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Planting banana and plantain

Banana plants have superficial roots. Proper spacing, planting, and mulching will yield better and more fruit. You can also intercrop your banana and plantain plants with food crops, medicinal plants and other trees to provide additional sources of income and create a suitable micro-environment.
2024 - Access Agriculture

Статья в блоге
Reviving Resilience: Chimanimani’s Journey from Cyclone Devastation to Sustainable Recovery

Five years after the catastrophic Cyclone Idai hit Chimanimani District in Zimbabwe, claiming over 500 lives and causing extensive destruction, the community's journey towards recovery and resilience offers a beacon of hope. This article by John Willson delves into the heart of Chimanimani's efforts, showcasing how the district is confronting...
2024 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Статья в блоге
Battle for Biodiversity: AfCFTA’s Intellectual Property Protocol Unveiled

The African Union is in the process of finalizing a draft protocol on intellectual property rights under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), sparking concerns among civil society organizations about the potential impacts on seed systems and the rights of smallholder farmers. While the AfCFTA, enacted in May 2019,...
2024 - Food Tank

Empowering rural women to engage in responsible agricultural investments (RAI) in Sierra Leone

FAO developed this manual, in collaboration with Solidaridad West Africa, to support trainers in preparing and delivering the training on empowering rural women to engage in responsible agricultural investments (RAI). The design of this training programme is based upon a specific methodology that meets the learning needs of rural women...
Sierra Leone
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
Agroécologie : une chercheure recommande la mise en place de politiques intégrées et systémiques

Laure Tall, directrice de recherche à l’Initiative prospective agricole rurale (IPAR), a suggéré, mercredi, à Dakar, la mise en place de politiques intégrées et systémiques pour relever les multiples défis liés au développement de l’agroécologie au Sénégal et en Afrique.  

Caractérisation de l’élevage Camelin du Mali pour en assurer la préservation et la Valorisation

Quels sont les systèmes de gestion et les pratiques de sélection des dromadaires dans la région de Gao au Mali ? Quelle est la typologie des élevages camelins dans cette région, avec un accent sur la diversité des pratiques de gestion des ressources animales camélines ? La thèse présentée par Bakary...
2024 - Université de Liège - Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire

Compendium of forgotten foods in Africa

A companion publication for Integrating Africa’s forgotten foods for better nutrition
The World Wide Fund for Nature defines a food system as “the complete set of people, institutions, activities, processes, and infrastructure involved in producing and consuming food for a given population.” (WWF, 2017). The food system has a bearing on human capital development, provision of jobs, industrial growth, structural transformation...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
Mêler agroécologie et résilience hydrique pour des systèmes alimentaires durables en Afrique

Comment accompagner l’engagement des territoires dans une trajectoire de développement agroécologique conciliant résilience hydrique, sécurité alimentaire et qualité nutritionnelle ? Coordonné par le Cirad et INRAE, le projet MAHDIA vise à articuler les enjeux agricoles, alimentaires, environnementaux et de santé des régions de Meknès au Maroc, Kairouan en Tunisie et...
Morocco - Senegal - Tunisia
2024 - CIRAD

Статья в блоге
Strengthening digital skills of rural advisory service facilitators in Uganda

About 30 rural advisory service (RAS) facilitators from five districts of Uganda – Buikwe, Bugiri, Sembabule, Lira and Soroti – were introduced to Access Agriculture’s resources and tools to enhance their digital skills during a RAS Facilitator orientation training and project commissioning, which was conducted from 15 April to 17 May 2024. ...
2024 - Access Agriculture

Статья в блоге
All-women cooperative transforming cocoa waste into energy in Ghana

In a groundbreaking move, as part of MoMo4C, Tropenbos Ghana has launched a Waste-to-Energy pilot project in the Sefwi Wiawso Juaboso Bia (SWJB) landscape with an all-women cocoa cooperative. By turning cocoa waste into a valuable resource, this model aims to create new avenues for income generation, livelihood diversification, and...
2024 - Tropenbos International

Статья в блоге
Getting up to speed with Access Agriculture resources: Master trainers in Madagascar undergo training

As part of the ‘Global Programme for Small-scale Agroecology Producers and Sustainable Food Systems Transformation (GP-SAEP) Project implementation in Madagascar, a Master Trainers’ training programme was held from 29 April to 3 May 2024 in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
2024 - Access Agriculture

Статья в блоге
Appropriation du numérique dans l’agriculture ouest-africaine, quelles réalités derrière les promesses ?

Comment les productrices et producteurs d’Afrique de l’Ouest s’approprient-ils les outils numériques ? Pendant 2 ans, le projet Fracture numérique a étudié trois filières dans trois pays. La présente fiche rend compte de l’influence du numérique sur la gestion de la cacaoculture dans les exploitations familiales en Côte d’Ivoire. Les résultats...
2024 - CIRAD

Mapping the diversity of land uses following deforestation across Africa

African forest are increasingly in decline as a result of land-use conversion due to human activities. However, a consistent and detailed characterization and mapping of land-use change that results in forest loss is not available at the spatial-temporal resolution and thematic levels suitable for decision-making at the local and regional...
2024 - https://www.nature.com

Статья в блоге
Welcome to Access Agriculture’s new site!

Brussels, Belgium — Access Agriculture is proud to announce the launch of its upgraded, new-look video platform (www.accessagriculture.org) with improved functionality and navigation that allows visitors a more engaging way to explore its incredible array of over 4,000 quality farmer-to-farmer training videos across 100 languages.
2024 - Access Agriculture

Статья в блоге
Cartographie de la diversité d’utilisation des terres dans toute l’Afrique après la déforestation

Grâce aux données satellites et aux méthodes d’apprentissage machine, les chercheurs ont identifié et localisé 15 formes d’utilisation des terres – de la culture de divers végétaux utiles tels que le caféier, le cacaoyer et l’hévéa, aux pâturages et à l’exploitation minière. C’est ce que démontre une étude publiée dans...

Walking the talk

Capacity development of parliamentarians and high-level multistakeholder dialogue on gender equality and investments in agriculture and food security
This report is based on the high level forum and capacity development for parliamentarians held in Sierra Leone in November 2020 organized by FAO,IISD, OXFAM and WILDAF/AMNet, in partnership with the Sierra Leone Parliament. The forum provided a unique opportunity to facilitate dialogue at national level between parliamentarians and other...
Sierra Leone
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
o improve Africa’s soil health and plant nutrition, empower women farmers

This blog post is part of a special series on the global and regional food security implications of high food and fertilizer prices originally stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and now exacerbated by the Russia-Ukraine war. 
2024 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Политический обзор/документ
National Agroecology Strategies in Eastern and Southern Africa

Lighthouses for food system transformation
This document sheds light on the ongoing efforts in Eastern and Southern Africa to develop National Agroecology Strategies (NASs), aiming to transform agri-food systems through the promotion of agroecological production practices, and the development of markets, value chains, and consumer demand. The brief offers an unique insight into policy advancements...
Kenya - Malawi - Rwanda - South Africa - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia - Zimbabwe
2024 - Biovision Foundation

Статья информационного бюллетеня
South Africa: A Mere Mural on the Wall?

Christian Adams, a fisher leader, highlighted the experiences of small-scale fishers in South Africa facing large-scale challenges in the era of the Blue Economy. Edited excerpts
On the long struggle for legal recognition of the small-scale fisheries (SSF) sector SSF includes indigenous, traditional and artisanal fishers. They were subjected to extensive criminalization in South Africa and have fought a long struggle for legal recognition. They were recognized for the first time only in 2007, when the Equality...
South Africa
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Информационный бюллетень
Bulletin sur la Surveillance Pastorale au Burkina Faso – Février à Mars 2024

La 18ème édition du bulletin bimestriel sur la surveillance pastorale au Burkina Faso couvre la période de février à mars 2024. Il comporte un large choix d’indicateurs, présentés sous forme de cartes et de tableaux. Ces derniers permettent de faire un état des lieux complet de la situation sur la...
Burkina Faso
2024 - Action contre la faim (ACF)
Total results:3580