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"Steps for..." - brochures for farmers

These is a web site of the Advisory service, national institution for the education and advising in agriculture, forestry and rural development of Croatia. On this part of the web site, titled "Steps To ..." you can find simple explanations on how to start with some new production or a...
2016 - Advisory service

The European CSA Declaration adopted in Ostrava

150 participants and volunteers from 25 countries gathered from Sept 16th -18th in Provoz Hlubina (Ostrava, CZ) for the 3rd European meeting on CSA. Participants unanimously adopted the European Declaration on Community Supported Agriculture which they will all take home to their respective countries.
2016 - Urgenci

Статья в блоге
Conference: science has strong positive impact on agriculture

Public funding of agricultural science brings strong social benefits, experts said at last week’s international conference on the impact of research on agriculture in Europe. Participants in the conference, held at FAO headquarters in Rome, called for increased public spending to enable agriculture to respond to today’s challenges.
European Union
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Статья в блоге
Small-scale producers in Serbia learn to adapt to climate change

How can small-scale agricultural producers cope with the effects of climate change, reduce their exposure to risk, and manage their farms more efficiently? A series of training sessions launched recently in Serbia covers these very topics. Agricultural producers in Serbia have been affected by extreme weather events in recent months and...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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EBRD, FAO promote fruit exports and retail trade in Moldova

Greater efficiency in Moldova’s fruit and vegetable production and trade is the goal of a joint effort by FAO and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in collaboration with the Moldovan National Federation of Agricultural Producers (AGROinform). More than 120 fruit producers, traders, retailers and market experts from all regions...
Republic of Moldova
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Электронное сельское хозяйство для сельскохозяйственных исследований и сельских консультационных услуг в Центральной Азии и Южном Кавказе

Региональные консультации экспертов
Региональные консультации экспертов по электронному сельскому хозяйству в Центральной Азии и Южного Кавказа были организованы и успешно проведены в Бишкеке, Кыргызская Республика, с 7 по 9 декабря, 2016 года, в которых приняло участие 28 экспертов из всех стран Центральной Азии и Южного Кавказа: Армении, Азербайджана, Грузии, Казахстана, Кыргызской Республики, Таджикистана,...
2016 - CACAARI

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2nd Nyéléni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty

The biggest convergence for cooperation and creating common strategies on food and agriculture for food sovereignty movements across more than 600 participants from 42 countries in Europe and Central Asia. It is the second time such a broad forum for food sovereignty has taken place in Europe, after the first...
2016 - Nyeleni

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Effort to modernize Tajikistan irrigation systems gets under way

Irrigation systems in Tajikistan – and the ways in which they are managed – should see improvement under a two-year FAO project just getting under way here. Valued at US$ 468,000, the new project is aimed at modernizing irrigation systems and increasing agricultural productivity in a country that is highly dependent...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

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FAO reports that drained peatlands are contributing to climate change

Peatlands exist in all countries in Europe and Central Asia including Russia, which has the largest coverage of peatlands in the world. FAO reports that not only are these rare ecosystems at risk, but in their current condition they are often contributing to climate change. Peatlands are wetlands with a thick...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Раздел книги
Sustainable Business Models for Water Supply and Sanitation in Small Towns and Rural Settlements in Kazakhstan

This section discusses existing WSS business models in small towns and rural areas in Kazakhstan. As official data on the legal and institutional organisation of WSS operators were not available, the information presented here is based on the knowledge and experience of local project experts

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Conservation agriculture reducing soil degradation, boosting yields

Conventional soil tilling and other practices have led to loss of soil fertility and lower crop yields in many parts of Central Asia. In a region where agriculture is an important part of the economy and contributes significantly to food security, action to reverse this trend must be a priority. Since...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Раздел книги
Kazakhstan featured in FAO study of ecosystem-based wheat production

Farming systems that save and grow
Zero-tillage, soil cover and crop rotation would help many countries to reverse land degradation and produce more food. Kazakhstan’s wheat growers are already well advanced in the transition to full conservation agriculture.
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

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Куры, гуси, утки, индейки — традиционные жители птичьих дворов, а вот фазаны, цесарки и перепела на подворьях стали появляться сравнительно недавно, но с точки зрения хозяйственной полезности очень интересны

Перепелка – самая миниатюрная и скороспелая сельскохозяйственная птица семейства фазановых отряда куриных. Простота содержания и кормления позволяет содержать их и в городе, и в деревне. Дает она до 300 яиц в год. А уникальность пищевых и диетических свойств позволяет практически всем употреблять яйца и мясо перепелок без ограничений.
Russian Federation

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Georgia signs four-year cooperation agreement with FAO

Continuous improvement of Georgia’s agriculture, food safety, veterinary services and plant protection – and its response to climate change, biodiversity and other environmental issues – are the priorities set out in a new agreement with FAO
2016 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations

Urban Agriculture

Twelve Organizations Promoting Urban Agriculture around the World
The international community is beginning to recognize the integral role of urban agriculture in improving the economy, environment, and health of cities. The Resource Center on Urban Agriculture and Food Security (RUAF) Foundation expects that by 2020, 85 percent of the poor in Latin America, and about 40 to 45...
2016 - Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)

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Canada steps up to support struggling rural families in eastern Ukraine

When living conditions for households along the conflict line in Eastern Ukraine went from bad to worse, help came from the Government of Canada. The allocation of CDN 3 million will bolster and extend FAO’s emergency response and recovery work in the area. This assistance from Canada, due to start in...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations

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FAO project to improve food security of Tajikistan migrants’ households

The families of migrants who have left Tajikistan in search of work abroad will be an important focus of a new FAO project set to get under way here soon. The three-year project, entitled “Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia”...
2016 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations

CIHEAM Watch Letter 37 - Mediterranean Agriculture and Climate Change

Climatic constraints, especially the scarcity of water and land resources have always been characteristic of Mediterranean agricultural systems that have developed ingenious farming systems to adapt. Today, the resilience of these systems is challenged since climatic disruptions will generate different conditions for agricultural production throughout the region and will impact...
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

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Biodiversity for food and agriculture is focus of Bonn consultation

The region of Europe and Central Asia is blessed with a wealth of crop, livestock, fish and forest genetic resources in diverse production systems. Unfortunately those resources are suffering from overexploitation, misuse and degradation and require immediate attention.
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations

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Country envoys visit Albania and Serbia for a first-hand view of FAO’s work

FAO Permanent Representatives of Australia, Chile, Kuwait, Japan, Libya, Russian Federation, USA, and the European Union are on a field visit to of Albania and Serbia this week. By visiting FAO project sites and talking with farmers, national officials, FAO partners, other UN agencies and FAO teams on the ground,...
Albania - Serbia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Total results:1302