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Anuario 2020 - Agricultura Familiar en España

Un año más, el Anuario de la Agricultura Familiar en España sale a la luz gracias a la Fundación de Estudios Rurales, entidad creada en el año 2000 en el seno de UPA con el objetivo de impulsar el estudio y debate de todos los aspectos culturales, económicos, sociales y...
2020 - UPA

Co‒Creating Knowledge for Action with Women Pastoralists in Spain

This report begins to address the vast gap in knowledge about the roles and experiences of women in extensive livestock management systems in Spain. Throughout recent history, women’s roles in these systems have been largely invisible and no research has systematically examined the experiences of women pastoralists. The methodology applied...
2020 - Trashumancia y Naturaleza

Статья в блоге
Africa: From Brazil to Kenya, Coronavirus Widows Lose Their Husbands and Then Their Land

With COVID-19, women around the world are being evicted and forced to marry male relatives hungry for land
2020 - https://allafrica.com/

The Rural Development Report 2019

Nearly 1 billion of the world’s 1.2 billion youth aged 15-24 reside in developing countries. Their numbers are growing far more rapidly in lower income countries than in higher income countries, particularly in rural areas. In fact, rural youth make up around half of all youth in developing countries. The...
2020 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Статья в блоге
Encuestas sobre el impacto de la pandemia en las mujeres

La investigadora del IDAES y CLACSO, Karina Bidaseca, lidera un relevamiento online para comprender cómo se han reorganizado las vidas de las mujeres en mayor situación de vulnerabilidad en Argentina, a partir de la pandemia. La iniciativa tiene el apoyo de la Unidad COVID-19. Estudios previos muestran que han aumentado...
2020 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

Evaluación final conjunta de los proyectos “Fortalecimiento de los procesos de restitución de tierras y territorios” y “Comunidades rurales resilientes para la construcción de paz”

En agosto 2019, la Embajada de Suecia en Colombia solicitó la Oficina de Evaluación de la FAO (OED) a realizar una evaluación final de dos proyectos en forma conjunta para proporcionar recomendaciones que pudieran apoyar tanto a la Embajada de Suecia y FAO Colombia a implementar un nuevo proyecto, “Transformación...
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Статья в блоге
Empowering sustainability in Ghana

Sometimes, it is not so easy for people to embrace sustainability instead of some “not so sustainable” practices which could be beneficial as far as their income is concerned.
Without a single doubt, sustainability holds the key to food security along with education, woman empowerment and gender equality. Sulemana Hibbatullah Wunpini is a gender activist fighting for women and girls’ rights while seeking for equality. She constantly seeks for opportunities to speak in public for everything she stands for...
2020 - Food Security Center

Статья в блоге
Women's Empowerment in Agriculture is Essential to COVID-19 Survival and Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic presents a devastating threat to lives and livelihoods around the world. Many development organizations and research institutions are raising their voices and calling for governments, policymakers, donors, and implementers to pay attention to the gender-specific risks and impacts of the outbreak to ensure response efforts are equitable...
2020 - AgriLinks

BOND Gaming Booklet

A Blueprint for Creating Playful Working Environments
The BOND Project (Bringing Organisations & Network Development to higher levels in the Farming sector in Europe) developed a blueprint for creating playful working environments to be used to develop engaging interfaces between farmers and policy makers throughout the project's activities. Research has shown that playful initiaives such as Gamification, Serious...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2020 - The BOND Project

Технический документ
Legal considerations in responses to COVID-19 to mitigate the risk of disruption to fisheries and aquaculture food systems

This brief identifies some of the areas that governments have intervened through emergency law to strengthen a resilient fisheries and aquaculture food supply chains and illustrates how these regulatory measures can be adopted by other countries thereby contribute to ensuring food security and economic development for all especially the indigenous...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Resilience stories from Africa

FAO has been working in Africa for over 50 years, providing technical and policy expertise to governments, partners and communities. Resilience is a critical part of our work in Africa as the region has been plagued with natural and human-made disaster. FAO has been supporting communities, particularly smallholder communities, to...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Impact of COVID-19 on Farmers in Dungarpur, India

Bhavnaben Suthar of Dungarpur, India is a farmer and master trainer for SEWA Manager Ni School. She grows various crops including wheat, chana, and sarso in her farmland. The majority of farmers in their area also grows vegetables. However, their livelihood is deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. As her farm...
2020 - SEWA

Impact of COVID-19 on Farmers in Sagwara, India

It is now harvest season in Sagwara district in India. However, the country was placed under lockdown to contain the spread of COVID-19. In effect, harvesting machines and laborers are not allowed to go outside or to travel to other villages. Without help from laborers, farmers will not be able...
2020 - SEWA

Газетная статья
Food production and gender relations in multifunctional landscapes: a literature review

High expectations are put to multifunctional land use systems that they can provide solutions to the increasing global demand for land and food. In this literature review, we ask whether multifunctional landscapes hold specific opportunities for women in enhancing food production and security in a context of gender inequality guided...

Impact of COVID-19 on Farmers in India

In Gamda Bamaniya village in India, many farmers cultivate wheat. However, right now they face challenges in terms of their livelihood. It is the harvest season now, but due to the lockdown being implemented in the country to stop the spread of COVID-19, laborers from other villages cannot travel to...
2020 - SEWA

THE BARN - A repository of collective action stories

Inside the Barn you’ll find different examples of collective action in sustainable agriculture, marketing and the environment. Some are works in progress, some are works concluded, others are just at the start or even a plan of a project with an expected impact. They are united by a common objective...
2020 - The BOND Project

Women’s empowerment through collective action: how can forest and farm producer organisations can make a difference

This research report explores different organisational structures and social and cultural services from a gender-equality and women’s empowerment perspective. More specifically, it examines how access to social and cultural services can facilitate women’s participation in economic and political life. The producer organisation business model provides advantages in creating job opportunities...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Политический обзор/документ
Gendered impacts of COVID-19 and equitable policy responses in agriculture, food security and nutrition

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, many countries are adopting measures to control the spread of the virus. While the health aspects of the pandemic have not affected rural areas as much as urban centres, containment measures pose new challenges to rural women with regards to their roles in household food...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Политический обзор/документ
Can cooking solutions for refugees better serve gender dynamics?

Cooking in refugee camps is complex. To feed their families, women and girls must often collect firewood outside the camps, exposing them to the risk of gender-based violence (GBV). Interventions that seek to reduce this risk, such as cleaner cooking solutions, can also create opportunities for participation in other activities,...
Niger - Rwanda - United Republic of Tanzania
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Электронные учебные курсы
Primer ciclo gratuito de microcursos de desarrollo rural 2020

El área de extensión de Rimisp ha organizado este primer ciclo de cinco microcursos para este año en torno al tema central del desarrollo territorial. Las clases se realizarán entre el 22 de abril y el 20 de mayo, todos los miércoles a las 12:00 horas Chile (-3 GMT). Temáticas como...
2020 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)
Total results:2163