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Controlling mango fruit fly

The mango tree suffers from numerous physiological, phytopathological and entomological problems. In West Africa, the economic importance of the damage caused by mango fruit flies (Diptera tephritidae) is growing in home garden mango trees as well as in small-scale and industrial mango orchards. The introduction and pan-African propagation of Bactrocera...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Impact of COVID-19 on Farmers in Bangladesh

Farmers in Bangladesh are facing serious problems during this time of crisis. Citizens are asked by the government to stay at home to avoid being infected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this, farmers find it difficult to go to their farms to check on their crops. Shops including those...

Les bonnes pratiques oasiennes en vidéo 5/5 - Gestion participative de l'eau - Maroc VOSTFR

A Tighfert au Maroc, la population participe de façon active à la gestion communautaire de l'eau dans l'oasis. Pour pérenniser l'utilisation de l'eau pour toute l'oasis, la population agricole de l'oasis du Tighfert a mis en place et utilise un système ancestral de gestion de l'eau: les Khettaras. Cette technique...
2020 - RADDO

Social media for the organic food consumer’s behaviour and its impact upon the development of digital tools for small farmers in Romania

The small entrepreneurship on the Romanian food market is facing a series of concerns closely connected to the particular issues of an emerging economic sector. The entrepreneurial reactions are, quite often, intuitive, fall within a relation with the consumer which has been historically shaped in the zone of merchant behaviour,...
2020 - "Gh. Zane" Institute for Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Yemaya Newsletter No.61, August 2020

The latest issue of the women-in-fisheries newsletter of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF), Yemaya No.61, dated August 2020, features articles and interviews from Brazil, Costa Rica, France, India, Indonesia, Mexico and Senegal. The lead article is on small-scale fisheries and food security and the issue also carries...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Тематическое исследование
Soil and water conservation on the slopes of Kilimanjaro

At over 5,000 meters, Mount Kilimanjaro’s rounded, snow-capped peak is an iconic African symbol. The National Park’s forested slopes rise up to the peak, above the plains of northern Tanzania. Slightly lower down, at altitudes between 1,000 and 1,500 meters, farmers grow crops in the fertile soil: coffee, bananas, fodder...
United Republic of Tanzania
2020 - Oakland Institute and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Статья в блоге
Smallholder farmers in Jharkhand come together to ensure safe food for a fair price

Over the years, Bhoomi Ka has been working to promote safe and indigenous food among farmers and consumers in India. And to achieve its objective, it was imperative for smallholder farmers to come together, get trained on ecological farming and certification processes, and meet the growing demand of organic produce....

Cápsula 3: Bomba

Esta tercera cápsula es parte de la serie de 8 cápsulas audiovisuales creadas por el IICA y el Nucleo Biotecnología de Curauma de la Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. En esta cápsula podrá conocer las características de la bomba. Para ver las otras cápsulas, pinche=> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYsiWFkJL9PtzHV9xurBVvg
2020 - Nucleo Biotecnología Curauma (NBC)

Production, multiplication et diffusion de semences climato résilientes pour de meilleurs rendements en milieu rural

La production de semences climato-résilientes se fait dans l'objectif de soutenir l'intensification de la production agricole de manière à ce qu'elle soit plus économique et socialement durable. En effet, les techniques de production de semences climato-résilientes fournissent une alternative á l'adaptation, à la sécheresse et aux changements climatiques par leur...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Women resurrecting poultry biodiversity and livelihoods

The Aseel is reared under backyard poultry management systems and is a vital source of meat and income. However, this bird is threatened due to high production losses, infectious diseases and policies promoting non-local breeds. This practice describes how disease prevention and biodiversity conservation strategies helped women farmers in preserving...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Rainwater syringe: low cost technology for rainwater harvesting in coastal areas

Due to saline conditions, drinking and pure water is a major problem in coastal areas. Most of the open wells and tube wells in the coastal areas contain salty water. Rainwater harvesting is a viable option for solving the issue of drinking water. Construction of rainwater overhead tanks is a...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Impact of COVID-19 on Farmers in Fiji

In Fiji, establishments such as hotels and restaurants have closed to adhere to the government's measures to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In effect, farmers in the country can no longer sell their products anywhere. Thus, they appeal to the Fijian government for support so they can sell...
2020 - PIFON

Статья в блоге
This is a farm: Agroforestry feeds communities in Timor-Leste

To the untrained eye it might look like a scruffy forest with a messy understory of weeds. But on closer inspection, Tomas Pinto has created a multilayered ecosystem rich in biodiversity. Under Tomas’s careful stewardship, this forest feed communities in Timor-Leste.
2020 - SeedChange

Practical guidelines for Early Warning – Early Action plans on agricultural drought

The impact of drought in agriculture is one of the most complex natural hazards to predict and mitigate. It carries a constant risk for most smallholder farmers around the world. According to studies conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 83 percent of all damages...
2020 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
Comment/Editorial: Build Back, Build Forward

By reminding us of the connection between food, health systems, sustainable development and human rights, the global COVID-19 pandemic offers an opportunity to build forward better. Even as we celebrate the contributions of small-scale fisheries to nutrition and food security within a rights-based framework, which is part of an ICSF campaign,...
2020 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Статья в блоге
Indigenous Peoples’ food systems hold the key to feeding humanity

A recent workshop hosted by IIED and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew explored how the way Indigenous Peoples grow and consume food holds answers to the world’s broken food system. Modern food and farming systems are fundamentally unsustainable. They contribute around a third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and are responsible...
2020 - IIED and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

The clod breaker: a rolling harrow

The clod breaker is a simple wooden tool made out of a cylindrical log with iron spikes. It can be pulled by animals or even by an adult person. By driving the clod breaker over your field in opposite directions, the soil will become loose, aerated and absorb more water....
2020 - AccessAgriculture

Cápsula 4: Filtro

Esta cuarta cápsula es parte de la serie de 8 cápsulas audiovisuales creadas por el IICA y el Nucleo Biotecnología de Curauma de la Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. En esta cápsula, te contamos sobre la importancia de hacer un buen mantenimiento al filtro de la bomba de riego. Para ver las otras cápsulas,...
2020 - Nucleo Biotecnología Curauma (NBC)

Статья в блоге
A Agroecologia nos tempos do COVID-1

A maioria dos nossos problemas globais: escassez de energia e de água, degradação ambiental, mudança climática, desigualdade econômica, insegurança alimentar e outros, não podem ser abordados de forma separada, já que estes estão interconectados e são interdependentes. Quando um dos problemas se agrava, os efeitos se estendem por todo o...
2020 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

Replicas of native chicken in rural poultry production: the Satpuda

A well organized pro-poor initiative from a private company, Yashwant Agritech Pvt Ltd (YAPL), has produced and sold a productive synthetic hybrid bird suitable for rearing in harsh agro-climatic rural environments. It has proved to be a valuable source of income for the poor households. This practice has promoted participatory,...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Total results:19991