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Газетная статья
Development of decision support system for sheep and goats in the hot / dry area of the North costal zone of Egypt

A Small Ruminant Decision Support System (SRDSS) was developed to improve flock productivity under the arid conditions of the North Costal Zone of Egypt. Field data were collected on 165 flocks to characterize prevailing small ruminant production systems and to identify their biological and economic potentialities and constraints. The SRDSS...
2011 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Газетная статья
Coping with climate change and risk management strategies for sustainable rangeland-based systems in WANA Region

Livestock is still the main source of income of rural populations in the West Asian and North African (WANA) countries. However, many factors among which climate change are threatening the production systems. There are considerable gaps in our knowledge of how climate change will affect livestock systems and the livelihoods...
2011 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Газетная статья
Mutations des systèmes alimentaires des ovins en Tunisie et place des ressources alternatives

L’élevage ovin demeure la principale source de revenu chez la population rurale, notamment au centre et au sud du pays. Le système d’alimentation de ce cheptel connaît depuis ces dernières décennies des mutations importantes imposées par des facteurs climatiques, économiques, sociaux, institutionnels et environnementaux. Jusqu’aux années 70 (phase 1), l’alimentation...
2011 - Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Газетная статья
Importance économique et mutation des systèmes de production ovins en Tunisie

Le secteur de l’élevage ovin en Tunisie a connu une forte croissance en améliorant sa contribution à la couverture de la demande de viande rouge. Cette croissance a été obtenue grâce à un ensemble de politiques visant notamment l’encouragement de l’élevage ovin en tant que facteur de développement de la...
2011 - Centre International de Hautes Études Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Газетная статья
Rangeland management and animal production sustainability under arid and semi arid conditions: Egypt overview

Livestock fodder needs in nearly all developing countries now exceed the sustainable yield of rangelands and other forage resources. In Africa, overgrazing has reduced range productivity virtually everywhere. It is important to provide animals with adequate nutrition to ensure the high productive and reproductive performance. Meanwhile, it is necessary to...
2011 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

ICARDA annual report 2011

Higher yields, better nutrition
 Legumes are the main source of protein for more than one billion people in South Asia. ICARDA and its partners have developed new legume varieties with high yields, enhanced nutritional value, as well as other traits such as drought tolerance and disease resistance.
2011 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Газетная статья
Representing systemic strategies to cope with drought impacts using system dynamics modeling. Case study: Hamadan province, Iran

Following a drought event, several interactive feedback relations will get involved, whose effects can be realized as drought impacts. That is the behaviour of the components of a socio-economic system in response to the new changes due to drought which will form the system total behaviour in terms of socioeconomic-natural...
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Газетная статья
Water allocation strategies under drought and specific socio-economic and environmental conditions in the Central Jordan Valley

This work aims at analyzing different management practices for the improvement of the agricultural production in the Central Jordan Valley. The optimization of the cropping pattern has been done under different water scarcity and drought conditions and prevailing environmental and socio-economic constraints. The ISAREG model was used to estimate crop...

Газетная статья
Feasibility of some adaptation measures of on-farm irrigation in Egypt under water scarcity conditions

The aim of this investigation is to evaluate some proposed adaptation measures in order to overcome the projected impacts of climate change over on-farm irrigation system in Egypt. Improve irrigation systems efficiencies, change irrigation systems, and deficient irrigation were evaluated by using multi-criteria approach of evaluation. Adaptation measures were studied...

Газетная статья
Quelle dimension paysagère pour l'agropastoralisme?

L’agropastoralisme est un système agraire combinant productions animales extensive et cultures végétales sur deux espaces bien distincts : d’une part des espaces dit naturels dédiés à l’élevage de parcours, d’autre part des espaces cultivés, organisés, dédiés aux productions végétales et fortement marqué par l’activité humaine. Cette répartition initiale des productions...
2010 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Газетная статья
Les gardiennes du savoir faire culturel et agropastoral. Cas de la zone de Djelfa (Algérie)

Les paysages culturels de l’agro pastoralisme sont fortement liés aux pratiques techniques et culturelles des éleveurs utilisateurs et gestionnaires des espaces qu’ils occupent. C’est particulièrement vrai sur la zone de Djelfa, haut lieu du pastoralisme algérien, sur les hauts plateaux. Ce pastoralisme, comme dans l’ensemble du monde méditerranéen, subit des...
2010 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Газетная статья
La patrimonialisation des steppes du Proche-Orient : un instrument pour quelle stratégie?

Une inscription des steppes du Proche-Orient au patrimoine mondial des paysages culturels de l’agro pastoralisme pourrait s’imposer comme une évidence. Lieu d’émergence de l’agriculture et du pastoralisme, elles recèlent des vestiges de toutes les formes d’exploitation agricole et pastorale du proto élevage néolithique aux aménagements hydro agricoles des époques byzantine...
Syrian Arab Republic
2010 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Climate change and water resources in the Mediterranean region

In view of the creation of a free trade area by 2010-2020, it is increasingly important to fuel euroMediterranean partnership and gradually aim at the construction of a high quality agricultural and agrifood system. To this end, the horizons of research should be widened to cover the big issues of...
Lebanon - Morocco

Газетная статья
Perception of drought by farmers and its impact on farming and irrigation practices

Climate change scenarios predict negative impacts on agriculture in the southern Mediterranean regions. Preparedness for increasingly frequent droughts requires a good knowledge on how chronic water shortages may affect production and cropping systems. This work investigates recent variations in agricultural production and in cropping practices in Tunisia as induced by...

Тематическое исследование
Fighting sand encroachment

Lessons from Mauritania
Mauritania is one of the Sahelian countries most severely affected by the repeated periods of drought that have been occurring since the end of the 1960s. Desertification control has always been a national priority and a central concern of successive governments, taking the practical form of various development plans and...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Тематическое исследование
Syrian Arab Republic: Thematic study on land reclamation through de-rocking

Land reclamation through the removal of surface and subsurface rocks and stones by heavy equipment, known as ‘de-rocking’, was the main intervention funded in five of the seven projects. IFAD’s objective was to assist the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic in enabling poor rural people to improve their incomes...
Syrian Arab Republic
2010 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Статья в блоге
Dar voz a los hombres y mujeres de medio rural a través de Dimitra

Las mujeres y la tierra, los problemas relacionados con el VIH a los que se enfrentan las mujeres de Kenya y la creación de redes de mujeres en la República Democrática del Congo. Estos son solo algunos de los temas tratados en el boletín de Dimitra de la primavera de 2010.
Dar voz a las poblaciones rurales, en particular a las mujeres, es el principal objetivo de Dimitra, un proyecto participativo de información y comunicación en la FAO. Dimitra también pretende destacar las contribuciones de las poblaciones rurales a sus comunidades para poner de relieve su papel decisivo en el desarrollo. Este proyecto...
2010 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Доклад конференции
Saving freshwater resources with salt-tolerant forage production in marginal areas of the West Asia and North Africa region. An opportunity to raise the incomes of the rural poor

n partnership with the National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) of seven countries in WANA (Jordan, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and UAE), and with support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD), and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID),...
Egypt - Jordan - Oman - Syrian Arab Republic - Tunisia

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Can Payments Improve Environmental Services on Farmland?

This paper presents a single case of an extensive study amid a package of activities to preserve the oasis, involving local farmer organisations, NGOs, the local Government and business community. Local authorities and NGOs assume that farmers have forgotten traditional methods and need training and awareness-raising to motivate farm workers...

Food Security and Economic Development in the Middle East and North Africa

Current State and Future Perspectives
A rapidly changing world combined with mounting domestic challenges is prompting many Middle East and North African (MENA) countries to rethink their development models and to initiate economic and social reforms. Taking this new momentum as a starting point, this paper uses the concept of Food Security to identify the...
2010 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Total results:1013