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Основная тема

El Niño in Ethiopia

Program observations on the impact of the Ethiopia drought and recommendations for action
Ethiopia is facing a massive drought and food insecurity crisis. The impact of failed rains and droughts have been worsened by the 2015 El Niño, which itself has been supercharged by climate change. Urgent humanitarian action is needed to support millions of people who have lost food, water and livelihoods....
2016 - Oxfam International

Журнальная статья
How is the life of family farms in Europe? Presentation of Hungary

Association of private farming of the Czech Republic organized an International Conference on family farms and Common Agricultural Policy of EU. The event was held in Brno on 4 - 6th of April 2016. 10 European countries attended the conference. Herewith volume 6. Presentation of Hungary
2016 - Association of private farming of the Czech Republic

Политический обзор/документ
A Better Life in Rural Areas

The declaration sets out ten orientations to guide future policy responses taking into account the potential of rural areas to deliver sustainable solutions, as well as current challenges.
European Union
2016 - European Commission

Раздел книги
The potential of organic farming to contribute to climate change mitigation

Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote...
2016 - IFOAM

Тематическое исследование
Innovations for inclusive agricultural finance and risk mitigation mechanisms

The case of Tamwil El Fellah in Morocco
he Government’s Green Morocco Plan (Plan Maroc Vert) underlines agriculture’s important role and sets strategies to promote the sector’s development. Despite these efforts, however, important challenges remain. An important one refers to the availability of appropriate financial services for rural actors engaged in agriculture. The average capital required yearly to...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
Agroecology as an Alternative Vision to Conventional Development and Climate-smart Agriculture

ABSTRACT After briefly describing the origins and recent history of agroecology, the author critically reflects on what makes agroecologyfundamentally different from Climate-smart Agriculture (CSA). This article focuses in particular on the more transformative elements ofthe agroecology and food sovereignty paradigm to clearly identify overlaps and divergences with CSA and explore...

Ovibeja Agicultural Fair

The Ovibeja is a trade mark. And if the need sharpens the wit, the "Ovibeja" brand is the shared construction, the step forward that we need to always continually looking for new solutions. The Ovibeja is the hallmark of an inclusive fair. Encouraging. Motor driver of different dynamics that comprises...

Тематическое исследование
Formal versus Informal

Efficiency, Inclusiveness, and Financing of Dairy Value Chains in India
Despite a growing dairy industry in India, farmers’ lack of access to organized markets and institutional credit remains one of the major hindrances in improving the scale and productivity of dairying. Using data from a survey of 612 households from the state of Punjab, India, this paper evaluates farmers’ choices...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Журнальная статья
How is the life of family farms in Europe? Presentation of Poland

Association of private farming of the Czech Republic organized an International Conference on family farms and Common Agricultural Policy of EU. The event was held in Brno on 4 - 6th of April 2016. 10 European countries attended the conference. Herewith volume 7. Presentation of Poland
2016 - Association of private farming of the Czech Republic

Статья в блоге
Burundi: embracing integration, sustainability and efficiency in agriculture

FAO supports sustainable agricultural growth in Burundi through farmer field schools
Feeding a rapidly increasing global population means that food production must be achieved in a more efficient and sustainable manner. It is therefore essential to use fewer inputs to achieve greater yields. The real challenge not only lies in increased production, but also in reaching this aim against a backdrop...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Часть доклада
Regional assessment of soil changes in the Near East and North Africa

This is Chapter 13, "Regional Assessment of Soil Changes in the Near East and North Africa," of the report Status of the World’s Soil Resources.  The Near East and North Africa (NENA) region has a land area of approximately 14.9 million km2, nearly all of which is hyper-arid, arid or...
Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Tunisia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Alternatives Rurales - Hors-Série Jeunes Ruraux

Depuis les années 1990, la thématique des jeunes a pris de l’importance dans le débat public au Maroc, que ce soit en termes de renouvellement de la classe politique ou de l’obtention d’emplois pour les jeunes diplômés. En témoignent les mouvements contestataires des jeunes diplômés chômeurs, les politiques d’appui aux...
2016 - Collectif Dynamiques Rurales, Innovations et Développement Durable (DRIDURA)

Политический обзор/документ
Overcoming challenges for crops, people and policies in Central Africa

The story of CIALCA stakeholder engagement
The great lakes region of Central Africa is beautiful and abundant in hills, people and conflicts. Its high altitude and cooler climate make it ideal for crops. But soils have been exhausted, spare land is rarely available, and competition and struggle for resources has marked much of the region’s history...
Burundi - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Rwanda - Uganda
2016 - International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Работа конференции
Conclusions of the regional conference on “Building a future for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea”

The Regional Conference on “Building a future for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea” (7-9 March 2016, Algiers, Algeria) enjoyed the robust attendance of over 200 participants, which included policy-makers, scientists, practitioners, fishers representatives, fish workers, civil society organizations, NGOs, research institutions, international organizations and more....
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге
Inspirational ideas: Aquaculture + hydroponics = aquaponics

Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms, e.g. fish, and hydroponics is growing plants in a soilless medium. Aquaponics couples both systems. The nutrient-rich water from the fish unit is used as fertiliser for the hydroponically grown crops, therefore significantly reducing the sewage of the fish component. However, larger aquaponic systems...
Belgium - European Union - Germany - Spain
2016 - EIP Agri

Рабочий документ
Overview of feed resources condition and feeding practices among the smallholder dairy farmers in Tanzania

In Tanzania, most smallholder dairy farmers rely on on-farm resources for feeding their livestock. These on-farm feed resources include grasses, legumes, crop residues, cereals and oilseed byproducts. These feed resources, in particular pasture and crop residues, do often fluctuate seasonally both in terms of quantity and quality. For example, pasture...
United Republic of Tanzania
2016 - Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)

Журнальная статья
Industry benefits but does not pay its dues

Patents are an assault on genetic resources
Patents increasingly undermine the strong legal edifice patiently constructed by UPOV (1).The Treaty guarantees free access to the main industrial resource of plant breeders - peasants’ seeds collected from farms across the world. This article argues that broadening the reach of patents over genetic resources is increasingly replacing benefit sharing,...
Brazil - India
2016 - ILEIA - centre for learning on sustainable agriculture

Тематическое исследование
Communal Life of Love and Unity of the Mountain People

Mountain people learn, live, love and unite for life – to awaken and search for the treasure within the mountain. By combining our wisdom, we can co-exist and develop to our fullest potential, working towards holistic dignity and sustainability. This initiative involves 1,144 families, mainly concentrated in Mae Win, Mae...
2016 - The Communal Life of Love and Unity of the Mountain People (CLUMP) foundation

2016 IPPC/FAO REU Regional Workshop for the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region

The purpose of this workshop is to develop capacity in a range of areas related to the IPPC. This will include learning how to analyse draft ISPMs and to formulate productive comments using the examples of draft ISPMs for member consultation in 2016, to build phytosanitary capacity and raise awareness...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Раздел книги
Beyond climate change mitigation: the multiple benefits of organic farming

Organic farms sustain 30% more biodiversity than conventional arms, as demonstrated by a meta-analysis of 94 studies from the past 30 years (Tuck et al., 2014). The most distinct differences in biodiversity were seen in landscapes containing a higher proportion of arable crops, and plant biodiversity benefited the most from...
2016 - IFOAM
Total results:19187