в блоге
Mongabay Explores the Congo Basin: The ‘heart of the world’ is at a turning point

Mongabay Explores, a podcast series delving into the world's unique locations, species, and conservation efforts, kicks off its fourth season by examining the Congo Basin. The region, home to the world's second-largest rainforest, boasts unparalleled biodiversity, including distinctive flora, fauna, and carbon-rich peatlands. In this episode, guests Adams Cassinga, founder...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2023 - Mongabay

Информационный бюллетень
Organic Farm Knowledge platform - Newsletter May 2023

The Organic Farm Knowledge platform (organic-farmknowledge.org) provides access to a wide range of tools and resources about organic farming that can help improve production. We are pleased to share this month’s newsletter with you. We look forward to sharing more news with you in June.
2023 - The Organic Farm Knowledge platform

Can smallholder farmers in Honduras and Guatemala export deforestation-free coffee to the European Union?

The new EU Regulation for Deforestation-Free Imports (EUDR) stipulates that by 2025, certain commodities may only be imported to the European Union if it can be proven that they have been produced on land that has not been subjected to deforestation or forest degradation. One of these commodities – coffee...
Guatemala - Honduras
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Политический обзор/документ
Farmers want nature restoration

On 15 June the European Parliament’s Environment Committee will vote on their report on the Nature Restoration Law. Organic farmers very much contest the unjustified opposition the legislation has faced over the past months and object the constructed narrative that the Nature Restoration Law would threaten food security, or that...
European Union
2023 - Ifoam Organics Europe

Информационный бюллетень
Boletín Agroclimático Regional: mesa técnica agroclimática de Casanare septiembre 2023

Las primeras tres semanas de septiembre de 2023 fueron más secas de lo normal debido al NIÑO en la zona de Paz de Ariporo, Trinidad, San Luis de Palenque, gran parte de Maní y Orocué. De otro lado en el piedemonte y zonas naturalmente lluviosas se han presentado precipitaciones cercanas...
2023 - Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Информационный бюллетень
TP Organics Newsletter - June 2023

TP Organics Newsletter - June 2023
European Union
2023 - TP Organics

CORE Organic Pleiades: International collaboration for organic research

The CORE Organic Pleiades is an international network of 43 partners in 27 countries/regions, that joins forces to fund transnational research projects within the area of organic food and farming. The network is implemented under the Horizon Europe project OrganicTargets4EU. The CORE Organic Pleiades network period began on 1 September 2022 and...
European Union
2023 - CORE Organic Pleiades

Статья в блоге
Sécheresses en Méditerranée : quels leviers d’adaptation pour l’agriculture ?

Les sécheresses et vagues de chaleur en Méditerranée poussent les agriculteurs à mettre en place des stratégies d’adaptation afin de diminuer leur vulnérabilité et assurer leurs rendements. Plusieurs options ont émergé ces dernières années reposant sur une gestion de l’offre et de la demande en eau ainsi que sur des...
2023 - Fondation pour l'Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM)

Contingency planning process for catalysing investments and actions to enhance resilience against sand and dust storms in agriculture in the Islamic Republic of Iran

This report outlines the conceptual framework for sand and dust storms (SDS) hazard risk and vulnerability assessment and mapping in agriculture and provides the elements as part of SDS contingency planning process in agriculture in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Its main purpose is to provide an applicable procedure for using...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The final report of the Alliance for Agroecology held in Guinea Bissau "Declarations and recommendations for agroecology in West Africa"

The regional forum on agroecology was held from December 10 to 13, 2022 in Bissau in the Republic of Guinea Bissau under the theme: “What strategy for the promotion of agroecology in West Africa?  The forum was organized in a context of crises (food, climate, socio-economic, etc.) due in particular to the armed conflicts...
2023 - Alliance for Agroecology in West Africa

Статья в блоге
Publicidad engañosa y desregularizada: Así venden los influencers la comida chatarra a poblaciones vulnerables

En un informe realizado por El Poder del Consumidor y Tec-Check se analizaron casos específicos donde influencers mexicanos venden comida chatarra a través de sus redes sociales o foros. Activistas exigen una ley que regularice este tipo de prácticas en el país
En la nota se presenta un informe acerca de cómo influencers difunden información engañosa para vender alimentos y bebidas ultraprocesadas.
2023 - El Poder del Consumidor
Total results:19524