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Основная тема

Leafy Greens and Vegetables in Cameroon (French)

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Статья в блоге
Empowering Rural Women and Youths in Papua New Guinea on Group Leadership & Agri-Business Management

EU-STREIT PNG addresses gender-based violence and its subsequent negative impact on inclusive participation and transformational change in seven remote villages in Sandaun Province. Vanimo, Papua New Guinea – A 5-day intensive training workshop on establishing and organising agri-business groups, with a focus on Group Leadership and Business Management skills, was recently organised...
Papua New Guinea
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Jornadas de extensión rural: la extensión en la actualidad

Aprendizajes y desafíos para el desarrollo territorial
Libro de resúmenes, dividido en tres ejes: Eje temático 1: formación en extensión rural Este eje reúne los aportes que apuntan a la implementación de espacios de formación formales y no formales para diferentes actores de la extensión rural (estudiantes, profesionales del medio, miembros de instituciones y organizaciones sociales, redes de promotores,...
2022 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario


We cannot end hunger and poverty without empowering both men and women farmers.  Today, agriculture and food systems face an unprecedented array of challenges. We must feed a growing global population in a context of persisting and emerging economic, environmental and social concerns. These include price volatility, market insecurity, conflicts, protracted...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Статья в блоге
Employment in Italian agriculture: what visibility for women?

To enhance the visibility of women and their role in rural areas and to support efforts that may overcome major structural challenges that disempower women and discriminate against them, CREA – Centre for Policy and Bioeconomy, as part of the National Rural Network, is holding a series of meetings on...
2022 - EU CAP Network

When it comes to gender in agriculture - roles, relation and norms

This practice explains the gender fundamental roles, relations and norms in the agricultural setting. It intends to clarify the concepts, understand the environment and raise awareness on gender roles, relations and norms for a better agricultural sustainable environment. This practice aims to assist extension and advisory services trainees in increasing...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Статья в блоге
''Rotti, rice or ragi? Let the women choose''

It was early February 2020. I was headed off with my camera crew, our field officer – Kumar and our NGO partner from Bagalkot to visit and film some Fiar Price shops. There were muttered rumors of a virus called COVID. WhatsApp messages, sounding the alarm of a pandemic, were...
2022 - Barefoot Guide Connection, Agroecology Knowledge Hub and Family Farming Knowledge Platform.

Food Plants for Healthy Diets in Ethiopia (Amharic)

Formed in 2007, Food Plant Solutions Rotary Action Group (FPS) creates science-based educational materials, which: identify highly nutritious local food plants, explain how to grow them in a sustainable, agroecological way, detail the nutritional value of the plants and describe why human bodies require those nutrients. The resources created by FPS allows people to better...

Руководящие принципы
UN Women Evaluation Handbook: How to manage gender-responsive evaluation (2022)

Image UN Women Evaluation Handbook: How to manage gender-responsive evaluation (2022) Publication year: 2022 Gender-responsive evaluation is a priority area for UN Women and serves three key purposes: To demonstrate accountability to stakeholders; To provide credible and reliable evidence for decision-making; and To contribute important lessons learned about normative, operational, and coordination work. With the aim of...
2022 - UN Women

Achieving SDG indicator 5.a.2 in the Western Balkans and beyond

Partnerships for gender equality in land ownership and control
FAO and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH have been providing support to the Western Balkans region to promote progress on gender equality, with a focus on measuring the proportion of countries where the legal framework guarantees women’s equal rights to land ownership and/or control.
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The CFI in action: empowering women in fisheries value chains

Empowering women in fisheries value chains is key to ensuring thriving coastal communities and ecosystems and to achieving the SDGs.
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Статья в блоге
A young Kenyan mother turns into a successful organic entrepreneur to promote safe and healthy food for children

Today, she is well known in Kenya and beyond for her successful organic business ‘Sylvia’s Basket,’, which she launched in 2016 in Limuru, central Kenya. But at heart, Sylvia Kuria remains the same young mother, who decided over 12 years ago to produce organic vegetables in her kitchen garden, so...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Farmers success in Liberia

Le Roppa a procédé le 19 juin dernier au lancement d’une série de films produits en partenariat avec SOS Faim Belgique et mettant en lumière des réussites paysannes. Le premier traite de la commercia-lisation des arachides au Sénégal et d’une expérience de contrac-tualisation qui a permis d’augmenter la production et...
2022 - Réseau des Organisations Paysannes et des Producteurs de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ROPPA)

Информационный сборник
Reseña de agricultura familiar - Reunión Especializada de Agricultura Familiar del MERCOSUR (REAF)

La agricultura familiar (AF) es uno de los sectores clave para lograr la seguridad alimentaria. Esta es reconocida como un sujeto agrario específico y sus aportes al desarrollo económico y social armónico de los territorios rurales y la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional ha ganado creciente visibilidad en cada una de...
2022 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Тематическое исследование
Fisherwomen at work

Women in Oman, Nigeria and Guyana advance the fisheries and aquaculture sector
For generations, it was mistakenly viewed as a man’s world. Women have always been there, but fisheries and aquaculture are now seeing a surge in women starting their own businesses in all areas of the sector. Today, more than 50 million women are involved in fisheries and aquaculture around the world...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Статья в блоге
What is a women’s association about?

In Ecuador, community organiser, Ing. Guadalupe Padilla, has told me that belonging to a group can help women gain leadership experience. Women become leaders as they work in a group, not in isolation. Guadalupe has helped to organise several such groups. Like a story, the group has to be about...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Empowering women farmers

A mechanization catalogue for practitioners
Rural women across the world work along agri-food value chains performing numerous agricultural operations. Their work is increasingly affected by land degradation, climate change impacts and out-migration. It is often unrecognized, unqualified and unpaid. Moreover, the traditional division of labour often relegates women to manual, time-consuming operations with high degrees...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Conversatorio virtual: Los retos de la producción de un repositorio digital sobre la memoria de trabajadores/as rurales

Este material da cuenta del Conversatorio virtual denominado Los retos de la producción de un repositorio digital sobre la memoria de trabajadores/as rurales. Esta actividad virtual fue desarrollada por el Grupo de Trabajo CLACSO Trabajo agrario, desigualdades y ruralidades.  
2022 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

Раздел "Разное"
Las mujeres rurales en la agricultura familiar

Díptico que repasa la situación de las mujeres rurales en la agricultura familiar en ALC, incorporando datos de Argentina, Colombia, Perú, Ecuador y Guatemala. Este material ha sido producido por dos plataformas regionales "Mujer rural y derecho a la tierra" y "Agricultura Familiar" que impulsa la International Land Coalition en América Latina...
Argentina - Colombia - Ecuador - Guatemala - Peru
2022 - International Land Coalition América Latina y el Caribe

Women, Sustainable Ecosystem Management and Climate Change adaptation in the Andean region: A policy-oriented review

This report summarizes the findings of a literature review on women's management of terrestrial ecosystems in the Andes. This review was conducted with the purpose of characterizing the scientific knowledge, including gaps, which guide public policy and decision making regarding women's roles in the context of biodiversity and climate change. ...
2022 - Consorcio para el Desarrollo de la Ecorregión Andina
Total results:2163