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Marine Conservation and Coastal Communities: Who Carries the Costs?: A Study of Marine Protected Areas and Their Impact on Traditional Small-scale Fishing Communities in South Africa

This study analyzes five marine protected areas (MPAs) in South Africa, which span three of the country’s four coastal provinces, namely, the Langebaan Lagoon MPA, the Maputaland MPA, the St Lucia MPA, the Tsitsikamma MPA and the Mkambati MPA. A biological, conservation-oriented fisheries science dominates the agendas of these MPAs....
South Africa
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in Mexico

This study on marine protected areas (MPAs) in Mexico relies on a variety of data sources as well as the authors’ longstanding field experience, particularly in the Yucatan Peninsula, to analyze the design, establishment, and operation of protected areas. The study aims to provide an overview of how local stakeholders...
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

The Social Dimensions of Marine Protected Areas: A Case Study of the Mafia Island Marine Park in Tanzania

This study discusses the social dimensions of MPAs in Tanzania, using the case of the Mafia Island Marine Park and the socioeconomic, political and cultural contexts within which Mafia people live their lives. Based on documentary surveys and interviews with residents of the island’s villages, national government officials, and the...
United Republic of Tanzania
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Marine Protected Areas and Artisanal Fisheries in Brazil

This study from Brazil shows, it is possible to use MPAs as a tool for livelihood-sensitive conservation. Based on detailed studies of three sites–the Peixe Lagoon National Park in Rio Grande do Sul, and the marine extractive reserves (MERs) of Mandira, São Paulo, and Corumbau, Bahia–the study shows how communities...

Marine Protected Areas in India

This study on marine protected areas (MPAs) in India analyzes the legal and institutional framework for their establishment, and uses two case studies–the Gulf of Mannar National Park and Biosphere Reserve, and the Malvan (Marine) Wildlife Sanctuary–to document and understand the experiences and views of local communities, particularly fishing communities,...
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Reserved Parking: Marine Reserves and Small-scale Fishing Communities: A collection of articles from Samudra Report

This dossier puts together a collection of articles from the pages of SAMUDRA Report, the triannual journal of ICSF. The articles show that conservation and livelihoods are closely intertwined, and that top-down, non participatory models of conservation can be counterproductive. Despite being poor and powerless, fishing and coastal communities can...
2008 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)


Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics
Global total production of fish, crustaceans and molluscs has continued to increase and reached 142 million tonnes in 2008. While capture production has stayed around 90 million tonnes level since 2001, aquaculture production has continued to show strong growth, increasing at an average annual growth rate of 6.2 percent from...

Технический документ
National Strategic Plan For the Fisheries Sector for the Period 2007 - 2013

The fisheries is part of the agriculture in the Czech Republic. Fishing activity is in accordance with Act No. 99/2004 Code, on fishpond farming, execution of the fishing right, fishing guard, protection of marine fisheries resources and amending certain acts (act on fisheries) divided in two activities. These are the...

Pour se faire une idée - Droits de propriété et gestion des pêches - Sélection d'articles de la revue SAMUDRA

On craint que les ressources halieutiques mondiales, soumises à diverses pressions, à la surexploitation, continuent à s’amenuiser. Pour gérer de façon durable les pêcheries, les gestionnaires des pêches ont fait appel à de nouveaux outils : attribution de droits de propriété, réorganisation des facteurs de production et des biens et...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Guide ICSF: Pour mieux comprendre la Convention sur le travail dans la pêche, 2007

Ce guide a pour but de faire une présentation rapide de la Convention sur le travail dans la pêche qui a été adoptée en juin 2007 à Genève lors de la 96ème Conférence internationale du Travail (CIT) de l’Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT). Il ne prétend pas donner une interprétation...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Elementos de juicio - Los derechos de propiedad y la gestión pesquera: Recopilación de articulos de la Revista SAMUDRA

La gestión pesquera moderna se ha ido centrando en la asignación  de derechos de pesca como único camino hacia la sostenibilidad. Las soluciones a partir de este enfoque giran en torno a múltiples modalidades de derechos de propiedad y de control de los regímenes sociales que rigen la tenencia. Los...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

El género en el punto de mira: Recopilación de artículos de Yemaya

Este dossier compila artículos seleccionados de Yemaya por región- Asia, África, América del Sur, Europa, slas del Pacifico y América del Norte. los artículos en conjunto proporcionan una panormámica amplia  de los problemas claves a los que se enfrentan las mujeres en el sector pesquero de cada región, así como...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Guía del CIAPA: Una introducción al Convenio sobre el trabajo en el sector pesquero de 2007

El objetivo que persigue esta guía consiste en presentar brevemente el Convenio sobre el trabajo en el sector pesquero de 2007, adoptado en junio del mismo año en Ginebra, Suiza, durante la 96ª reunión de la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo (CIT) de la Organización Mundial del Trabajo (OIT). No pretende...

Gender Focus: A collection of articles from Yemaya

Women of fishing communities across the world play vital roles in fisheries, and in sustaining their households, communities, social networks and cultures. While these roles are central to maintaining livelihoods and the very activity of fisheries, they often remain unacknowledged and undervalued. Yemaya, the gender and fisheries newsletter from ICSF...

Технический документ
Increasing the contribution of small-scale fisheries to poverty alleviation and food security

The objectives of this Technical Paper are to highlight the contribution that inland and coastal small-scale fisheries can make to poverty alleviation and food security and to make practical suggestions on ways that this contribution can be maximized. This paper is organized into three main sections. The first section discusses...
Bangladesh - Brazil - Cambodia - India - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Malawi - Philippines - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Работа конференции
Report of the national workshop on micro-enterprise development in coastal communities in the Philippines: Sharing of experiences and lessons learned

The goals of the National Workshop on Micro-enterprise Development in Coastal Communities in the Philippines were to exchange experiences and good practices and to identify financial and institutional support services and facilities to sustain livelihoods and micro-enterprise development in coastal areas. The workshop was attended by 45 participants from people’s...
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

ICSF Guidebook: Understanding the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007

This guidebook attempts to provide a quick overview of the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007, which was adopted in Geneva, Switzerland, in June 2007 at the 96th International Labour Conference (ILC) of the International Labour Organization (ILO). It does not purport to provide interpretation of any provisions of the Convention...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Asserting Rights, Defining Responsibilities: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities on Coastal and Fisheries Management in Philippines

The studies aimed to document and explore the understanding that fishing communities have about their rights to fisheries and coastal resources, as well as the obligations and responsibilities associated with these rights, and to document and discuss their initiatives to assert these rights and fulfill their responsibilities. The studies formed...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Asserting Rights, Defining Responsibilities: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities on Coastal and Fisheries Management in Cambodia

The studies aimed to document and explore the understanding that fishing communities have about their rights to fisheries and coastal resources, as well as the obligations and responsibilities associated with these rights, and to document and discuss their initiatives to assert these rights and fulfill their responsibilities. The studies formed...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Asserting Rights, Defining Responsibilities: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities on Coastal and Fisheries Management in Asia - Workshop and Symposium proceedings, 3-8 May 2007, Siem Reap, Cambodia

This publication is a record of the proceedings of the Siem Reap Workshop and Symposium. It provides a bottom-up perspective on how rights are understood, and what rights are seen as important by small-scale fishing communities, if they are to fulfil their responsibilities for managing resources in a sustainable and...
2007 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Total results:1504