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Youth, Employment and Developing Rural Areas - UN Decade of Family Farming

Almost one-third of the population in Europe and Central Asia live in rural areas and face multiple challenges, in view of the predominance of small family farms in many countries of the region. There are several concurrent and interconnected development constraints, including poverty, food insecurity, inequality, unemployment, and risk of...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO

Good Practices and Lessons Learned in the implementation of the UNDFF 2019-2028

Lessons learned, good practices, challenges, and opportunities.
The World Rural Forum (WRF), with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), carried out a study to monitor the progress in the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 (UNDFF) through National and Regional / Subregional Action Plans on Family...
2020 - World Rural Forum (WRF)

Rotational grazing for organic pregnant sows to replace protein components (OK Net Ecofeed)

Background • In France, 50 % of organic sows are raised in free range systems • 80 % of the production cost are feed costs The Classical feed for pregnant sows consists of 40 % Cereals, 16% Maize 20% Wheat Bran, Minerals, dried Alfalfa, and about 15 % of protein...
2020 - The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)

Roof top rainwater harvesting: concrete tank

The rooftop rainwater harvesting system uses a concrete tank designed to improve household access to water during the hot and dry seasons. A 16 cubic metre concrete tank situated in the shadow of the house is constructed to retain rainwater collected by the roof guttering. The purpose of the tank...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Feeding Insects for Organic Layers (OK-Net EcoFeed)

ed, it can be assumed that the feeding of live insects or insect larvae is possible. The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FIBL has carried out two feeding trials on laying hens on both processed and live insect larvae. Reduction of soy with insect larvae meal In a feeding trial...
2020 - OK Net Ecofeed

Alimentation des porcs : l’effet de l’ensilage d’herbe sur les ulcères de l’estomac

L’ajout d’ensilage d’herbe réduit les ulcères de l’estomac. (OK-Net EcoFeed Slideshow)      
2020 - OK-Net EcoFeed

Piccole strutture, nascondigli per animali selvatici - come costruire mucchi di rami e pietre

Le piccole strutture come i cumuli di rami e pietre valorizzano l'habitat degli animali selvatici nel paesaggio rurale. Nel video, Cristina Boschi di WIN Wieselnetz mostra come costruire dei mucchi di rami e pietre. Se contengono un nido rifugio, essi sono particolarmente adatti per le donnole e gli ermellini. Questi...
2020 - The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)

Produzione innovativa in serra: fasce fiorite, consociazione, pacciamatura vegetale

L’azienda sperimentale del GRAB è uno dei cinque siti sperimentali del progetto CORE Organic Cofund"Greenresilient". In questa prova abbiamo due tunnel in cui testiamo alcune pratiche agronomiche. L'obiettivo è rendere il sistema di produzione biologico in ambiente protetto più efficiente, resiliente e robusto. In questi esperimenti stiamo testando una combinazione...
2020 - CORE Organic

#IGrowYourFood - Meet Alymov, a rural service provider from Kyrgyzstan

Meet Alymov, a rural service provider from Kyrgyzstan, for #IGrowYourFood. 🇰🇬 Hear what he has to say about why worms play an important role in organic farming.
2020 - IFOAM - Organics International

BioDiVerger – les principes de base d’un verger riche en biodiversité et en innovations

https://www.bioactualites.ch/cultures... Découvrez le BioDiVerger, situé à Morges sur le domaine pédagogique de la Direction Générale de l’Agriculture, de la Viticulture et des Affaires Vétérinaires du canton de Vaud (DGAV), né de la collaboration entre cette dernière, le FiBL et la Ferme des Sapins. Ce verger expérimental, composé d’un verger-épicerie inspiré des...
2020 - The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)

Vicepresidenta del FIDA pone en valor los bienes comunes como las semillas

La vicepresidenta del Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA), Marie Haga, destaca el valor de los “bienes comunes” como las semillas e invita a los países a cooperar más en un mundo tan interdependiente como el actual.
2020 - EFE-AGRO

Статья в блоге
Trying it yourself

Helping to write a script for a farmer training video on vermiwash triggered my interest in trying it out myself, as I began to wonder if ideas from tropical India could work in temperate Belgium.
Belgium - India
2020 - Access Agriculture

Le contrôle du vérâtre blanc (Veratrum album)

No description
2020 - The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)

Статья в блоге
Europe and Central Asia call for more sustainable and innovative agriculture

On the final day of the 32nd Session of the Regional Conference for Europe, FAO Members from Europe and Central Asia reinforced their commitment to transform agri-food systems through innovation, digital technologies and sustainable practices, as well as create inclusive growth in rural areas, taking into account the impacts of the...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO

Статья в блоге
Kazakhstan works toward securing precious pastures for future generations

Sustainable pasture management in Kazakhstan, including the basics of desert pasture animal husbandry and forage production in dry conditions, the introduction of field school approaches for livestock farmers, and many other aspects were discussed during FAO’s recent virtual training. “Sustainable management ensures the long-term use of pastures and allows for the...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO

Статья в блоге
FAO: With joint actions, we can recover from the current crisis

A wide range of actors were brought together by FAO’s virtual regional dialogue on scaling up the response of food and agriculture sectors to the COVID-19 crisis with the ultimate goal of protecting livelihoods and transforming food systems. As a baseline, the UN Agency presented its Regional Response Plan providing evidence-based solutions...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Статья в блоге
FAO discusses youth and employment for vibrant rural areas in Europe and Central Asia

Almost one-third of people in Europe and Central Asia live in rural areas, and in many countries, farm structures are dominated by small family farms cultivating less than 5 ha each. Their resilience and strength are crucial not only for rural development, but also for providing nutritious produce from sustainable...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO

Технический документ
Breeding strategies for sustainable genetic improvement of Caucasian and Carpathian Brown cattle breeds

The aim of FAO project TCP/RER/3604 was to elaborate breeding goals and plans for breeding and breed development of Caucasian Brown Cattle in Armenia and Georgia and Carpathian Brown Cattle in Ukraine. As a first step, information was collected about the breeds themselves and the environments in which they are...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Статья в блоге
Analysis on the state of small farms in Albania can advance their future

As a country with a significant agricultural sector dominated by smallholders, Albania has a strong interest in understanding their situation. A new FAO study on Albanian smallholders is a crucial step towards evidence-based decision-making for the benefit of some 300 000 small farms and the Albanian countryside.
2020 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations FAO

Электронные учебные курсы
European MSc Agroecology: ISARA-Lyon, France and Norwegian University of Life Sciences

The European MSc Agroecology is coordintated by a consortium consiting of FESIA, France and NMBU, Norway. For the two-year programme a double degree is delivered. The European MSc Agroecology is a two-year programme, professionally oriented, to study interactions among agricultural, food and environmental sciences in a socially oriented and action driven...
France - Norway
2020 - ISARA-Lyon, France (on behalf of the FESIA consortium, France) and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway
Total results:1302