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Основная тема

Preventing diseases in rabbits

Coccidiosis and colibacillosis are the most dangerous diseases in rabbits because they are highly contagious. Veterinary products cannot cure rabbits that have been infected with these disease. Luckily, they can be prevented, as we will listen in this video.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Тематическое исследование
Varietal development and the effectiveness of seed sector policies

The case of rice in Nigeria
Seed is an essential input in agriculture, and the availability of quality seed of superior varieties is often critical for improved food security and poverty reduction in developing countries like Nigeria. However, while the Nigerian government recognizes the importance of improving seed availability, its recent focus in the seed sector...
2016 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

CIHEAM Watch Letter 37 - Mediterranean Agriculture and Climate Change

Climatic constraints, especially the scarcity of water and land resources have always been characteristic of Mediterranean agricultural systems that have developed ingenious farming systems to adapt. Today, the resilience of these systems is challenged since climatic disruptions will generate different conditions for agricultural production throughout the region and will impact...
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

A meeting of minds in Warsaw

Saturday 29th October, Warsaw - Member organisations and invited guests met in Warsaw, Poland to celebrate LIFE’s work in support of the small scale, low impact fishers of Europe
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

International Year of Pulses - Global Dialogue

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing a Global Dialogue (GD) on the International Year of Pulses 2016 at its headquarters in Rome, Italy from 22 to 23 November 2016. The GD will provide a forum for various stakeholders in the pulses sector, to discuss the issues...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Статья в блоге
Biodiversity for food and agriculture is focus of Bonn consultation

The region of Europe and Central Asia is blessed with a wealth of crop, livestock, fish and forest genetic resources in diverse production systems. Unfortunately those resources are suffering from overexploitation, misuse and degradation and require immediate attention.
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations

La Via Campesina Annual Report 2015

Peasant agriculture is faced with a constant offensive by transnational companies that are grabbing land and resources, imposing a mode of production based on chemical inputs and industrial seeds, and making profit out of globalized and de-localised food production chains. Millions of small farmers, women and men are left landless,...
2016 - La Via Campesina

Газетная статья
Evaluación agroecológica de sistemas hortícolas de dos zonas del oriente antioqueño, Colombia

La agroecología es un nuevo paradigma de la producción agrícola que se empieza a extender en las diferentes regiones con vocación agrícola de Colombia, sin embargo, se hace necesario conocer en detalle las características de estos sistemas y su nivel de sostenibilidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la...
2016 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Рабочий документ
The rights to social protection and adequate food

Human rights‐based frameworks for social protection in the context of realizing the right to food and the need for legal underpinnings
The right to adequate food lies at the heart of the mandate of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). That concept takes into consideration the availability, access and adequacy of food, and that individuals, alone or in community with others, may acquire food through their own...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Agri tourism : MoCa Family Farm, agribusiness ideas in the Philippines

The MoCa Family Farm in Padre Garcia, Batangas is a farm that integrates not only all its farming activities and but also its community. A perfect showcase of farm tourism for small filipino farmers.

Статья в блоге
FAO calls on donors to support Syrian farmers in their hour of need

With the war in Syria now approaching its sixth year, agricultural production has plummeted and food supplies are at an all-time low, pushing millions of people into hunger. FAO today called on governments to provide a boost in funding targeted at helping farmers keep their lands in production to prevent...
Syrian Arab Republic
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Sustainable Food Value Chains Knowledge Platform

This global knowledge platform provides a user-friendly gateway to practical guidance and information on the development of Sustainable Food Value Chains (SFVC). SFVC development is a market-oriented and systems-based approach for measuring, analysing and improving the performance of food value chains (FVCs) in ways that help ensure their economic, social...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations

Технический документ
Making mechanization accessible to smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa

This paper summarizes the deliberations at a meeting convened by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation held in Beijing in October 2015. Farm power and mechanization are agricultural production inputs that will be essential to raise the labor and land productivity required if Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 2 (ending...

Статья в блоге
Country envoys visit Albania and Serbia for a first-hand view of FAO’s work

FAO Permanent Representatives of Australia, Chile, Kuwait, Japan, Libya, Russian Federation, USA, and the European Union are on a field visit to of Albania and Serbia this week. By visiting FAO project sites and talking with farmers, national officials, FAO partners, other UN agencies and FAO teams on the ground,...
Albania - Serbia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Работа конференции
The value chains of Mediterranean sheep and goat products. Organisation of the industry, marketing strategies, feeding and production systems

In the Mediterranean, the diversity of production systems and value chains is seen as an asset for sustainability. More than anywhere else, the Mediterranean zone boasts a wide range of sheep and goat farming situations, products and natural resources. This diversity of production systems has provided many different products, shaped...
Algeria - France - Italy - Lebanon - Morocco - Portugal - Tunisia - Türkiye
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Report of the Regional Meeting on Agroecology in Sub-Saharan Africa

Dakar, Senegal, 5-6 November 2015
Acting as a facilitator to enable debates and foster collaboration among a variety of actors in order to advance science, knowledge, public policies, programmes and experiences, FAO organized the International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition in September 2014 in Rome, Italy. The Symposium was followed by three...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Cashing in with parboiled rice

Although rice is highly nutritious, a lot of the quality is lost during processing. This results in poor-quality rice on the market, so consumers turn to imported rice. In this video you can learn about parboiling, a way to improve the quality of rice by treating the paddy with warm...
2016 - AccessAgriculture

Статья в блоге
How a meeting in Cork could save rural Europe

Cork, a picturesque city in South-West Ireland might not ring a bell to many people, and the event taking place there this week even less: the Cork European Conference on Rural Development. Unless, of course, you’re somehow involved – for better or for worse – in the European Union’s agricultural...
European Union
2016 - Euroactiv

Раздел книги
El uso de pasturas en la cría de cerdos a campo la experiencia de la UPC

La crianza de cerdos a campo es la forma más difundida en nuestro país, entre otros factores, por la escasa ianversión necesaria y porque esta fase de la producción está predominantemente a cargo de pequeños productores de carácter familiar, los cuales son la mayoría. La cría a campo puede implicar...
2016 - Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Mediterra 2016. Zero Waste in the Mediterranean

Natural Resources, Food and Knowledge
Presented in Rome the 5th of December during the FAO Council 155th Session, the 2016 UNFAO-CIHEAM Joint edition of Mediterra  offers an innovative and prospective approach on the issues of TRIPLE WASTE reduction including agricultural losses, waste of natural resources and waste of knowledge and knowhow. This Report features a collection of shared expertise and local experiences...
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéenne (CIHEAM)
Total results:20002