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Ecological Organic Agriculture - Mulching the garden

A small scale farmer illustrates how to do mulching in the garden. Mulching using grass helps him retain enough water for his crops and prevents fast growth of weeds. To learn more about our work on promoting organic agriculture, please visit: https://organic.esaffuganda.org/
2020 - ESAFF Uganda

Beekeeping in Africa: honey harvesting

In this technology both the timing, the scope of the harvest, which can be expected, the dangers as well as the procedures for honey harvesting are discussed. It gives details on how to harvest honey during night and daylight. This technology is part of a series on hive management derived...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Tsetse control: how to deploy a target

Tsetse flies (Glossina species) infest over 11 million square km of Africa and are vectors of Trypanosomosis (or Trypanosomiasis) in both humans and domestic livestock. It is estimated that tsetse occurs in over seven percent of Zimbabwe and 60 percent of United Republic of Tanzania territories. Hence Trypanosomosis has an important negative...
Uganda - Zimbabwe
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

The control of common predators of pond fish

The Cajuns Aquaculture Research and Development Centre (KARDC) is the government research centre that is carrying out research on solving problems associated with fish growing in ponds. The KARDC has prepared this technology to address the concerns of four common predators of fish growing on ponds. The production of this...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Статья в блоге
Respuesta agroecológica a la pobreza alimentaria

Un nuevo modelo de Banco de Alimentos nace a raíz del covid: AlterBanc, una alianza entre las redes de apoyo mutuo vecinal y el campesinado agroecológico catalán.
La situación provocada por la pandemia del coronavirus ha reforzado la necesidad de crear un Banco de Alimentos alternativo, impulsado desde la agroecología y la economía social y solidaria. AlterBanc es una propuesta de cooperación entre dos colectivos precarizados por el sistema capitalista, las personas que sufren pobreza alimentaria y...

Статья в блоге
Indigenous Peoples’ food systems hold the key to feeding humanity

A recent workshop hosted by IIED and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew explored how the way Indigenous Peoples grow and consume food holds answers to the world’s broken food system. Modern food and farming systems are fundamentally unsustainable. They contribute around a third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions and are responsible...
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Good bugs: unknown, misjudged and embattled

All different varieties - with fruits of varying colour, shape and crispiness – lined the pathways of her tiny backyard garden in western Flanders. Over the span of her life, she had steadily collected them by exchanging cuttings with friends, neighbours and other amateur horticulturists. Having nursed them into full-grown...
2020 - Access Agriculture

Технический документ
Programas públicos y arreglos institucionales para promover la inclusión económica de los jóvenes rurales

Este estudio analiza las características de los programas públicos dirigidos a los jóvenes y al desarrollo productivo rural en Colombia, Ecuador, México y Perú y su pertinencia para aportar en la inclusión económica de los jóvenes rurales. Esto en el marco de una agenda de investigación orientada evidenciar la necesidad...
Colombia - Ecuador - Mexico - Peru
2020 - Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP)

Ecological Organic Agriculture - Integration of animals on the farm

In this video, a small scale farmer shows us how we can integrate animals in the farming system. It also illustrates the relationship between the animals and the crops and the benefits a small scale farmer can get through animal integration on the farm. To learn more about our work...
2020 - ESAFF Uganda

Beekeeping in Africa: colony management III: record-keeping, brood-nest control and preventing robbery

A beekeeper with a colonized hive must remember that the success in keeping bees depends on the colony management. This technology describes important colony management processes including keeping colony record, brood nest control, and robbing and its prevention. This technology is part of a series on hive management derived from...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Egg marketing: a guide for the production and sales of eggs

This technology provides information and advice on egg production and sale in developing countries with an emphasis on marketing, i.e. producing in order to meet market demands. Market-led egg production enables long-term business survival, higher profits and improves the egg producers’ living standards. Improvement measures discussed in this publication have...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Producing solar dried fruit and vegetables for micro-and small-scale rural enterprise development: assessing opportunities for a fruit drying business

The preservation of fruit and vegetables by simply sun drying is practised widely throughout arid and semi-arid regions, for example in Uganda. The use of low cost, solar drying technologies, can significantly improve product quality. This provides practical opportunities for developing small-scale enterprises, particularly in rural areas, and to create...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Post-harvest handling and processing of fish

Fish is the cheapest source of protein and provides between 50 to 100 percent of animal protein in developing countries and 12 percent worldwide. Fish is the second highest source of income in Uganda and main revenue to the country’s fisherfolk. However, it is a perishable commodity. Its quality deteriorates...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Статья в блоге
AFFM facilitates selling of farmer members’ produce to trade union members in industrial zones

YANGON, MYANMAR – “Hitting two birds with one stone” is how we can describe this initiative of the AFFM, the AFOSP-APFP partner farmers’ organization in Myanmar, to help their members during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. AFFM, one of the sectorial affiliates of CTUM, has more than 528 Basic Level Unions...
2020 - Asian Farmers' Association (AFA) for Sustainable Rural Development

Статья в блоге
Building Local Economies in East Africa through Agroecology

“Building Local Economies in East Africa through Agroecology’’ is a project implemented by Slow Food and funded by the Agroecology Fund with the aim of boosting local economies and improving the livelihood of communities in Kenya, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania. Slow Food Uganda in collaboration with Slow Food International is working in Uganda to...
2020 - Slow Food Uganda

Статья в блоге
Towards planet and people-positive agriculture in East Africa

IIED and partners are reviewing the state of planet and people-positive agriculture in Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Uganda to identify entry points for environmentally sound agriculture and food systems that create social and economic benefits. The agricultural and agri-food sector is the main employer and an important generator of revenue in...
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

El proceso de un joven emprendedor

Matías es un emprendedor innato. A los 16 años empezó a desarrollar sus ideas de emprendimiento que le han permitido evolucionar como todo un empresario.
2020 - Instituto de Desarrollo Agropecuario (INDAP)

Producción orgánica impulsada por una joven visionaria que transforma vidas en una comunidad campesina

Fidelina es la segunda hija de la familia González Rojas, de Paraguay. Dedicada trabajadora rural, defensora ambiental y promotora de las buenas prácticas agrícolas, entendió la problemática de disminución de la productividad del suelo de la propriedad de su familia, por la explotación intensiva con el monocultivo y la aplicación indiscriminada de productos...
2020 - Confederación de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del Mercosur Ampliado (COPROFAM)

Tsetse and trypanosomiasis control measures: restricted application of insecticide to livestock

Since tsetse flies feed mostly on the legs of the largest animals in the herd, an application of pour-on insecticides or sprays restricted to the legs of cows, bulls and draught animals has been shown to be effective in controlling tsetse. This also results in significant cost-saving to the farmer...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Статья в блоге
Putting informal food systems at the centre of sustainable diets

A new report from IIED and Hivos calls for a rethink about how sustainable diets can be achieved in low-income countries, with informal food systems central to that goal. COVID-19 has highlighted the global food system’s inequalities, with the disease and the measures to contain it disproportionately affecting low-income communities. The pandemic may trigger a wave of hunger and malnutrition,...
2020 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED
Total results:19991