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Основная тема

An Introduction to Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS)

This short video explains the basis of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). It was designed as a trailer and short version of the documentary: A guide to Participatory Guarantee Systems for Organic Agricultureavailable to watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbwiC...The video was produced by IFOAM – Organics International with the financial support of the Technical...
Brazil - Fiji - France - South Africa
2016 - IFOAM - Organics International

Статья в блоге
Farmers’ organisations work to drive uptake of conservation agriculture

União Províncal de Camponeses de Manica (UCAMA) and Zimbabwe Farmers Union (ZFU) have been supporting farmers to scale up Conservation Agriculture (CA) in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, respectively. As the key implementing partners of a project titled “Facilitating Farmer-led Scaling-up of Conservation Agriculture in Southern Africa” which is funded by the...
Mozambique - Zimbabwe
2016 - Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU)

Colección: Ahorrar para crecer

El presente sitio web contiene información de la serie y colección de guías sobre la aplicación práctica del modelo de la FAO de intensificación sostenible de la producción agrícola “Ahorrar para crecer” en los cultivos fundamentales para la seguridad alimentaria mundial. Con ejemplos de África, América Latina y Asia, se muestra...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

First International Seminar on Local Public Policies for Food Sovereignty

 Under the banner, “Feeding Public Policies”  opening a space for international debate and alliance building in order to promote public policies that contribute to food sovereignty.

Политический обзор/документ
Ending Hunger in Africa

The African Union has set a target to “eliminate hunger and food insecurity by 2025.” Both Agenda 2063 and the African Union Summit decision on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation have reafrmed this commitment (African Union, 2014, 2015). Unfortunately, Africa is not currently on track to meet these targets. Immediate,...
2016 - New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)

Статья в блоге
Algérie:Des experts soulignent la nécessité d'encourager les fermes agricoles familiales

Des experts et des professionnels du secteur agricole ont souligné à Alger la nécessité d'encourager les fermes familiales à contribuer à la résolution des problèmes dont souffre le secteur notamment l'instabilité de la production.Lors d'une rencontre organisée par la commission de l'agriculture, de la pêche et de la protection de...

Статья в блоге
Sead contribui para o desenho de políticas para a juventude rural

O Brasil tem contribuído de forma efetiva para a consolidação de políticas públicas para a juventude rural no Mercosul. Um exemplo de ação foi o 5º Encontro Sul-americano de Jovens Rurais: Caminhos para o Desenvolvimento, realizado pela Reunião Especializada para a Agricultura Familiar do Mercosul (Reaf) no início de novembro,...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Информационный бюллетень
TBTI Digest, November 2016

The TBTI Digest contains all of the project's recent activities and outputs.   
2016 - Too Big to Ignore

Governo Federal lança cartilha que incentiva o empoderamento de meninas

Publicação busca refletir sobre as dificuldades relacionadas às questões de gênero que afetam a vida das adolescentes. A Secretaria Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente lançou, ontem, quinta-feira (15), o “Caderno de Boas Práticas Empoderamento de Meninas - Como iniciativas brasileiras estão ajudando a garantir a igualdade de gênero”. Sobre...
2016 - Secretaria Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente

Статья в блоге
Reaping the rewards of their labour: economic empowerment for women farmers in Nepal

Chandra Kala Thapa is a thirty-year-old smallholder farmer living in Ranichauri, a village in the Sindhuli District of south-eastern Nepal. Like many women farmers here and in other parts of the developing world, she has faced a number of barriers to improving her agricultural productivity and increasing her income.
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Журнальная статья
Locally rooted: Ideas and initiatives from the field

Two (or more) heads are better than one, goes the old saying, and the same is true in agroecology. As we see here, when people from diverse backgrounds come together, their different perspectives and experiences are fertile ground for creativity and innovation to blossom.
  Farmers in Koutiala, a district in Southern Mali grow cereals to feed their families and keep cows for milk and as a form of savings. There, all the arable land is currently under cultivation. During the four months of the rainy season, farmers prioritise the cultivation of cereals over fodder...
Belgium - France - Indonesia - Mali
2016 - ILEIA - centre for learning on sustainable agriculture

Pension funds fuel land grabs in Brazil

Around the world, farmers are losing their lands, often violently, to large companies and speculators who see farmland as a lucrative investment. But what are the complex mechanisms behind these processes? Could your pension fund be contributing to land grabbing in places like Brazil? This animated video shows how a global...
2016 - GRAIN

FAO-Dimitra Clubs: Community Mobilization

The video shows how the members of the FAO-Dimitra Clubs in Niger and DR Congo have succeeded in improving their livelihoods and highlights the momentum they have created at community level. The video also explores the collaborations between the clubs and other development actors, such as rural institutions. ”Community Mobilization”...
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Niger
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Раздел книги
Family Farming in Romania

Small Family Farm households are essential for the future of Romania
Although family farms are found in great numbers all over Romania, they are found in their highest numbers, and in the most typical traditional small-scale farmed landscapes, in the northern and Central parts of Romania. This smallholding-based production has persisted, especially in Romanian mountain and upland regions. However, livestock numbers...
2016 - AgriSpin

Forestry contribution to national economy and trade in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda

The economic contributions of forests in Eastern African countries have not received the desired attention in terms of policy and budgetary allocation needed for sustained growth of these forests. This, among other reasons, has led to the reduction of forest zones and an increase in the import of forest-related products,...
Ethiopia - Kenya - Uganda
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
El CIMMYT en el taller para lograr objetivos y metas de 2030 del WBCSD

El CIMMYT participó en el taller global Pathways to Impact que organizó la oficina de Estados Unidos del United States Business Council for Sustainable Development (USBCSD), una iniciativa global que reúne a las principales empresas del sector privado y donde el CIMMYT aporta su experiencia y conocimiento en materia de...
2016 - Centro International de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT)

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Inspirational Ideas: Selling dairy products from a milk van

Stanislav Nemec’s runs a dairy farm in the Czech Republic. He originally produced feta cheese, but in 2008 during the economic crisis, his business partner pulled out and he lost 70% of his turnover. What appeared at first to be a serious threat for the further existence of his farm,...
2016 - Eip-Agri

Статья в блоге
Conferencia Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe

34.o período de sesiones - Ciudad de México, México, 29 de febrero - 3 de marzo de 2016
Noticia que da cuenta de el 34.º período de sesiones de la Conferencia Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe se llevará a cabo en Ciudad de México, desde el 29 de febrero al 3 de marzo de 2016. Gracias a los enormes esfuerzos que han realizado los...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Газетная статья
La adaptabilidad de los recursos zoogenéticos Criollos, base para enfrentar los desafíos de la producción animal

Las principales especies pecuarias en América Latina y El Caribe (ALC) procedentes de la península Ibérica, han evolucionado por 500 años en ambientes diversos y adversos, lo que sugiere que los animales Criollos poseen genes para adaptación en frecuencias distintas a las de razas exóticas. El propósito es mostrar resultados de...
2016 - Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. México.

Agricultural livelihood recovery in Northern Uganda

With financial support from the European Commission, FAO implemented the Agricultural Livelihood Recovery Project in Northern Uganda to enhance agricultural productivity, rehabilitate rural based infrastructure to faciliatte return and resettlement and to revitalise the local economy
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:19553