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Webinar: Stock-take report on agroecology in IFAD operations: An integrated approach to sustainable food systems

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) invites you to the launch of IFAD’s first comprehensive report on a holistic approach to sustainable production and food systems. Based on a stock-take of recent IFAD-supported projects assessing their promotion of agroecology, this learning session will discuss key findings and recommendations for more...
2021 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Статья в блоге
Let’s Celebrate CSA Day (and CSA Week) !

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is the name we give to a diversity of approaches that all aim to strengthen direct farmer-eater relationships. This includes sharing risks and benefits. This is the essence of CSA. #CSADay was first launched in 2015 by Small Farm Central as a sign-up day in the USA. Since then, CSA...
2021 - Urgenci

Доклад конференции
Hacia la sociedad del cuidado: los aportes de la Agenda Regional de Género en el marco del desarrollo sostenible

La desigualdad de género ha sido históricamente un rasgo estructural en América Latina y el Caribe, que está en la base de la insostenibilidad del modelo de desarrollo dominante. A su vez, la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19), además de profundizar los nudos estructurales de la desigualdad de género,...
2021 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Sustainable Agricultural Land Management (SALM) booklet for children

Table of Contents 1. AgroforestryWhat is agroforestrySALMImportance of TreesCommon Agroforestry TreesCommon Agroforestry Fruit TreesWhy do we need treeHow to plant a tree 2. Climate ChangeWhat is climate change?What causes climate changeWhat are the solutions 3. Clean & Safe EnvironmentReduce and reuseRecycle 4. Nutritional GardenColour and Name VegetablesCOlour and Name FruitsBenefits of having a nutritional...
2021 - Vi Agroforestry

Статья в блоге
Afrique de l’Ouest : les paysans se mobilisent pour la biodiversité agricole

Les agriculteurs s’adaptent face à cette évolution mais dans leurs dynamiques, plusieurs aspects rentent encore largement méconnus. Il s’agit notamment  des  espèces qu’ils choisissent,  leurs sources d’approvisionnement en semences, etc.  Depuis quatre ans une équipe de chercheurs du Cirad de Montpellier, en lien avec cinq institutions académiques et quatre organisations paysannes du Niger, du...
Burkina Faso - Mali - Niger - Senegal
2021 - CIRAD

Manejo integrado de plagas bajo esquemas de producción intensivos

El daño ocasionado por una plaga es el resultado de la interacción de una planta susceptible a cualquier especie vegetal o animal o agente patógeno que en un ambiente favorable para su desarrollo conlleva al detrimento económico de la actividad productiva. Más información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio Institucional (BAC) Podcast Dimensions Agriperfiles Google Scholar LaReferencia Redalyc Redcol ResearchGate ...
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Network

MOAN is an institutional platform for representatives of Ministries in charge of agriculture to exchange data, knowledge and experience for the development of Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. MOAN is a tool to promote cooperation and policy dialogue for sustainable production and consumption patterns in changing Mediterranean communities and territories, through the diffusion...
2021 - Mediterranean Organic Agriculture Network - MOAN

Статья в блоге
A Lost alpine agriculture

As more youth move to cities, in Africa, but also in South Asia and Latin America, development experts worry about the future of rural communities. So, we can learn a lesson by taking a glimpse at a region where most youth left agriculture some three generations ago.
France - Portugal
2021 - AgroInsight

Encuesta de las Naciones Unidas sobre Juventudes de América Latina y el Caribe dentro del Contexto de la Pandemia del COVID-19

En el contexto de la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19), las entidades del sistema de las Naciones Unidas en América Latina y el Caribe integrantes del grupo de trabajo sobre juventud de la Plataforma de Colaboración Regional para América Latina y el Caribe impulsaron la realización de una encuesta...
2021 - Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL)

Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples

An opportunity for climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean
The document summarizes the report that, based on a review of more than 250 studies, demonstrates the importance and urgency of climate action to protect the forests of the indigenous and tribal territories of Latin America as well as the indigenous and tribal peoples who protect them. These territories contain...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Repenser le modèle de développement agricole du Maroc pour l’ère post Covid-19

Le secteur agricole constitue une activité importante au Maroc, représentant 14 % du produit national brut et employant 40 % de la population active. Avec l’émergence de la pandémie de la Covid-19, il a été ébranlé par des incertitudes économiques et par la distanciation physique qui a accentué les contraintes du travail. Toutefois,...
2021 - Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hasan II, Rabat, Maroc

Раздел книги
Desarrollo tecnológico de biofertilizantes en Colombia: Experiencia en Agrosavia

El desarrollo tecnológico de biofertilizantes requiere el trabajo en equipo de especialistas en diversas disciplinas que abarcan la biología, la ingeniería agrícola, la microbiología, la ingeniería química y la química farmacéutica, entre otras, con el fin de aplicar sus conocimientos y experiencia en las diferentes etapas de investigación en campo,...
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

EU Global Food and Nutrition Security - Agroecology

Agroecology designs sustainable agroecosystems by applying ecological and agronomic concepts and principles. Ecosystem services functional to crop growth (e.g. soil quality, pollination, natural pest control) are maximised through appropriate resource management and farming practices. The use of synthetic inputs is reduced to the minimum or eliminated. The nutrient cycle is...
European Union
2021 - European Commission

Информационный сборник
Agroforestry for the Right to Food

Agroforestry benefits which make it the most suitable food system for ensuring the right to food for all: 1. Diversified and nutritional diet, from fruits and vegetables, nuts and palms, mushrooms, fodder and forage, and animal source foods (rabbits, fish, insects). 2. Increasing income by higher production of agroforestry products and crops...
2021 - Vi Agroforestry

Call for collaborators for the “European Consumer Food Waste Forum”

In order to support the development of the pilot project European Consumer Food Waste Forum and address prevention of food waste at the level of consumers, the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety is seeking support of the Joint Research Centre. In this regard, the Joint Research Centre is looking...
European Union
2021 - European Commission

Статья в блоге
Breaking bread

A Turkish female farmer transforms tensions in her village into bread-winning opportunities
Naile lives in a small Turkish rural town called Yolu, situated in the district of Suruç, Şanlıurfa province, a few kilometres from Syria. From afar, she used to watch her neighbours in Kobani, Syria, through the wire mesh of the border fence. With her neighbours she shared the Kurdish language...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Статья в блоге
Letter From The Farm | Welcome to Ciasnocha Family Farm

Welcome to Ciasnocha Family Farm – a 730 ha regenerative grassland farm in the Vistula delta of northern Poland. In his first Letter From The Farm, Mateusz Ciasnocha walks us through what’s involved throughout the year on his farm. But first, Mateusz gives us a whistlestop tour of the farm’s...
2021 - ARC2020

Organic Innovation Days 2021: A successful demonstration of promising innovations

The Organic Innovation Days 2021, TP Organics’ annual public event and the only EU event on research and innovation for organic agriculture, was successfully held online on 30 November and 1 December, under the title “Better inputs for organic agriculture”.

Информационный сборник
The Moroccan landscape, traditions and communities behind argan and its oil

Just south of the busy city of Agadir lies the rural Chtouka Ait Baha region of Morocco. Despite its proximity to several spots along Morocco’s tourist trail, Chtouka Ait Baha’s empty desert mountainscapes are worlds away from the colourful, bustling streets of the country’s cities. However, the relatively remote area...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Modelo productivo para el cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) para el departamento de Santander

El modelo productivo que se ofrece en el presente documento resulta importante dado el panorama descrito hasta aquí. El documento muestra la actualidad del sector cacaotero en Santander y brinda información sobre la oferta tecnológica que AGROSAVIA y otros actores han desarrollado para el departamento. El fin de esta oferta...
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)
Total results:19470