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Managing leaf spot disease in groundnut

Leaf spot disease is caused by fungi that live in the soil and on crop residues. Before sowing, mix Trichoderma or Pseudomonas powder with compost and spread it on the field. Coat your seeds with Trichoderma or Pseudomonas powder. To reduce the spread of the disease by wind, grow a...
2024 - Access Agriculture

L'espoir au delà des crises - Environnement et climat : quelle agriculture dans les pays du Sud ?

En Afrique de l’Ouest, comme partout dans le monde, les agricultrices et agriculteurs sont les premiers à observer les effets du changement climatique dans leurs exploitations. Pour faire face aux aléas grandissants de la météo, l'intensification écologique et l’agro-écologie sont devenues des alternatives incontournables pour améliorer et rendre l’agriculture plus résiliente.  Martine...
2024 - Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale

Статья в блоге
Opportunities and challenges for coffee production in Papua New Guinea’s highlands

Coffee is one of the most important smallholder cash crops in Papua New Guinea. It accounted for $156 million of export earnings, 13% of agricultural export revenues, and 1.4% of total export revenues in PNG in 2021. According to the PNG Rural Household Survey 2023, approximately 55% of sampled households in the...
Papua New Guinea
2024 - IFPRI

The forest-related finance landscape and potential for just investments

Over the past decade, the forest1-related finance landscape has further grown in complexity. While public and private sources provide financial incentives in support of forested lands and forest-reliant people, financial interests simultaneously drive forest conversion and its attendant negative impacts on society and nature. In this Chapter, we examine the...

Статья в блоге
Who’s afraid of high fertilizer prices?

During 2021 and 2022, global food and fertilizer prices spiked due to several overlapping factors. Demand rose as the world economy emerged from the COVID-19 recession; global supply chains suffered major disruptions associated with the uneven recovery; and the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine—both key food and fertilizer...
2024 - IFPRI

L'espoir au delà des crises - Diabète et obésité : comment lutter contre ces maladies ?

Que ce soit au Niger, au Burkina Faso ou au Mali, les maladies non transmissibles que sont l'hypertension artérielle, l’hyperglycémie, le diabète, sont des problématiques qui ont explosé avec le changement des habitudes alimentaires en ville. Cette alimentation riche en sucre et en graisse cohabite avec une sous nutrition chronique...
2024 - Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale

Газетная статья
Double burden of underweight and obesity: insights from new global evidence

The double burden of malnutrition—the simultaneous manifestation of both undernutrition and overweight and obesity—continues to be a major worldwide public health problem. Having updated data on key malnutrition outcomes is crucial for evidence-based actions to effectively address one of the primary contributors to poor health globally. In The Lancet, the NCD Risk Factor...
2024 - Center for Research and Studies on Culture and Society

Руководящие принципы
Training for Change: A Facilitator’s Guide to Gender-Inclusive Financial Literacy and Land Rights

This interactive and practical training facilitates adult learning and aims to build capacities to apply the concepts learned in everyday life. For example, it includes interactive roleplaying games, scenarios, and guest speakers who share their experiences to model sound financial behaviors.

Политический обзор/документ
Fostering linkages between sustainable wood supply and forest and landscape restoration in Asia and the Pacific

Demand for wood and wood products within the Asia and Pacific region, and exports of wood products from the region, are growing, particularly through rising interest in the forest-based bioeconomy. Wood supply to meet this demand needs to be sustainable, to address climate change, biodiversity loss, poverty and economic development...
2024 - FAO

L'espoir au delà des crises - Environnement : les femmes, piliers du savoir agro-écologique

Si aujourd'hui on parle d’agroécologie, c'est grâce aux savoirs et pratiques des femmes rurales dans l'agriculture vivrière. Leur refuser le droit d’accès à la terre au profit de l’agrobusiness sonne le glas de notre santé environnementale et de notre souveraineté alimentaire. Comment préserver les savoir-faire ancestraux tout en les adaptant aux...
2024 - Comité Français pour la Solidarité Internationale

Газетная статья
Factors influencing household and women’s dietary diversity in migrant households in central Nepal

Food security and dietary diversity, defined as providing either physical (availability) or economic (accessibility) access to food, are linked with access to and control over productive resources and is a highly-gendered phenomenon. In Nepal, labor out-migration has increased household income and may have increased people’s ability to access diverse food...
2024 - International Rice Research Insitute

Газетная статья
Adapting agroforestry to upland farming systems

Narratives from smallholder farmers in Northwest Vietnam
Fruit tree–based agroforestry has been promoted as an alternative farming practice in upland Northwest Vietnam to replace monocultures of staple crops. Although many studies have focused on evaluating the performance of agroforestry systems at the plot level, research on how farmers perceive and evaluate agroforestry considering whole-farm contexts is limited....
Viet Nam
2024 - University of Bonn, Germany

Газетная статья
Biodiversity loss reduces global terrestrial carbon storage

Natural ecosystems store large amounts of carbon globally, as organisms absorb carbon from the atmosphere to build large, long-lasting, or slow-decaying structures such as tree bark or root systems. An ecosystem’s carbon sequestration potential is tightly linked to its biological diversity. Yet when considering future projections, many carbon sequestration models...
2024 - U.S. Geological Survey National Climate Adaptation Science Center

Статья в блоге
Know Why Custodian Farmers are Important in Agrobiodiversity Conservation

Agricultural biodiversity, also known as agrobiodiversity, is crucial for ensuring food and livelihood security. It encompasses the variety and diversity of plants, animals, and microorganisms used directly or indirectly for food, including crops, livestock, forestry, and fisheries. This rich biodiversity results from the co-evolution of natural processes and human activities,...
2024 - Agricultural Extension in South Asia

Газетная статья
Collaboration as a policy instrument in public administration

Evidence from forest policy and governance
In recent decades, collaboration has become a common policy instrument in public administration, both internationally and in Sweden. Inspired by scholarly literature on collaborative governance, the aim of this study is to analyze the crucial role of public administration in the design and implementation of collaborative governance. Drawing on several...
2024 - Umeå University, Sweden

Fertile Futures - Scenario Analysis on the Interconnected Dynamics of Fertiliser and Agricultural Markets

Fertilisers are crucial components of food systems, with impacts beyond agricultural markets. This study utilises the OECD-FAO Aglink-Cosimo model to examine the intricate interplay between fertiliser markets, policies, and their repercussions on agricultural markets, food security, and environmental sustainability over the medium term. Two distinct scenario analyses reveal significant insights....

Газетная статья
Climate services for agriculture: Steering towards inclusive innovation in Australian climate services design and delivery

Highlights Explores the challenges of steering a largescale climate services innovation project towards greater inclusivity. Maximising customisation options for users and avoiding prescriptive interpretation enables greater flexibility of use. Responsible and inclusive approaches to climate services design are valuable even if adopted once development has commenced. CONTEXT Climate services are integral to climate change adaptation in agriculture. Inclusive...
2024 - CSIRO Environment, Australia

Gérer les connaissances des agriculteurs – Bonnes Expériences et Pratiques prometteuses – FO4ACP

En mai 2023, s’est tenu à Kigali, l’Événement de gestion des connaissances du FO4ACP, soutenu par le FIDA et organisé par la PAFO. Il a rassemblé plus de 250 participants, représentant 34 pays. Avec pour thème “Partager les connaissances qui nous rendent plus forts” l’événement visait à échanger les bonnes...
2024 - Organisation Panafricaine des Agriculteurs (PAFO)

¿Una clave de la productividad en el agro? Habilidades para el trabajo

¿Te imaginas un mundo en el que lo que estudias te prepara para trabajar? Nosotros sí. Con este programa de formación técnico-profesional buscamos equipar a los jóvenes con habilidades para las nuevas tecnologías que el sector agropecuario argentino demanda. Descubre más iniciativas del BID para impulsar habilidades para la productividad...
2024 - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)

Технический документ
Guidelines for assessing and developing the tree seed and seedling sector

Key messages Having effective tree seed and seedling delivery systems is key for enabling tree growers to plant trees to provide needed products and services. The situation of tree seed and seedling supply in most places is currently inadequate, however, with growers often using planting material of unknown history and poor performance. To...
Total results:20002