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Информационный бюллетень
Newsletter on Agriculture & Innovation

This month's newsletter focuses on Operational Groups (OGs). Hear about some first experiences from people involved in OGs and discover a range of tools and information which are available for you to use on the EIP-AGRI website.
European Union
2016 - EIP - Agri

Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia

This website is devoted to the promotion of the Rural Development Programme of the Republic Croatia, financed by the European Union.
2016 - Ministry of agriculture

Smart and Competitive Rural Areas

Being ‘smart and competitive’ is about developing the strategies and tools for different types of rural areas to be economically competitive, while at the same time preserving their natural resources and social cohesion. This is not only important for rural areas themselves, but also for maximising the contribution that rural...
European Union
2016 - ENRD

Технический документ
Agricultures familiales et recherche Regards croisés Argentine, Brésil, France

Agropolis International associe des institutions de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur de Montpellier et de la région, en partenariat avec les collectivités territoriales, des acteurs du développement économique et de la société civile, et en liaison avec des institutions internationales. Agropolis International est un campus dédié aux sciences « vertes »....
Argentina - Brazil - France
2016 - agropolis international

European Declaration on Community Supported Agriculture

All over Europe, people are coming together to take control of our food systems, from production to distribution to consumption. We are building systems centered on our local communities. We are joining forces to achieve food sovereignty, by claiming our right to define our own food and agricultural systems. The time is ripe to address...
European Union
2016 - Urgenci

Технический документ
Agriculture statistics - family farming in the EU

This article is part of a set of statistical articles that together form Eurostat’s statistical book on Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics. It presents data on family farming which is based on the most recent farm structure survey (FSS) conducted across the European Union (EU) as an agricultural census in...

Доклад конференции
Los canales cortos de comercialización: Explorando los mercados campesinos para dinamizar la soberanía alimentaria

La crisis de civilización que enfrenta el mundo moderno hoy ha planteado la cuestión sobre si los sistemas agroalimentarios globales son la solución óptima al problema del hambre, la desigualdad económica y social, y el deterioro del medio ambiente. Ello está favoreciendo la aparición de redes alimentarias alternativas que propugnan...
2016 - Comercio justo y soberanía alimentaria

Раздел книги
Team work for farm advice

Due to the world economic crisis in 2008, the dairy sector had become unstable and the purchase price of dairy milk has considerably decreased. It was very essential to give a helping hand to farmers, which were struggling with bank payments and farm operating costs. Latvian Rural Advisory and Training...
2016 - AgriSpin


The Global Food Forum will gather passionate political and business leaders willing to share insights on their vision, as well as on possible pathways for future developments, aiming to enhance both economic performance and environmental sustainability –around 250 participants representing key influencers of the EU debate will participate, including many MEPs and...
2016 - FarmEurope

Статья в блоге
Food security in the face of climate change: Impossible without water

Development agencies must use the momentum from COP22 to prioritise water infrastructure projects and help mitigate the effects of climate change and extreme weather events in Africa
2016 - EurActiv

Статья в блоге
EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste

The EU and Member States are committed to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), adopted in September 2015, including a target to halve per capita food waste at the retail and consumer level by 2030, and reduce food losses along the food production and supply chains. The most recent estimates...
European Union
2016 - European Commission

Knowledge sharing and innovation in agriculture and rural areas

The European Union (EU) has introduced new policy instruments such as the EIP-Agri and multi-actor partnerships in an attempt to stimulate innovation in agriculture. In addition, Leader has been replaced by the multi-funded Community-Led Local Development approach. These initiatives are being implemented across the EU despite the great variety of...
2016 - The European Rural Development Network (ERDN)

Статья в блоге
2nd Nyéléni Europe Forum for Food Sovereignty

The biggest convergence for cooperation and creating common strategies on food and agriculture for food sovereignty movements across more than 600 participants from 42 countries in Europe and Central Asia. It is the second time such a broad forum for food sovereignty has taken place in Europe, after the first...
2016 - Nyeleni

LEADER Local Development Strategies (LDS)

Guidance on design and implementation
The following guidance from the ENRD Contact Point concerns the essential and integrated role that Local Development Strategies (LDS) play in the LEADER/CLLD approach. It seeks to provide useful direction to Local Action Groups (LAGs) covering both the participatory processes needed to develop effective LDS and the key content of...
European Union

Mountain pastures and livestock farming facing uncertainty: environmental, technical and socio-economic challenges

Livestock farming is facing major challenges at a global level due to increasing uncertainty in markets, policies, socio-cultural trends and the environment. One of the main focus in research and policy design is to reconcile the sometimes conflicting objectives of delivering both animal products and environmental services. Therefore, focus has...


Regional competitiveness, understood as the ability of regions to promote, attract and sustain the economic activity, so that their population can reach and maintain a high living standard, is the object of the present analytical approach. The results of the study reveled that the economy of the predominantly rural regions...

Статья в блоге
Safety net measures for fruit and vegetables sector extended

The European Commission has today formally extended for a further year the safety net measures for the European fruit and vegetables sector, which were due to expire at the end of this month, as announced by EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan at the Council meeting of EU agriculture ministers in...
European Union
2016 - European Commission

Soil organic matter matters - Investing in soil quality for long-term benefits

Soil organic matter content is key for a healthy and high-quality soil. This brochure highlights methods to improve soil organic matter content which can help ensure adequate soil functionality and soil fertility. It also offers a number of solutions for common soil challenges, which are especially critical in Mediterranean regions....
European Union
2016 - Eip Agri

“Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - realities and perspectives for Romania”

he volume contains the papers accepted and published in the proceedings of the 7th International symposium entitled: “Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania”, organized by the Institute of Research for Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Bucharest in cooperation with, The Institute for Agrarian Economy Romanian...
2016 - The Research Institute for Agriculture Economy and Rural Development, Bucharest

Статья в блоге
Inspirational ideas: Support for new agricultural entrepreneurs in Bulgaria

Rositsa Djambazova works for a business incubator which provides support to new entrants into farming in Bulgaria - “We put a lot of effort into bringing together people with complementary needs, solutions or resources, which is one of the main successful aspects of the incubator.” Rositsa is a member of the...
2016 - EIP - Agri
Total results:2290