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Основная тема

What it would take to provide structural solutions to food insecurity in Africa

A few weeks ago, my colleague Francesco Rampa rightly pointed out the need to seek more structural solutions to Africa’s food insecurity, rather than focusing only on short-term emergency responses. An important question remains: how can this be achieved? And where does the much-talked-about African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)...
2022 - ECDPM

Тематическое исследование
An innovation in agricultural science and technology extension system

Case study on science and technology backyard
Food production worldwide is primarily carried out by smallholder farmers. Closing the gap between actual smallholder yield and those achievable through scientific research is vital to increasing the food availability and efficient use of inputs and natural resources. Multiple factors and constraints contribute to these production gaps, including uncoordinated linkages...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Тематическое исследование
Small fish, huge impact

WorldFish under MYSAP programme promoted the production of dried powder made from small indigenous fish species and piloted portable fish driers, designed to reduce contamination risks. The drier keeps the fish covered while drying them, thereby reducing the contamination risk and the pilot test demonstrated improved safety. The dried small...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Информационный бюллетень
Romanian Rural Development Network Newsletter 7/2022

Rural Romania Newsletter 7/2022 - Topics include: Ongoing session sM9.1Producer groups;AgriFish Council 18 July 2022;Wildfires;Come&See Festival;LINC Jeseniky ;Smart rural communities;Workshop Mountain area;Local Development Strategies adhoc seminar&other.
2022 - Romanian Rural Development Network

The coffee industry : a catalyst for change in child labour

Have you ever wondered where your coffee beans come from? Chances are it was prepared in Guatemala, ninth largest coffee exporter in the world. In the remote region of Ixil, far off the beaten tracks of the northern part of the country, low literacy rates and poverty have long plagued...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Статья в блоге
A decade of innovative farmer learning using video

Guest blog dedicated to Access Agriculture 10th Anniversary  Join us in celebrating Access Agriculture’s 10th Anniversary this year. I wish to describe this milestone as “a decade of innovative farmer learning,” achieved through the promotion of agricultural training videos in local languages, such as Yoruba -- my native language -- and...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Manejo agronómico: Preparación del terreno

Es recomendable hacer la preparación del suelo para el cultivo de fríjol voluble cerca de la época de siembra, para así, obtener un terreno más suelto y manejable. Fuente principal Modelo tecnológico para el cultivo de fríjol voluble (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en el departamento de Antioquia Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Статья в блоге
Agrofilm announces the FAO Osiris prize for film on smallholders overcoming adversity

In 1989, a disease outbreak left cocoa plants and production in Brazil’s eastern state, Bahia, fully devastated. The land became abandoned until a group of rural farmers, who used to work on those fields, saw the untapped potential and rehabilitated it. Today, the Brazilian short movie “Two rivers – Cocoa...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Тематическое исследование
Building an industry of the future from treasures of the past

With FAO support, the United Arab Emirates revives its pearling past through sustainable aquaculture practices
When an 8 000-year-old pearl was identified as the oldest ever found, it made global headlines. The natural pearl was found in 2019 during archaeological excavations at Marawah Island in Abu Dhabi, one of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The pearl industry was once the cornerstone of the UAE’s economy, when...
United Arab Emirates
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

UN-Nutrition Journal. Volume 1: Transforming nutrition

The UN-Nutrition Journal is an annual thematic peer reviewed journal, focusing on perceived knowledge gaps and emerging nutrition issues and providing a space to exchange ideas on what works and how, and to identify innovative approaches to enable action. Importantly, UN-Nutrition Journal gives voice and opens the academic publication space...
2022 - UN-Nutrition


Have you ever asked yourself what is needed so that you can enjoy some delicious tortillas? Do you think you only need maize? Of course, maize is key but by simply grinding it you can’t make tortillas, tostadas or delicious tlayudas (large maize crisps). There is an ancient technique called...
2022 - Biodiversidad Mexicana

Report on National Workshop on SSF Guidelines and Women in Fisheries, India, 8 -10 April, 2022, Asha Nivas Social Service Centre, Chennai, India

The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) Trust organized a national workshop on the SSF Guidelines and Women in Fisheries, India at Asha Nivas Social Service Centre, Chennai, India, on April 8-10, 2022. There were sixtyone participants from five coastal states of Goa, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and West...
2022 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

FAO in the Near East and North Africa – Mid-year highlights

This report presents a summary of the main highlights and results achieved by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region from January to June 2022. The report is organized according to the four regional priorities: 1. Rural transformation and...
2022 - FAO in the Near East and North Africa

Global Land Outlook 2022

According to the latest Global Land Outlook report, from South Africa, where unprecedented floods this month washed away farmland, to the excessive logging of Kenya's mountain forests, Africa is fast losing healthy land, putting millions of people at risk of hunger and losing their homes and incomes. Factors such as...
2022 - United Naitons Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)

Газетная статья
Roundup: news, events, briefings and more. Samudra Report No.87

The Roundup includes recent publications, films added to our Documentation centre, meetings coming up, websites  which are important to small-scale fisheries, flashback of editorial from old issues of samudra report related to the theme  and Endquote from the world of literature related to fisheries. 
2022 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Работа конференции
D’une agroécologie de projets à une politique agricole agroécologique

Plusieurs organisations membres de la Plateforme souveraineté alimentaire mettent en œuvre des projets d’appui à des pratiques agroécologiques, notamment en Afrique sub-saharienne. Ces projets forment des paysans et paysannes-ressources, qui ensuite transmettent leurs connaissances et leurs pratiques à d’autres familles paysannes. Les bénéfices des pratiques agroécologiques sont de mieux en mieux...
2022 - www.souverainetealimentaire.org

Manejo agronómico: riego

Regar adecuadamente es conocer cuándo y cuánto regar. Para el caso de la lima ácida Tahití, se realiza con un sistema localizado de alta frecuencia. (goteo o microaspersión) Fuente principal Modelo productivo de lima ácida Tahití (Citrus × latifolia Tanaka ex Q. Jiménez) para Colombia Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio Institucional...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Report on Asia Workshop – IYAFA 2022: Celebrating Sustainable and Equitable Small-scale Fisheries, 4 – 8 May, 2022, The Berkeley Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand

International collective in support of fishwokers (ICSF) in partnership with Sustainable Development Foundation (SDF) Thailand had organized an International Workshop titled “IYAFA 2022-Celebrating Sustainable and Equitable Small-scale Fisheries: Asia” from 4 to 8 May 2022 at Bangkok, Thailand. The Asia workshop was the first of the series of four regional...
2022 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Технический документ
Un périmètre agroforestier en République démocratique du Congo

Ce carnet retrace l’accompagnement conduit par le Gret pour la création d’un périmètre agroforestier dans la province du Haut-Katanga en République démocratique du Congo, et la façon dont s’est structurée sa gouvernance. En réponse à la pression grandissante sur l’écosystème de miombo, dégradé par l’urbanisation, la production de charbon de bois...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2022 - Gret

Газетная статья
Transforming food systems with trees and forests

The global food system is failing to deliver sufficient and nutritious food to all, while damaging the earth and unsustainably drawing down its resources. We argue that trees and forests are essential to solving these challenges. We outline the current contributions of trees and forests to the global food system...
Total results:19470