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Основная тема

The Organic Farm Knowledge platform YouTube channel

The Organic Farm Knowledge platform provides access to a wide range of tools and resources about organic farming that can help improve production. It also aims to serve as a virtual meeting place for cross-border learning. The platform promotes the exchange of knowledge among farmers, farm advisers, and scientists, with the aim of increasing the...
2022 - The Organic Farm Knowledge platform

Organic poultry production

African Organic Agriculture Training Manual
This manual is intended for use by trainers of trainers and trainers of farmers on organic agriculture. The manual aims to explain the principles and details of poultry management for small-scale poultry farmers in Africa under organic management. It has been developed with the understanding that farmers live in various...
2022 - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL

Статья в блоге
Op-Ed: There Is Ample Evidence That Agroecology Can Transform the Food System

In 1981, Enda Tiers Monde, an NGO based in Dakar, Senegal, initiated a study on the risks of pesticides to human and environmental health in the region. The group observed that agricultural production techniques in Senegal relied on synthetic pesticides and fertilizers and had greatly contributed to the degradation of African...
2022 - Civil Eats

Agroecology – Our land is Our Life

The book brings together ten case studies from six countries that demonstrate the benefits of agroecology: bringing the soil back to life, conserving biodiversity, and leaving no one behind. The book explains why land is so important to Africans. Land in Africa has a myriad of dimensions, including the cultural and the...
2022 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Газетная статья
Research strategies to catalyze agroecological transitions in low- and middle-income countries

Governments are updating national strategies to meet global goals on biodiversity, climate change and food systems proposed in the Convention on Biological Diversity post-2020 framework and agreed at the United Nation’s Climate Change Conference (COP26) and Food Systems Summit (UNFSS). This represents a unique and crucial opportunity to integrate and...

RISE-ATTER Autumn School 2022 (RAAS) ‘Ways of Knowing for Agroecological Transitions

Report on the RISE-ATTER Autumn School 2022 ‘Ways of knowing for Agroecological Transitions' A consortium of ATTER partners co-designed and delivered a 7-day Autumn School in October 2022. The main objective of this week-long collective space was to bring together researchers and practitioners from across the world who want to exchange,...
2022 - INRAE

Политический обзор/документ
10 steps to achieve the European green deal

The European Green Deal is a monumental step in achieving a greener and more sustainable Europe, filled with promising targets which aim to culminate in no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 and economic growth decoupled from resource use. It establishes great potential for a fairer economy, the revitalisation...
European Union
2022 - Agroecology For Europe

Статья в блоге
Madagascar: l'agro-écologie, un modèle pour arriver à l'autonomie alimentaire ?

A Madagascar, se nourrir devient un défi de tous les jours pour la majorité de la population. Pourtant ce ne sont pas les surfaces cultivables qui manquent sur l’île. Mais l’accès limité à l’eau dans certaines régions, l’enclavement des zones agricoles et les sols qui s’appauvrissent sont autant d’obstacles au...

For feminist agroecologies

What is the story behind the food you eat? What if people actually valued all the underpaid and unpaid labor that goes into food? What if women were not doing most of the work? And if women and girls weren’t the last ones to eat? What if it weren't mostly...
2022 - Agroecology Now

Технический документ
Promouvoir l’agroforesterie à base de palmiers à huile :un atout pour la durabilité de la filière

Le développement massif des palmeraies industrielles et villageoises s’est réalisé en suivant un dispositif de plantation en culture pure du palmier à huile (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Cependant, divers systèmes de culture alternatifs ont émergé, dans lesquels sont associés des cultures et des animaux à diverses phases du cycle de culture...
2022 - CIRAD

2nd meeting of the Thematic Group on Strengthening the position of farmers in the organic food supply chain

As acknowledged by the Action Plan for Organic Production in the EU, organic farming can be characterised by its scattered nature, with producers having limited access to markets. Imbalances in the food chain can limit the bargaining power of organic farmers even as the overall market share of organic products in the...
2022 - EU CAP Network

Seed systems in emergencies

This animated video explains the significance of seed systems in emergency context and why it is crucial to strengthen and rebuild seed systems after disaster. The video gives examples from a project in response to cyclones Idai and Kenneth in southern African countries in 2019.
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Статья в блоге
Pourquoi il est si important de préserver la santé de nos sols

Nous n’en sommes pas forcément conscients, mais le sol est avant tout un milieu vivant, qui contient plus d’un quart des espèces animales et végétales connues sur notre planète. Chaque mètre carré abrite des milliers d’animaux invertébrés tels que les vers de terre ou les fourmis, plusieurs dizaines à plusieurs centaines...
2022 - The conversation

Информационный сборник
Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet)

The effect of biofumigation is partly based on the release of natural toxic substances but also on their effect as a green manure plant. The effect of green manures and cover crops are explained in two Best4Soil videos and factsheets. This factsheet addresses biofumigation crops, like brassicas, sorghum and sorghum-sudangrass,...
2022 - Organic Farm Knowledge

Traque des innovations numériques au service de la transition agroécologique au Bénin

Face au défi alimentaire et aux instabilités climatiques, l’agriculture du Bénin doit accroître ses performances économiques, sociales et environnementales, en particulier par le développement de l’agroécologie. Le numérique est souvent cité comme un levier majeur de la transition agroécologique, mais les innovations numériques en agriculture au Bénin restent peu visibles....
2022 - CIRAD

Информационный сборник
EIP-AGRI Factsheet Soil Organic Matter

How can we improve soil organic matter content in the Mediterranean region in a cost-effective way? What new solutions for securing soil functionality and soil fertility can be proposed in this regard?  The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on soil organic matter content (SOM) in Mediterranean regions brought together 19 experts to find...
European Union
2022 - EIP-AGRI Focus Group

Газетная статья
Biological soil quality and soil organic carbon change in biodynamic, organic, and conventional farming systems after 42 years

Soils are the basis of life on land and the ways in which we manage them for crop production, impact their role, functions and quality. Conventional farming uses industrial inputs to a level that is economically justified, whilst organic farming systems avoid mineral fertilizers and synthetic chemical pesticides. This study...
2022 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development

Статья в блоге
Transition agroécologique des pays du Sud : quelles conditions de réussite ?

L’agroécologie est de plus en plus plébiscitée pour développer des systèmes agricoles durables et adaptées aux contraintes des producteurs, plus résilients face aux aléas climatiques et sanitaires. S’appuyant sur 15 ans de recherche en partenariat dans les pays du Sud, les chercheurs du Cirad ont identifié les leviers pour mettre...
2022 - Cirad

Translating UNFSS commitments into actions: focus on the Coalition for Transforming Food Systems through Agroecology

In the framework of the Asia Pacific Symposium on Agrifood System Transformation that took place in Bangkok, Thailand, this hybrid side event – hosted on 6 October 2022 – fully aligns with the implementation of the new FAO Strategic Framework to support the 2030 Agenda through the transition to more efficient, inclusive,...
2022 - GLF , Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Информационный бюллетень
Nyéléni newsletter - Youth and the democratization of Food systems

It’s December. Yet another year in our cycle of life is drawing to a close as we search for hope and solidarity in the face of daunting adversities. The world is marred by rising temperatures, erratic weather events, extreme poverty, hunger, wars, conflicts and violence. A systemic model that placed...
2022 - Nyéléni newsletter
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