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Основная тема

Sustainable agrifood value chains and inclusive agribusiness in the Mediterranean Region

FAO, CIHEAM and the EBRD are convening high-level policymakers, key players from private sector companies, co-operatives and producer organizations, governments, banks, academics and journalists to raise awareness and increase agricultural investment in the Mediterranean. Co-chaired by high-level representatives of the three Organizations, the Forum’s objective is to share good practices and elaborate policy messages in...
2016 - International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Газетная статья
Water governance under uncertainty: the case study of Users’ Associations in Lebanon

Governance of water use for irrigation is a challenging topic, due to alteration in climatic patterns and the resulting resource scarcity in arid and semi-arid regions. Success stories can turn quickly into failures when significant disturbances occur. This contribution focuses on the institutional analysis to highlight factors which enable or...
2016 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Статья в блоге
La Tunisie adoptera l’économie solidaire et sociale en tant que levier du développement

Des programmes de formation adaptés aux besoins de la femme rurale seront mis en place par le ministère de l’agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques et de la pêche outre un espace permanent d’exposition et de commercialisation de ses produits, a affirmé jeudi le ministre Samir Betaieb. Il a ajouté lors du forum sur...

Статья в блоге
Organisation de deux ateliers ENPARD en Egypte sur la réforme du système de vulgarisation agricole

En réponse à une demande du ministère égyptien de l’agriculture, le Programme européen de voisinage pour l'agriculture et le développement rural (ENPARD) a focalisé ses travaux et échanges sur la réforme du système de vulgarisation agricole qui a fait l'objet de deux ateliers de travail au premier semestre 2016. Le premier atelier...
2016 - Programme européen de voisinage pour l'agriculture et le développement rural (ENPARD)

Политический обзор/документ
Exploring the concept of water tenure

The purpose of this paper is examine the notion of tenure in connection with water resources and to explore whether the concept of water tenure has the potential to make a useful contribution towards resolving the world’s water resources challenges. It seeks to provide answers to the following questions: (a)...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Информационный бюллетень
Plan Maroc Vert : les grands principes et avancées de la stratégie agricole marocaine

Bulletin de synthèse souveraineté alimentaire
En 2008, le Maroc a adopté le Plan Maroc Vert, qui vise à faire de l’agriculture un des moteurs de croissance de l’économie nationale dans les quinze prochaines années. Pour atteindre ses objectifs ambitieux, le Plan Maroc Vert cible les exploitations familiales de petite et moyenne taille et les exploitations...
2016 - Inter-reseaux développement rural

Статья в блоге
Regional workshop on the integration of Gender-Disaggregated Data in agricultural national statistics

Tunis September 1, 2016: The regional workshop on the use of gender statistics in the field of agriculture and the plans to integrate the gender issue in agricultural statistics was launched on Thursday, September 1st 2016 by Mr Taieb Baccouche, Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), in the...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Special Report FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission to the Syrian Arab Republic

Food production in Syria has hit a record low as widespread insecurity and unfavourable weather conditions in parts of the country continued to hamper access to land, farming supplies and markets, making it ever more difficult for farmers to maintain their livelihoods and feed the war-torn country. The latest Crop and...
Syrian Arab Republic
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
Dynamique de recomposition sociale dans l’agriculture irriguée en Algérie : Cas d’un périmètre public d’irrigation dans la plaine de Mitidja

La restructuration de l'agriculture, en place depuis 1980, a conduit à une recomposition sociale des exploitations, en particulier dans les zones irriguées. Cette recomposition repose sur un accès différent aux ressources de production et aux opportunités sociales. Notre article analyse les formes sociales dans l 'agriculture à travers l' étude...

Regional training on Fisheries and Aquaculture Emergency Response

Responding to emergencies and disasters, whether natural or human-induced, has become an increasingly important part of the mandate of international organizations over the past decades. This trend is likely to continue into the future, particularly as the impacts of climate change, and the increase in episodes of conflict, become more...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
FAO discusses the future of non-wood forest products in the Near East and North Africa

NENA forests has huge potential for the production of a wide range of NWFPs and that the utilization of NWFPs by local communities for food, fodder, medicine and income generation have been practiced for millennia. The workshop will allow participants to develop a regional project which will contribute to poverty reduction...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Technical and socio-economic characteristics of small-scale coastal fishing communities, and opportunities for poverty alleviation and empowerment

The document provides an overview of the situation that small-scale fishers in developing countries face in terms of: financial and economic performance of fishery enterprises; vulnerabilities and poverty; adaptations to a changing environment including, climate variability and change; and access to technology, infrastructure, financial services and social protection schemes. It...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Promotion of non-wood forest products-based micro-enterprise in the Near East and North Africa Region

Regional Workshop Report
The Near East and North Africa (NENA) region has limited forest resources with limited potential for timber production. However, NENA forests has huge potential for the production of a wide range of NonWood Forest Products (NWFPs) and the utilization of NWFPs by local communities for food, fodder, medicine and income...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Keeping Seeds in Peoples’ Hands

A staggering 70% of the food we consume worldwide is produced by smallholders. Peasant and indigenous communities, who produce a great deal of this food, have been developing and saving seed for millennia—from Guatemala through Senegal to Nepal. However, today seeds are under threat everywhere. Laws are increasingly limiting what...

Газетная статья
Evolution of a milkshed and role of alternative milk collection centres in Egypt

In Egypt, an agro-industrial company, in association with a non-governmental organization, began setting up milk collection centres within producers’ organizations in 2011. The project was very active in the Beni Suef Governorate. This article analysesthe milkshed evolution overthe past 50 years and the projectimpact. Using interviews and historical data, a...

Раздел книги
Family farming to bolster human knowhow and resources

This chapter is an attempt to analyse the characteristic features of Mediterranean family farms, revealing their importance compared with other forms of agriculture. We go on to describe the challenges that they are or will be facing, and their strengths in helping to address these (in terms of food security,...
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Changements globaux et Ressources en eau: etat des lieux, adaptations et perspectives

5ème Colloque international du réseau "Eaux & Climats"
Ce colloque est une manifestation qui fait partie de la mobilisation scientifique qui va précéder la tenue de la COP 22 climat, qui aura lieu en novembre 2016 à Marrakech  au Maroc. Il est organisé par le réseau « eau et climat au Maghreb » qui regroupe 12 universités et 15 laboratoires...
2016 - Université Sidi Mohammed ben Bbdellah - Faculté des Sciences et Techniques

Газетная статья
Vingt ans d’aquaculture en Afrique du Nord : évolutions, bilan critique et avenir

Cet article présente l’évolution de la situation de l’aquaculture en Afrique du Nord au cours des 20 dernières années, ainsi que les potentialités et contraintes spécifiques à chaque pays. Ce travail est un des produits du projet européen Aquamed (2011–2013). L’analyse des évolutions du secteur, y compris les capacités de...
Algeria - Egypt - Morocco - Tunisia

Food Security Information and Knowledge Sharing System - Sudan

FSIS/FSIN is a national platform to strengthen and improve food security information generation, management, dissemination, sharing and exchange for policy-makers, senior managers and national and states stakeholder groups working in support of food security improvement and sustainable agricultural development.  FSIS/FSIN of Sudan has been developed (http://FSIS.sudanagriculture.net/) as an integral component in...
2016 - Sudan Federal Food Security Technical Secretariat

Innover pour des mécanismes inclusifs de financement agricole et d’atténuation des risques

L’exemple de Tamwil El Fellah au Maroc
La présente étude de cas décrit un modèle particulièrement innovant de fourniture de services financiers aux ménages ruraux les plus pauvres dépendant de l’agriculture – le modèle Tamwil El Fellah (TEF), société créée par le Groupe Crédit Agricole du Maroc (GCAM). TEF s’est fondée sur la longue expérience du financement du...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:1013