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Workshop on Developing Action Plan for ASEAN Roadmap for Enhancing the Role of Agricultural Cooperative in the Global Value Chain

AFOSP-MTCP2 farmer organizations participate in the Workshop on Developing Action Plan for Enhancing the Role of Agricultural Cooperative in the Global Value Chain on 28 February 2019 at the Prince Palace Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. This workshop is co-organized by the consortium Asian Farmers’ Association and La Via Campesina together with...
2019 - ASEAN

The food system of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

The Ho Chi Minh City food system faces many challenges: the high use of chemicals for agriculture, the lack of means and knowledge for smallholder farmers to develop and transition towards more sustainable production systems, the vulnerability to climate change and the legacy of the war that contaminated most of...
Viet Nam
2019 - Let's Food Cities

Crop Prospects and Food Situation - No.1 March 2019

FAO assesses that globally 41 countries, of which 31 are in Africa, continue to be in need of external assistance for food. Conflict remains the main driver of high levels of severe food insecurity. Weather‑induced production declines and economic instability have also adversely impacted on food availability and access.
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Sustainable family farming agriculture in south Asia through partnerships

South Asia, comprised of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, is home to about 1.8 billion people -- nearly 25% of the world’s population. But with an area of 5.2 million square kilometers, or some 1% of the world’s area, South Asia is the most densely...
2019 - Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)

Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition – Asia and the Pacific

This is the second annual report developed collaboratively by United Nations agencies on progress in Asia and the Pacific towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 to eliminate hunger and malnutrition by 2030. Its findings are a cause for concern. The SDG hunger deadline is just over a decade away, and...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The making of a blue revolution in Bangladesh

A rapid increase in aquaculture production in Bangladesh has lowered fish prices, increased protein consumption, and reduced poverty. The Making of a Blue Revolution in Bangladesh offers a valuable case study of how this transformation in the fish value chain has occurred and how it has improved the lives of...
2019 - IFPRI

Strategies using floriculture to improve livelihoods in indigenous Australian and Pacific Island communities

The ACIAR project ‘Strategies Using Floriculture to Improve Livelihoods in Indigenous Australian and Pacific Island Communities’ utilised value chain analyses as a unifying framework in and across participating countries. The overall aim of this multifaceted project was to identify constraints and opportunities for indigenous enterprise development through floriculture. The potentially...
2019 - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

Interview with Indonesian Kapuas Hulu Indigenous Imanul Huda

The national Indonesian organization of indigenous peoples, Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN), estimates that between 50 and 70 million indigenous peoples live in Indonesia, accounting for up to 25% of the country’s total population.
Ahead of Indigenous Terra Madre Asia and Pan-Pacific, running from October 11-14th 2019 in Hokkaido, Japan, we spoke to indigenous delegate Imanul Huda, member of the Kapuas Hulu Slow Food Community in Indonesia. In our interview, Imanul discusses his involvement with Slow Food and his work to protect natural resources and sustainable food sources...
2019 - Slow Food

Газетная статья
Assessing sustainability of different forms of farm organization: adaptation of IDEA method to rubber family farms in Thailand

With increasing concerns on the sustainability of agricultural systems, many tools have been developed to assess farm sustainability. The main objective of this study was to assess and compare the sustainability of different forms of family farm organization. A second objective was to test the relevance of the IDEA method...

Статья в блоге
Green Climate Fund approves major FAO climate change resilience project in Pakistan

The Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) today approved an FAO project designed to transform Pakistan’s Indus River Basin by improving agriculture and water management to make this vital food-producing region more resilient to climate change. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has provided FAO with a grant of nearly $35...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Тематическое исследование
Sustainable smallholder cocoa farming through 4R nutrient management

Cocoa is a key crop for many Indonesian smallholder farmers, who own over 90 percent of the country’s cocoa production land. However, cocoa bean yields have fallen from around 750 kg/ha in the 1980s to below 400 kg/ha over the last two decades, with ageing trees, pests, diseases, poor soil...
2018 - International Fertilizer Association

Статья в блоге
Re-going organic in Nepal

There are hints of ecological farming everywhere you look on Jit Bahadur Singar’s farm. Plastic bottles holding a few drops of imitation pheromones hang among bitter gourd plants to attract pests. A home brew of animal urine, leaves, and remnants of garlic, hot pepper and tobacco – a bio-pesticide –...
2018 - SeedChange

Статья в блоге
Indonesian Smallholder farmers contribute trillion of rupiahs to investment in food

ice is Indonesia’s main food, and it is important to consider the role of small scale farmers and women in the production of rice and other food. Small farmers and women have contributed immensely to meet the nutritional needs of the Indonesian population. According to national statistics, 73 millions tonnes...
2018 - The Medium Term Cooperation Programme with Farmers’ Organisations in Asia and the Pacific,

Статья информационного бюллетеня
From the editor, Yemaya, No.57, July 2018

July 2018 witnessed the release of the flagship report of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) 2018. A trove of information that, in the months to come, will be unpacked and discussed by activists and researchers in the fishery and aquaculture sectors,...
2018 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Resilience through biodiverse cropping and millet recipes driven by Indian women network

This project is currently being implemented in the North of India since 2018 and focuses mainly on female smallholder farmers. The scope is to strengthen resilience through biodiverse cropping and seed system and broaden the type of crop produced in this region. The project is particularly in line with the...
2018 - Agroecology Coalition

Статья в блоге
Building stronger, climate-resilient farming and forest communities

Millions of small-scale farmers and foresters will be able to better protect their lands from the impacts of climate change, and improve their livelihoods thanks to renewed global efforts announced today on the side-lines of World Forest Week (COFO24). The Forest and Farm Facility initiative - a partnership among FAO, IIED,...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Статья в блоге
To defeat hunger, protecting agriculture from climate-related shocks must be central to disaster risk reduction measures in Asia and the Pacific

Governments and other stakeholders must place sustainable and productive agriculture front and centre in their attempts to reduce the impact of disasters and climate-related shocks in the world’s most disaster-prone region.
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in Lao PDR

This is the story of Ms Bouchan Huengvilay, a PGS-organic farmer in Lao PDR. She is part of one of the PGS groups formed and supported under the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) on "Small-scale Farmer Inclusion in Organic Agriculture Development through Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS)".
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

SRI farming enhances paddy produce of women farmers in Uttar Pradesh

SEWA, AFA member and MTCP2 national implementing agency in India, conducted SRI training for women farmers in Uttar Pradesh, India. Two of the participants applied what they learned from the training despite the risks, and their efforts paid off when the yield of their paddy fields increased from their usual...
2018 - Asian Farmers' Association

Climate Smart Farmers’ Field School as Extension Modality for Climate Change Adaptation in Rice Farming: Bicol, Philippines – A Success Story

The Climate Smart Farmers Field School (CFS) enhanced the capacities of 629 farmers in Climate Change adaptation skills in rice production in 14 farming barangays in 3 municipalities in BICOL Philippines by increasing their knowledge and skills on climate change adaptation strategies, demonstrating hands-on climate risk resilient agricultural technologies and setting up of small...
2018 - Asia Pacific Association of Educators in Agriculture and Environment (APEAEN)
Total results:1842