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School Farm Community Supported Agriculture

Community supported agriculture (CSA) is a partnership between farmers and the local community, where the responsibilities, risks and rewards of farming are shared. Benefits are enjoyed by all sides: farmers for instance can receive a more stable and secure income and closer connection with their community, and consumer members can...
European Union
2017 - School Farm Community Supported Agriculture

Статья в блоге
European Rural Sustainability Gathering 2017

Forum Synergies’ rural sustainability gatherings are a lively exchange of practical knowledge and experiences between local actors, social organizations and policy makers from across Europe. During this three-day meetings we bring together people from all walks of life to learn on the spot from each other about sustainable practices in...
European Union
2017 - ARC2020 Agricultural & Rural Convention

Статья в блоге
Agri-environment measures

Agri-environment measures provide payments to farmers who subscribe, on a voluntary basis, to environmental commitments related to the preservation of the environment and maintaining the countryside. Agri-environment measures are a key element for the integration of environmental concerns into the Common Agricultural Policy. They are designed to encourage farmers to protect...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

European Rural Youth Forum

The European Rural Youth Forum (ERYF) is a non-profit international NGO designed to provide a platform for young people from rural areas to discuss issues that are crucial to their countries and region. These topics are addressed during an annual summer university (7-10 days), which is held in a different...

Gender in agriculture and rural development

Agriculture is one of the most widespread activities in the world and has a crucial role in food production, environmental protection, landscape preservation, rural employment and food security. Agriculture is not uniform throughout, there are different elements. From a gender point of view, there are significant gaps between women and men....
European Union
2017 - EIGE

The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed

2016 Report
The RASFF was put in place to provide food and feed control authorities with an effective tool to exchange information about measures taken responding to serious risks detected in relation to food or feed. This exchange of information helps Member States to act more rapidly and in a coordinated manner...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Acheter local, bio et de saison : un acte politique

Comment court-circuiter le modèle classique de distribution alimentaire ? En implantant des circuits courts, répondent les citoyens et les paysans convaincus de la portée politique que représente l’acte de manger. Échange entre Aimée Serve-Gorce, arboricultrice bio, Marion Tournand-Ponson, d’AlterConso, Thibaut Duez, de l’épicerie lyonnaise De l’autre côté de la rue, Geneviève...

Food integrity in the food chain: How can the animal production sector contribute?

The demand, consumption patterns, consumers’ engagement and perceptions of food are changing and diversifying. A growing part of consumers become more interested in how their food is grown, processed and brought to market. The consumption of meat and dairy products per capita is decreasing in most European countries, with differences according to...

EAFRD - 10th October 2017, Paris, France

Introductory Speech at 3rd EU Fi-compass Conference on Financial Instruments for Agriculture and Rural Development
European Union
2017 - European Commission

The Happy Pear Living Foods Farm

Darragh Flynn (27) started the Happy Pear Living Foods Farm 4 years ago in 2009. He now grows wheatgrass and many different types of sprouts, like beans, sunflower, chickpeas, alfafa, leaks, etc. Darragh delivers all over Ireland and shows us that even without land, it is possible to set up...
2017 - Future Farmers in the Spotlight

European Young Farmers: Building a Sustainable Sector

CEJA has officially launched the online survey “European Young Farmers: Building a sustainable sector” to hear young farmers’ opinions on farm sustainability to create a better future for young farmers across Europe.  The survey is open to all young farmers across Europe and aims to understand the needs of young farmers...

Статья в блоге
Farmers will benefit from simplified rules, more flexibility for EU countries

More flexibility to European Union (EU) countries to support young farmers, more ecological focus areas, more support for farmers facing income losses – these were just some of the proposed improvements to EU agri-food policy agreed by EU member states on 16 October 2017. The changes to the four main regulations governing...
European Union
2017 - European Commission

Информационный бюллетень
Country Side - Access and use of farmland

Agricultural land is a precious good and a special asset. It is essential for food, feed and energy production, and the delivery of public goods. It remains a matter within the competency of each Member State of the European Union on a national level. Yet, the acquisition of farmland and...
European Union
2017 - European Land Owners

Информационный бюллетень
News from the Deck – May 2017

The newsletter of May 2017 includes: Latest report by the European Court of Auditors confirms lack of transparency in the allocation of fishing opportunities LIFE members from Finland, France, Denmark and LIFE staff as ambassadors of European small-scale fisheries at the event organized by Slow Food in Genoa (Italy) Other news from around...
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

European Young Farmers: Building a Sustainable Sector

The report outlines the results of an EU-wide survey among young farmers carried out by CEJA and DeLaval in all Member States. Based on a questionnaire, the objective was to discover the opinion of young farmers in relation to the sustainability of the agricultural sector, together with the challenges they...
2017 - CEJA

Mapping and analysis of the implementation of the CAP

The study “Mapping and analysis of the implementation of the CAP” has three main objectives: (1) to map the implementation of the CAP by the 28 Member States, focusing on their implementation choices, the motivation for these choices and the importance attached to the three CAP general objectives; (2) to...
European Union
2017 - European Commission - Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

Community Supported Agriculture meets Community Supported Fisheries!

Fish to fork and farm to fork are a shared struggle!
Community Supported Fisheries have been springing up all over the world. They are every bit as much an answer to industrial fishing as CSA is to agriculture. In North America there are already many thousands of members in an organised network, Local Catch.org. The network has much in common with...
2017 - Urgenci

EIP-AGRI workshop 'Organic is Operational'

The EIP-AGRI workshop 'Organic is Operational' took place in Hamburg, Germany, on Wednesday 14 and Thursday 15 June 2017.
European Union
2017 - EIP Agri

A Question of Balance

Small-scale and large-scale fleets could play complementary roles given a level playing field.
There is self-evidently a place and a need for both small and larger scale fishing fleets, but this requires first of all establishing a level playing field that ensures fair access to resources, to markets, to sector support, and to decision taking processes for all fleet segments.
European Union
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Shocking the fish

Shocking the fish off the seabed
Precaution is needed prior to promoting electric pulse fishing as a more sustainable alternative for traditional beam trawling.
European Union
2017 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe
Total results:2290