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Газетная статья
How diverse are farming systems on the Eastern Gangetic Plains of South Asia? A multi-metric and multi-country assessment

While crop diversification has many benefits and is a stated government objective across the Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) of South Asia, the complexity of assessment has led to a rather limited understanding on the progress towards, and status of, smallholder crop diversification. Most studies focus on specific commodities or report...
Bangladesh - India - Nepal
2023 - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Adelaide, Australia

Руководящие принципы
Agroforestería: Una Guía

Principios de diseño y manejo agroforestal en beneficio de las personas y del medioambiente
Principios de diseño y manejo agroforestal en beneficio de las personas y del medioambiente La agricultura convencional es muy productiva, pero la alta productividad tiene un costo: suelos agotados o erosionados, cursos de agua contaminados o en proceso de secarse y un sistema alimentario que genera entre el 20 % y...
2023 - Centro para la Investigación Forestal Internacional (CIFOR)

Vibrations against invasive whiteflies in citrus orchards

Orange spiny whiteflies communicate with each other through vibrations. Disruptive vibrations can interfere with their communication and reduce their populations. This method is especially effective when combined with other plant protection strategies.
2023 - RELACS

Информационный сборник
Daños causados por las chinches

Recomendaciones para la identificación temprana, monitoreo y manejo integrado de la roya asiática y el complejo de chinches en el cultivo de la soya en la Orinoquía colombiana.
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Seeing the life in the soil

When many living things are found in the soil, it means that the soil has life, because these little creatures help to decompose organic matter, make nutrients available to plants, and make the soil spongier.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2023 - Access Agriculture

Sustainable control of the greenhouse whitefly: combining solutions

The combined use of disruptive vibrations, orange essential oils (EO) and other plant extracts (PE) significantly reduces the greenhouse whitefly fitness and infestation rates.
2023 - RELACS

Vitamin B2 supplementation for laying and parent hens in organic poultry systems

To optimise feed production costs and reduce dependency on external sources, levels of vitamin B2 supplementation in organic production need to be re-evaluated for several types of animals.
2023 - RELACS

Analysing soil pH and organic matter

Soils that are depleted or heavily leached are often acidic. Soils can also become acidic from the high use of chemical fertilizers. Acidic soil inhibits the bacteria that help organic matter to decompose. Acidic soil makes some nutrients less available to crops. A good soil has a lot of organic...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2023 - Access Agriculture

Раздел "Разное"
Formation Agricole pour la Banane plantain en Afrique

La mallette pédagogique FABA est basée sur une bibliothèque de 13 vidéos pédagogiques détaillant les étapes de production d’une banane plantain, de la plantation du jeune plant à la récolte du régime de fruits, dans le cadre d’une culture sans pesticide. Ces vidéos pédagogiques sont disponibles pour de l’auto-formation des...
2023 - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD)

Distribución, plantas hospederas y ácaros vectores del virus de la leprosis de los cítricos en Colombia

Uno de los mayores limitantes para la producción agrícola mundial es la presencia de plagas y enfermedades que afectan los cultivos y que influyen en su sanidad, disminuyen su rendimiento y obligan, en la mayoría de los casos, a realizar medidas de control, lo cual aumenta los costos de producción....
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Статья в блоге
‘During droughts, pivot to agroecology’: Q&A with soil expert at the World Agroforestry Centre

  As the unabating drought in Kenya persists, pastoralists in the region are struggling as millions of their livestock perish and vast swaths of crops die. About 4.4 million people in the country are food insecure. International food agencies are calling it a dire humanitarian situation and highlight the vital need to...
2023 - Mongabay Series

Cover crops in soil nutrient management in organic orchards

Problem The need for suitable management options in terms of nutrient input, erosion and biodiversity. Solution The use of cover crops in the inter-row can provide several ecosystem services including the provision of nutrients and organic matter to the soil and the fruit crop, reduction of soil erosion or increase of biodiversity Description The video...
2023 - Organic Farm Knowledge

Статья в блоге
7 Planting-Season Tips for Successful No-Till Soybeans

Three No-Till Innovators took the stage at the 2023 National No-Tillage Conference in St. Louis, Mo., for a rapid-fire discussion about no-till soybeans. Allen Berry, a 2008 No-Till Innovator from Nauvoo, Ill., along with Ross Bishop and Stanley Miller, two southeastern Wisconsin no-tillers who are part of the 2022 No-Till Innovator group...
2023 - No-Till Farmer

Promoción de estrategias biotecnológicas interculturales para la producción agroecológica del policultivo basado en fríjol en el Caribe seco colombiano

Colombia un país megadiverso, refiere de igual manera una ingente heterogeneidad y complejidad en las comunidades que en ella habitan; especialmente en los territorios de la periferia confluyen la biodiversidad y la riqueza etnocultural de los pueblos ancestrales. El alcance de la paz total como compromiso del país requiere la...
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Workshop regional: Tomar acción en el sector de la biodiversidad para la alimentación y la agricultura en América Latina y el Caribe

El workshop regional "Tomar acción en el sector de la biodiversidad para la alimentación y la agricultura en América Latina y el Caribe" se enmarca dentro de una serie de cuatro talleres que se celebrarán en diferentes regiones del mundo. Estos eventos se organizan en colaboración con la Federación Internacional de Asociaciones...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Controlling wilt disease in pigeon pea

Fusarium wilt is a fungal disease that lives in the soil and that spreads through infected seeds. The fungus can survive in the soil for about 3 years. Seed treatment improves germination and helps to keep the crop free from diseases that are in the soil or on the seed....
2023 - Access Agriculture

Hornillas paneleras ecoeficientes tipo Cimpa

La hornilla panelera tipo Cimpa de alta eficiencia térmica y bajo impacto ambiental, es el implemento de la unidad productora de panela (trapiche), donde se transforma la energía del bagazo en energía calórica y se transfiere a través de las pailas al jugo extraído de los tallos de caña de...
2023 - Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Тематическое исследование
Sri Lankan farmers reap success through innovative agricultural technologies

Better rain management and improved seed cultivation reinvigorate farmers’ onion production
In his 30 years as a farmer, Illeperuma Arachchilage Rathnayake, or Rathnayake as he’s known in his village, struggled to unlock the full potential of his onion seed cultivation. He began cultivating this crop as a 22-year-old with no official training but relied on lessons and cues from other farmers...
Sri Lanka
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Газетная статья
How to build a crop model. A review

Cropping system models are deployed as valuable tools for informing agronomic decisions and advancing research. To meet this demand, early career scientists are increasingly tasked with building crop models to fit into these system modelling frameworks. Most, however, receive little to no guidance as to how to do this well....
2023 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development

Rootstock and variety selection in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video)

Fruit trees are often grafted onto rootstocks which provide the adaptation to the soil which makes them the long-term foundation for the tree and the orchard. This way the choice of rootstocks and varieties is so important and can thus be selected in a way that can meet the challenges...
2023 - GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique
Total results:2004