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11 Years Awaiting in Vain for a Fair Quota Allocation

 Once again Spain has turned its back on historic injustices by denying rights to small scale fishers in the Mediterranean to access Bluefin tuna.
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Crowdsourcing small-scale fisheries data: A global initiative

This webinar originally aired on 25 January 2017. The Information System on Small-scale Fisheries (ISSF) is a web portal that is used to integrate, summarize, and communicate information on small-scale fisheries (SSF) globally. Based on a crowdsourcing approach, the data are all freely accessible, helping the global SSF community to better...
2017 - Too Big To Ignore

Информационный бюллетень
TBTI Digest, March 2017

The Too Big To Ignore (TBTI) Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs.   
2017 - Too Big To Ignore

Malta MedFish4Ever Ministerial Declaration

A ministerial conference on Mediterranean fisheries is organized in Malta on 29-30 March 2017 to adopt a common declaration (Malta MedFish4Ever Declaration) on the future of Mediterranean fisheries. The event consists of a Stakeholder roundtable, a launching meeting, a ministerial conference meeting and a ceremony for the signature of the...

Информационный бюллетень
TBTI Digest, January 2017

The Too Big To Ignore (TBTI) Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs.   
2017 - To Big To Ignore

Landare - An experience that feeds thousands of people

Landare is one of the Spanish State’s pioneer consumer associations. Founded in 1991 by individuals involved in antimilitarist and anarchist groups, Landare has since evolved alongside social change and unrest. Today, 2600 families from Pamplona (Iruña) meet and acquire foodstuffs in Landare’s two premises which employ 25 workers. Landare can,...
2017 - Landare

Информационный бюллетень
Regional Office for Africa Newsletter for a hunger-free Africa

FAO Regional Office for Africa's Newsletter highlights some relevant news stories, articles, and feature stories across the region, subregions and at countries of Africa. The RAF Newsletter is a good platform resource for knowledge and information sharing. This edition which covers the period of January to June 2017 takes into...
Central African Republic - Eritrea - Ghana - Nigeria - South Sudan
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

El Uso de Antimicrobianos en la Acuicultura en América Latina: Desafíos y Perspectivas Futuras

Una de las principales soluciones para el control de enfermedades en acuicultura, al igual que con otras especies animales, es el uso prudente de medicamentos veterinarios. Se reconoce internacionalmente que el uso de medicamentos es importante en el control de enfermedades. La OMS ha declarado que "los antimicrobianos son medicamentos...
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Traditional knowledge Use for the Sustainable Management of Marine and Fishing Resources

The use of traditional knowledge can be a powerful conservation tool, providing community support for conservation plans and enabling the inclusion of customary ecological management practices in their design. This study documents three experiences in Central America where traditional knowledge has been used to improve marine spatial planning and frame...
Costa Rica - Honduras

Политический обзор/документ
LIFE and BirdLife join forces on seabirds by-catch

Seabirds forage in highly productive areas of the ocean, which are also targeted by commercial fishing vessels. This overlap can cause them to be accidentally caught on hooks, or entangled in nets. For small-scale low impact fishers, such incidental by-catches of seabirds represent a potential danger to life and limb....
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Политический обзор/документ
Pulse fishing: vote on 21/11

LIFE strongly urges MEPs of the Committee on Fisheries (PECH) to vote against the lifting of restrictions to pulse fishing.
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Small Scale Fisheries Guidelines

The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines) are the first international instrument dedicated entirely to the immensely important – but until now often neglected – small-scale fisheries sector. The SSF Guidelines represent a global consensus on principles and guidance...
2017 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Charter for CSAs in the USA and Canada

Collectively written by CSA farmers and promotors in the United States and in Canada during 2016, to prepare the 2017 CSA Day, on February 24th.
The North American CSA community, taking a clue from the rapid growth of CSAs in new areas of the world (France, UK, all of Europe, China), is proposing the adoption of a CSA Charter that provides a definition of what CSA is all about. Together, regional networks and independent CSAs will launch...
Canada - United States of America
2017 - Urgenci

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Piscicultura é o setor que mais tem se expandido, apesar dos entraves

Exportação do pescado regional chega a 70% e o próximo passo é entrar no competitivo mercado norte-americano
O setor agropecuário é o único da economia brasileira que vem suportando a crise e continua a crescer. É o setor que tem apresentado bons resultados em todo país. Em Roraima, a agropecuária é responsável por mais da metade da economia e está presente todos os dias em nossas vidas,...
2017 - Folha de Boa Vista

Информационный бюллетень
TBTI Digest, August 2017

The Too Big to Ignore (TBTI) Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs. 
2017 - Too Big To Ignore - Global Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries

Gobernanza territorial y Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados en la nueva ruralidad

La obra que ahora presentamos reúne trabajos de investigación en alimentos y territorio en el contexto de una nueva ruralidad. Los estudios fueron realizados con el enfoque de Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados (SIAL), como una herramienta que permite conocer y explicar la red de relaciones entre los actores sociales y el...
2017 - Red de Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados (Red Sial-México)

SAMUDRA Report No.77, September 2017

Comment: Working for Fishers, Analysis - C188: Truly Sustainable by Brandt Wagner et al., Brazil - Fishermen: A Backbreaking Struggle by Ana Paula Rainho, Peru - Labour: Against the Current by Juan Carlos Sueiro et al., New Zealand - Labour: Exploited, Blacklisted, Destitute by Christina Stringer et al., Ireland -...

Статья информационного бюллетеня
From the editor, Yemaya, No.55, September 2017

The United Nations Ocean Conference held in New York on 5-9 June 2017, focussed on the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14), and called for the sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources. At the conference plenary, the Women’s Major Group, representing 1300 member organizations and networks...

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Ivory Coast: brighter future

Smoked and dried fish is a vital source of food and income for many African coastal communities. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, about 20-30 per cent of the local catch in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, or Ivory Coast, is consumed as smoked...

Информационный бюллетень
Yemaya, No. 55, September 2017

From the Editor, Africa - Ivory Coast: Brighter future by Beatrice Gorez, Profile - Breaking boundaries: A 69-year-old Talaimannar fisherwoman breaks social boundaries by Daya Neththasinha, Asia - Sri Lanka: A double struggle by Cornelie Quist, Milestones - Towards gender-equitable fisheries by Venugopalan N, Asia - India: Roadmap for survival...
Total results:1504