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Тематическое исследование
No sweeter business

Embracing beekeeping as a livelihood in the Gambia’s dryland forests
They are dotted with riverine vegetation, palm and hardwood trees. They are speckled with salt flats, savanna and mangrove creeks. At the first glance, the forests and the woodlands of the Gambia, tinged in different shades of green, look menacing and breathtaking in equal measure. Adorned with an array of prominent...
2022 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Creating agroecological markets

To sell agroecological produce, we need to pay attention to four things: organization; negotiation with local authorities; a guarantee system, so consumers know that all the produce is free from agrochemicals; and finally marketing and customer services.
2022 - Access Agriculture

Farmer Field Schools and agroecology: Tools for sustainable food and agricultural systems

This practice describes the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach in the context of agroecology and the use of the 10 Elements of Agroecology as a holistic tool to think about sustainable food and agricultural systems at multiple scales. The practice also explains how FFS and agroecology interventions can support sustainable...
2022 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Газетная статья
Presence of pesticides in the environment, transition into organic food, and implications for quality assurance along the European organic food chain – A review

The use of synthetic pesticides is not allowed in organic production, but traces of synthetic pesticides are regularly detected in organic food. To safeguard the integrity of organic production, organic certifiers are obliged to investigate the causes for pesticide residues on organic food, entailing high costs to the organic sector. Such residues...
European Union
2022 - Science Direct

Статья в блоге
Ukraine | Green Road of Ecovillages, Six Months into War

The Green Road of Ecovillages is a network of ecological communities and permaculture centers that give shelter to refugees from Ukraine. Some of the displaced people are now elsewhere in Ukraine, others outside Ukraine. It was born organically on the basis of an existing network and due to the incredible...
2022 - Arc 2020

ECVC Youth: Navigating Dreams & Precarity Working and Learning Conditions of Young Agricultural Workers, Interns and Volunteers Across Europe

This report assesses the working and learning conditions of young agricultural workers, defined as people who labour in the fields, mountains and farms and also in the livestock or food processing units and who are younger than 40 years old. The report looks at a wide range of issues including...
European Union
2022 - European Coordination of Via Campesina (ECVC)

Peasant Agroecology

According to ECVC
European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) has released a new publication on its vision of peasant agroecology, capable of offering solutions to the present-day major environmental, social, economic and political challenges we are facing. The publication explains the concepts of peasant agroecology according to ECVC, then offers diverse case studies that...
2022 - European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC)

Evaluation of Agroecology in the villages of Guiè and Douré (Central Plateau Region, Burkina Faso)

The economic and social effects of agroecological systems and practices inside and outside Sahelian bocage landscapes, and preconditions for their development
The objective of the study was to assess the socio-economic effects of agroecological systems and practices inside and outside three bocage schemes, or hedgerow landscape schemes, set up by TERRE VERTE andAZN, and to evaluate the preconditions for developing the implementation of these systems and practices. The study was conducted...
Burkina Faso
2022 - GRET

Информационный бюллетень
Romanian Rural Development Network Newsletter 7/2022

Rural Romania Newsletter 7/2022 - Topics include: Ongoing session sM9.1Producer groups;AgriFish Council 18 July 2022;Wildfires;Come&See Festival;LINC Jeseniky ;Smart rural communities;Workshop Mountain area;Local Development Strategies adhoc seminar&other.
2022 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Статья в блоге
A decade of innovative farmer learning using video

Guest blog dedicated to Access Agriculture 10th Anniversary  Join us in celebrating Access Agriculture’s 10th Anniversary this year. I wish to describe this milestone as “a decade of innovative farmer learning,” achieved through the promotion of agricultural training videos in local languages, such as Yoruba -- my native language -- and...
2022 - Access Agriculture

Работа конференции
D’une agroécologie de projets à une politique agricole agroécologique

Plusieurs organisations membres de la Plateforme souveraineté alimentaire mettent en œuvre des projets d’appui à des pratiques agroécologiques, notamment en Afrique sub-saharienne. Ces projets forment des paysans et paysannes-ressources, qui ensuite transmettent leurs connaissances et leurs pratiques à d’autres familles paysannes. Les bénéfices des pratiques agroécologiques sont de mieux en mieux...
2022 - www.souverainetealimentaire.org

Organic Certification Preparation Manual

This guide is specifically intended for Producer Organisations (POs) located in countries outside the European Union (EU), as well as for AVSF’s technical teams working with them.Its objective is to describe the different stages of organic certification, and to highlight the difficulties that can be encountered, in order to anticipate...
2022 - Agronomes et vétérinaires sans frontières

Информационный сборник
Manejo agronómico: Selección de semilla y variedades

La semilla es la portadora del potencial genético, que permite a una variedad expresar su capacidad en cuanto a producción y tolerancia o resistencia a enfermedades. Por esto, es de gran importancia usar semilla de calidad, ya sea seleccionada o certificada en nuestros cultivos. Más Información: Bibliografía completa de la corporación Editorial Agrosavia Repositorio...
2022 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria AGROSAVIA.

Traque des innovations numériques au service de la transition agroécologique au Bénin

Face au défi alimentaire et aux instabilités climatiques, l’agriculture du Bénin doit accroître ses performances économiques, sociales et environnementales, en particulier par le développement de l’agroécologie. Le numérique est souvent cité comme un levier majeur de la transition agroécologique, mais les innovations numériques en agriculture au Bénin restent peu visibles....
2022 - CIRAD

Organics Europe Youth Event 2022

The Organics Europe Youth Event (OEYE), taking place on 31 August-1 September in Frick, Switzerland, is an event for youth interested and active in organic. It will provide a platform to discuss and learn about the potential and challenges of organic production and its role as a sustainable food system.The youth event...
2022 - IFoam Organics

Статья в блоге
KOKUE: Una aplicación móvil que ayuda a crear huertas agroecológicas

La Asociación Cultural para el Desarrollo Integral (ACDI) creó Kokue, una herramienta tecnológica gratuita que hoy ya tiene más de 6.300 descargas y es utilizada en seis provincias de Argentina, en Paraguay y Bolivia. Con el objetivo de mejorar el acceso a una alimentación adecuada de comunidades rurales y urbanas del...
2022 - Asociación Cultural para el Desarrollo Integral (ACDI)

Gaza Foodways

Gaza Foodways [towards resilient women-led urban agroecological food systems] is a transdisciplinary research collaboration between: the Palestinian Hydrology Group, the Gaza Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform, the University College of Applied Science (Gaza), and the Centre for Agroecology, Water & Resilience, Coventry University (UK) to contribute toward a ‘just transition’ to diversified low-carbon urban food...
Gaza Strip
2022 - Palestinian Hydrology Group, the Gaza Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform, the University College of Applied Science (Gaza), and the Centre for Agroecology, Water & Resilience, Coventry University (UK)

Utopías agrecológicas para el agrocapitalismo. Una perspectiva crítica desde las agroecologías de los sures.

La tesis central que se defiende en este libro, es que: el poder agrocapitalista ha diseñado dos poderosas matrices, a través de las cuales produce y reproduce dos tipos de paisajes agrarios, para lo cual, históricamente se ha apropiado, además de cuerpos y territorios, de un saber agronómico que dicho...
2022 - Universidad del Tolima

Статья в блоге
Tanzanian farmers mobilize for agroecology, food sovereignty and Pan-Africanism

Hundreds of smallholder farmers gathered in the city of Morogoro on November 17 and 18 for the 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima Tanzania or the National Network of Small-Scale Farmers Groups in Tanzania (MVIWATA).  The organization was founded in 1993 by self-organized farmers in the...
2022 - Peoples Dispatch

Research on agroecology: current strengths and innovative futures for sustainable food systems

On 27 October at 12:00-14:00 UTC (14:00-16.00 CEST), the Transformative Partnership Platform on Agroecology (TPP) hosted an online event on ‘’Research on Agroecology: Current strengths and innovative futures for sustainable food systems’’.  The topic of agroecological transformation of agri-food systems and its link to the Sustainable Development Goals was one of the most prevalent at the United Nations...
2022 - The Transformative Partnership Platform on Agroecology
Total results:4095