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Grafting tomato to increase seed production (BRESOV Practice Abstract)

Grafting of tomatoes has the potential to increase tomato seed production under organic conditions. Grafting means to combine the positive characteristics of a rootstock (e.g., increased vigour, resistances to soil-borne diseases) with the positive characteristics (e.g., fruit quality, taste) of the upper part of the plant (scion). We compared the...
2023 - Euroseeds

Статья в блоге
UN General Assembly adopts declaration to accelerate SDGs

World leaders adopted the SDGs in 2015, promising to leave no one behind. The goals include ending extreme poverty and hunger, ensuring access to clean water and sanitation, as well as green energy, and providing quality universal education and lifelong learning opportunities. UN General Assembly President Dennis Francis noted that despite commitments, 1.2 billion people were...
2023 - United Nations UNGA

Regulatory framework for agricultural data in the Near East and North Africa region

Two in three children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years are not getting the nutrients and food they need for healthy growth and development (UNICEF, 2023). Our food systems are major drivers of this problem. Current food systems processes, such as production, farming, processing and global supply...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Fiji: Better Governance

Better maritime governance can enable a fair deal to offshore tuna fisheries’ workers of small island Pacific States who labour under a difficult working environment
Better governance in offshore tuna fisheries can achieve fair dealing for fishery crew. In this article I paint a rough picture of what it is like to be a fisher on some—not all—longline fishing vessels for weeks or months at a time. I also explore the measures in place to...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Информационный бюллетень
Access Agriculture Panorama - November 2023

The Access Agriculture Panorama features information on new videos, audio podcasts, blog posts, articles contributed by experts, partner highlights, voices from the field and upcoming events.
2023 - Access Agriculture

Asia and the Pacific – Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2022

Urban food security and nutrition
This is the fifth edition of the Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition annual report. This publication is led by FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP) and jointly contributed to by United Nations' partner agencies (UNICEF, WFP, WHO), on the region’s progress...

Тематическое исследование
How the sweet sound of buzzing bees changed the tune of one Uzbek woman’s life

Modern equipment and training ensure traditional livelihoods can provide for rural households
Morning breaks in the village Durmon, a quiet hamlet in the Bukhara region of southern Uzbekistan. There is no bustle of a big city. The only sounds are of chirping of birds and the humming of peaceful nature. This is the setting for an ordinary day in the life of Gulhayo...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Producción de menta (Mentha spicata L.) y su aprovechamiento agroindustrial

La menta tiene una larga historia de uso medicinal y se utiliza principalmente como especia aromática en los alimentos, pues sus hojas se aprecian principalmente por su aroma fresco y mentolado, el cual le ha hecho atribuible su adopción por parte de empresas cosméticas y alimentarias en todo el mundo....
2023 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

How to grow and harvest Cassava

Here's a video that shows step by step how to grow cassava, the growing process and how to harvest it. 

Газетная статья
Doing it right to alleviate poverty: application of the sustainable food value chain development framework to Ghana’s poultry sector

Some international organizations and civil society activists are blaming exporting countries of frozen chicken products for the underdevelopment of the domestic poultry sectors in developing nations. However, concrete evidence that supports or rejects these criticisms is missing. Against this background, this study was conducted to examine the performance of Ghana’s...
2023 - International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability

Natural Farming Through a Wide Lens - True Cost Accounting Study of Community Managed Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh, India

The industrialized food system is one of the biggest stressors on planetary health, contributing to almost a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions and causing immense biodiversity loss. This model is no longer fit for purpose; it is failing people and the planet. The pioneering new study, Natural Farming Through a...
2023 - Global Alliance for the Future of Food

Rootstock and variety selection in organic fruit production

In this video, Gilles Libourel from GRAB describes the challenges with rootstocks. Julia Frézel explains the criteria for choosing fruit varieties at Ferme de la Durette.
2023 - GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique

Статья в блоге
Chatarra y ultraprocesados, la pesadilla

“La primera manera de nombrar a estos productos comestibles altamente industrializados, que no deberíamos llamar alimentos, porque no lo son, surgió de una asociación conceptual, al nombrarlos Comida Chatarra”. La principal causa de muerte en el mundo es la mala alimentación, impulsada, principalmente, por un cambio en la dieta de la...
2023 - Vía Orgánica (VO)

Статья в блоге
As the sea warms, struggling Cambodian fishermen seek to preserve crab stocks

For Ung Bun, a 39-year-old fisherman from Cambodia’s southern Kep province, the days when he would come home with plentiful catches of flower crabs appear to be long gone. Pulling in his net one recent morning, he found just one crustacean. Ung Bun dropped the crab – a male that was...
2023 - Reuters

Rethinking inorganic fertiliser subsidies

In many parts of southern Africa, soil quality is poor due to weathering and low nutrient content. Inorganic fertilizers are often necessary, but their effectiveness can be limited. Malawi’s fertilizer subsidy program isn’t achieving food security goals due to declining soil health. Solutions like crop diversification, organic matter addition, and fertilizers...
2023 - Clim-eat

Технический документ
Opportunities for youth in the bioeconomy

Opportunities and barriers for youth employment and entrepreneurship in the emerging bioeconomy sectors
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of key challenges and barriers to achieving greater youth inclusion in the bioeconomy. The analysis covers key factors (push/pull factors) that impact youth employment and entrepreneurship opportunities, such as education, vocational training, skills building, technology and business development. It also underscores the significance of...
2023 - FAO

Étude de la CEDEAO sur la formation à l'agroécologie non-diplômante

L’ambition de cette étude, réalisée dans le cadre du Programme pour l’Agroécologie (PAE) de la CEDEAO, est de développer et favoriser l’intégration des savoirs et des savoir-faire sur la formation (non diplômante) aux systèmes agroécologiques.  Sur 80 centres enquêtés, il ressort de l'étude que "le changement vers une formation à l’agroécologie...
2023 - Commission de la Communauté Économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO)

The Sudan: Revised Humanitarian Response Plan 2023

The ongoing conflict in the Sudan, which erupted on 15 April, has worsened an already fragile food security situation. Prior to the crisis, one in four people faced acute food insecurity due partly to instability, economic decline and high food prices. An estimated 2.1 million people have since been displaced...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Статья в блоге
CSAs as spaces of care and self-exploitation: a feminist perspective from the UK

I have worked in Community Supported Agriculture for the last 15 years in the UK. Over the last year, I have combined this activity with CAWR’s MSc Programme in Agroecology, Water and Food Sovereignty.  The gender module has allowed me to piece together new narratives through which to explore and contextualise...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Conferencia Internacional de Agroecología, Autosuficiencia y Soberanía Alimentaria en un mundo multipolar

Inscripciones y actividades: A partir del 21 de agosto 2023 Ejes temáticos de la conferencia EJES DEL DÍA 30 DE NOVIEMBRE (MATUTINO) Eje 1. Transición agroecológica y otros enfoques afines para la transformación de sistemas alimentarios que sean más justos, saludables, sustentables y logren la autosuficiencia alimentaria. Políticas públicas nacionales exitosas. Eje 2. Experiencias relevantes de transición...
2023 - Asociación de Consumidores Orgánicos (ACO)
Total results:19542