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Основная тема

Regional Youth Entrepreneurship Fair

Organized by the Regional Development Agency in Kukes, the “Regional Youth Entrepreneurship Fair” took place on the 21st of December, 2016, at hotel “Gjallica” in Kukes, Albania. The Fair was organized in cooperation with the Kukes Regional Council and in partnership with the Municipality of Dragash from Kosovo*. The main goal of...

Alternatives Rurales - Hors-Série Jeunes Ruraux

Depuis les années 1990, la thématique des jeunes a pris de l’importance dans le débat public au Maroc, que ce soit en termes de renouvellement de la classe politique ou de l’obtention d’emplois pour les jeunes diplômés. En témoignent les mouvements contestataires des jeunes diplômés chômeurs, les politiques d’appui aux...
2016 - Collectif Dynamiques Rurales, Innovations et Développement Durable (DRIDURA)

Статья в блоге
PROCASUR, FAO Y FIDA apoyan el Ministerio de Agricultura en el desarrollo de perfiles de jóvenes y empleo rural decente

Caracterizar la situación de la juventud en términos de empleo rural digno fue el objetivo de un seminario celebrado el 23 y 24 de mayo de 2016, en el Hotel Garden Hill, en Port-au-Prince en Haití. Participaron la Organización del Fondo Internacional de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y...
2016 - Corporación Procasur

Farm-Success project second transnational meeting,

The second transnational project meeting for the Farm-Success Project took place in Jaén, Spain on the 21-22nd April 2016. Representatives from each of the Project’s eight partners attended the transnational meeting; the second meeting of many transnational meetings held throughout the duration of the Project. This second meeting, provided a...

Работа конференции
Agricultural Policy Forum 2016 - Tirana Agenda

The 16th Agricultural Policy Forum (APF), held in Tirana, Albania on 12 – 13 October 2016, brought together around 110 diverse stakeholders from 19 different countries/territories representing relevant international and regional institutions, governmental and non-governmental organizations and academic establishments. The main theme of the APF this year was Evidence – Based...
2016 - SWG RRD

Farmer Field School Guidance Document

Planning for Quality Programmes
This FFS Guidance Document focuses on the process and critical decisions that are necessary when starting a new FFS programme, and guides the reader through the essential steps required to establish a solid basis for such programmes, in tune with the specific local conditions. It also defines the essential elements...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Exploring the High Youth Uptake of Agriculture Employment in West Nile region, Uganda

Of the 35 million people in Uganda, more than 78% of the population are below the age of 30 and 18% are youth aged 18-30 years. Yet 11% of youth are unemployed (9% males and 14% females) and 26% youth are underemployed (28% males and 25% females). These youth unemployment...
2016 - Applied Monitoring and Evaluation Institute (APMEI)

Статья в блоге
Young farmers: CAP progress is ‘still not enough’

In an interview with EurActiv’s partner EFE, the president of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), Alan Jagoe, called for more aid for people new to the industry and criticised national governments for doing more for veteran farmers than their younger counterparts. Although Jagoe conceded that the current Common Agricultural...
European Union
2016 - CEJA

Age of the Farmer

65 is the average age of farmers, and there are not enough young farmers to replace them. How did we get here?

Farm-Success project third transnational meeting

The third transnational project meeting for the Farm-Success Project took place in Rome, Italy on the 15-16th September 2016. Representatives from each of the Project’s eight partners attended the transnational meeting; the third of many transnational meetings held throughout the duration of the Project. This third meeting provided a platform...

Тематическое исследование
Green Gate Organic Farm

The Green Gate Organic Farm is the farm operation part of the National Environment Centre (NEC), a vocational education facility part of TAFE NSW Riverina Institute in New South Wales, Australia. The farm was set up in the mid 1990’s. In the process of planning a number of uncertainties were...
2016 - TAFE Riverina Institute

Conservation Generation

The Colorado River irrigates 15 percent of the nation’s crops, making Western agriculture an issue that is crucial to the lives and dinner plates of all Americans. Conservation Generation is a new short film by the National Young Farmers Coalition that offers a look into the lives of four young...
2016 - National Young Farmers Coalition

Технический документ
Distress Migration and Youth in Protracted Crises

The Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools approach
This note focuses on the topic of distress migration and youth in protracted crises, and the possible solutions from the JFFLS approach, using case studies of FAO interventions. Migration is a common phenomenon in protracted crises, mainly resulting from displacement due to conflict, natural disasters and /or the deterioration of...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Информационный сборник
Rural Youth 15-17. The right season to feed the future

Rural youth are the future of food security and rural poverty reduction. They are also the present, as there are more young people today than ever before – 1.8 billion between the ages of 10 and 24, most of them living in less developed countries and in rural areas. However,...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Информационный сборник
Addressing Rural Youth Distress Migration

Migration out of rural areas is a complex issue, especially when caused by distress and lack of alternatives. The decision to migrate depends on a number of variables, including poverty, food insecurity, lack of employment opportunities, conflicts, natural disasters, poverty employment opportunities, and as well as household and individual characteristics....
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Тематическое исследование
Revitalizing Agroecology in China

China is a large country with diverse agro-ecosystems and numerous different agricultural production systems. These agricultural systems are managed by more than 200 million households who provide agricultural products to meet the needs of almost a fifth of mankind. Agriculture plays numerous key functions, including not only the provision of...
2016 - Institute of Rural Reconstruction of China

Доклад конференции
Small-scale Farmers and Women Empowerment in the Near East and North Africa Region

In the framework of the 33th FAO's Regional Conference for the Near East, this  discussion paper is dedicated to small-scale agriculture.  The majority of agricultural activities in the NENA region involves small-holders (small-scale farmers, pastoralists, forest keepers, fishers and aquaculture farmers) who produce the bulk of fresh food supply. The paper analyses the...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Политический обзор/документ
Scaling-Up Youth Entrepreneurship in Agriculture

Boosting access to jobs through adapted skills training: Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools (JFFLS)
Decent employment is vital in achieving food security and reducing poverty. In impoverished rural communities around the world, men and women often depend solely on the income from their labour, because it is the only asset they have. Employment opportunities are, however, often precarious, poorly remunerated and the conditions in...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Introducing new machinery and market innovations on Eberlin's Apiary

A young Latvian entrepreneur, Krists Ēberliņš, was seeking ways to improve the competitiveness of his apiary. Specifically, he wanted to improve his production processes and at the same time diversify the range of products he could sell. EAFRD support enabled the young entrepreneur to buy new equipment and machinery. These included machinery...

Политический обзор/документ
Developing the knowledge, skills and talent of youth to further food security and nutrition

This document will provide case studies from different regions, that set out the challenges, successes and lessons learned relating to the development of knowledge, skills and capacity for youth in agriculture. Bearing in mind the necessity of addressing various approaches for targeting youth, case studies cover the areas of peer-to-peer...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Total results:486