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Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Kyrgyzstan

This report aims to highlight the current strengths of the institutional DRR system for agriculture in Kyrgyzstan as well as indicate existing gaps and capacity needs to further enhance it. A comprehensive assessment is conducted, which includes a general overview of the country’s agricultural sector and outlines the most frequent...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Статья в блоге
Para todas las mamás que quieran leerme: ¿Cómo llegué a promover una alimentación ecológica y nutritiva?

Provengo de una familia campesina que vivía en una comunidad rural cercana al centro poblado de Quillacollo, en Cochabamba, Bolivia. Recuerdo que cuando era niña mi mamá nos preguntaba ⎯¿Qué quieren comer? ⎯ y siempre contestamos ⎯¡Fideo con asado! ⎯. Era lo que más nos gustaba, y ella nos complacía...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2022 - The Barefoot Guide Connection

Modelo productivo de mango de azúcar (Mangifera indica L.) para el departamento del Magdalena

El mango de azúcar es un fruto pequeño, de color amarillo a rojo en su madurez, aroma y sabor dulce y agradable y bajo contenido de fibra. Todas estas características lo convierten en una fruta muy apetecida en todo el país, un postre saludable, del tamaño adecuado para ser llevado...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Раздел книги
Descripción botánica, taxonomía y clasificación

Los árboles adultos de un cultivo de mango presentan alturas de 3 a 10 m, las cuales dependen de la variedad y el manejo dado mediante podas. Árboles en estado silvestre o no cultivado pueden medir 15 m. Árboles maduros en condiciones favorables de crecimiento (climas cálidos y húmedos) pueden...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Информационный сборник
Boletín de indicadores en ciencia, tecnología e innovación del sector agropecuario: indicadores de inversión pública nacional

La inversión pública agropecuaria proveniente del Fondo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación del Sistema General de Regalías durante el periodo 2012 a 2020 es de $144.899,08 millones por año, lo que lo convierte en una de las principales fuentes sectoriales para desarrollar ACTI a través de los proyectos aprobados. No...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Agroecological stories from practices and experiences of farmers in Ethiopia

Agroecology enables the improvement of agricultural production through the enhancement of local natural resources and traditional know-how. It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and restoring land in drylands, which are particularly threatened by global warming and food insecurity, while contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Within the framework of the AVACLIM project,...

Organic plant breeding and its contribution to food production - LIVESEED

Why does organic farming need organic seed? Discover this and more in LIVESEED's animated video "Organic plant breeding and its contribution to food production". This animation was produced within the LIVESEED project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No....
2022 - Ifoam Organics Europe

Статья в блоге
Do women have a meaningful role in global value chains, and why does this matter?

Smallholder inclusion is seen as one of the avenues to leverage investment, opportunities and better livelihoods into rural areas, and many donors, governments, businesses and development practitioners have worked hard to ‘do’ it well. It can be good for businesses’ CSR (corporate social responsibility) credentials and can help open up new...
2022 - IIED

Report on the added value of the European Network

This document is Deliverable D4.1 in the Work package (WP) 4 “Implementation and Sustainability of the Network” of the ALL-Ready project. WP 4 aims to provide an implementation plan that ensures the added value and sustainability of the European Network of Living Labs and Research Infrastructures capturing and promoting long-term...
European Union
2022 - ALL-Ready - The European Agroecology Living Lab and Research Infrastructure Network

Руководящие принципы
Guidelines for calculation of the agriculture water use efficiency for global reporting

These guidelines are intended to assist countries in understanding the agronomic parameters involved in the computation of the agricultural component of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.4.1 on the change in water use efficiency over time. They provide a detailed explanation of the calculation process for calculation by countries...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Innovaciones en el sector ganadero

Compendio de experiencias en América Latina y el Caribe
Este catálogo presenta un conjunto de 32 innovaciones de 18 países de América Latina y el Caribe, que fueron compartidas a través de un cuestionario digital realizado por la FAO y el IICA, documentando tecnologías, enfoques y herramientas innovadoras aplicadas a las cadenas productivas ganaderas. El catálogo de innovaciones tiene como...
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Статья в блоге
Establishment of water-food-ecosystem nexus targeted household food processing units

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in collaboration with The International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Area (ICARDA) under the regional project “Water Efficiency, Productivity and Sustainability in the NENA region” by enhancing water use efficiency and productivity in dryland agriculture, through activities that involved the...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Статья в блоге
Cultivando Nuestras vidas

Recuerdo que llegué a comienzos de junio del 2016. En el horizonte se observaba un paisaje esplendoroso. En los días despejados, mágicamente aparecían un sinnúmero de montañas formando la cordillera central de Bolivia y en la profundidad del paisaje el majestuoso Río Grande, que como una serpiente en movimiento, divide...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2022 - The Barefoot Guide Connection

Информационный сборник
Componente ambiental: agua y suelo

El suelo proporciona soporte natural y nutrientes para el desarrollo de las plantas. Su adecuado manejo en los sistemas agropecuarios, promueve su conservación y sostenibilidad.
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Статья в блоге
Farmer's story ''Community Food Projects: Emerging from a backyard garden''

It was ten days into the first 21 days of lockdown of the COVID-19 crisis. We, like all other families in our neighbourhood, had stocked food in the house, using the little cash we had on food, in fear that we would not be able to go out and buy,...
2022 - Barefoot Guide Connection, Agroecology Knowledge Hub and Family Farming Knowledge Platform.

Статья в блоге
Redefining smallholder farmer inclusion in modern value chains: three ways forward

Small-scale farmers around the world have long sold their goods into both global and local markets. But over the last 20 years – reflecting a shift towards market-based approaches in international development – foreign aid agencies and NGOs have promoted the inclusion of smallholders in high-end, transnational value chains as...
2022 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Internal report on a comparative study where the anthelmintic activity of heather extracts collected across EU is tested in vitro

Gastrointestinal Nematode (GIN) parasitism is the main health challenge small ruminants face with detrimental consequences on their health, welfare, and economic returns. Gastrointestinal parasite control is usually achieved with the use of anthelmintic drugs. Use of anthelmintics is strictly regulated in the organic sector. However, due to the global spread...
2022 - RELACS

Recognising the benefits of organic farming

A transformation of our agriculture and food systems is urgently needed to combat climate change and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. For that reason, the European Commission has initiated several policies to make the EU food systems sustainable and climate-neutral by 2050. High targets have...
European Union
2022 - Organic Farm Knowledge

FAO in the Pacific 2021

Annual report of FAO Subregional Office for the Pacific Islands
'FAO in the Pacific: 2021 Annual Report' presents the results that FAO-led projects and programmes contributed to the timely and effective joint response by the United Nations family, governments and other partners under various thematic clusters including climate change, emergencies, fisheries and aquaculture. It also looks at longer-term gains made...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO


It’s the first global action day celebrating the people who sustainably grow and handle our food. Organic & agroecological farmers and advocates take to social media to share the challenges they face, how we can support them, and why they choose organic.
2022 - IFoam Organics International
Total results:19117