Поиск по базе данных
ALTER – Active Local Territories for Economic development of Rural Areas
ALTER is implemented by a consortium of rural networks in Western Balkan countries and Turkey, encouraged and supported by Prepare – Partnership for Rural Europe.
The goal of ALTER is to stimulate an enabling legal and financial environment for civil society, as well as to empower civil society to be effective...
Albania - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia - Latvia - Montenegro - Serbia - North Macedonia
2016 - Prepare – Partnership for Rural Europe
Les principales maladies des abeilles
Les abeilles domestiques sont sensibles à diverses maladies, dont certaines sont très contagieuses et facilement transmissibles. Il est très important que les apiculteurs soient capables de reconnaître les premiers signes de maladie dans leurs ruches et qu’ils sachent comment contenir et traiter la maladie. Cette fiche technique décrit les facteurs...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Guía para la construcción y el mantenimiento de un túnel de red para proteger la calidad del material de siembra del camote de los virus transportados por insectos
Esta guía presenta los pasos a seguir para la construcción de un práctico túnel cubierto con red para uso agrícola y las instrucciones sobre como manejar los cultivos de camote dentro del túnel para asegurar la provisión de material base de siembra de alta calidad, con baja o nula infección...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Журнальная статья
African farmers in the digital age
How digital solutions can enable rural development
This anthology explores the future of African food systems and the role that digital solutions can play in overcoming the isolation of smallholder farmers and speeding up rural development. Farming is one of mankind’s oldest endeavors, and digital technology is one of its newest. The contributors to this fascinating volume...
Технический документ
Strengthening agricultural water efficiency and productivity on the African and global level
Status, performance and scope assessment of water harvesting in Uganda, Burkina Faso and Morocco
This assessment targets agricultural water extension agents and technical experts, providing them with clear indications on how to improve water harvesting (WH) capacity for agricultural production in the three case study countries, as well as how to select feasible and suited WH techniques for different geographical areas. It is an...
Burkina Faso - Morocco - Uganda
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Rural Development and High Nature Value Farmlands in Romania: a project funded by the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme
HNV farmlands in Romania are an estimated 30% of the total utilisable agricultural area: 5 million ha, associated with smaller holding sizes in hilly areas within the Carpathian arc.
Traditional farming practices are responsible for maintaining many of Romania’s (and Europe's) HNV farmlands, which deliver a host of public benefits (goods...
2016 - ADEPT Fundation
Статья в блоге
FAO-IGAD renew Drought Resilience Partnership Programme
FAO Sub-Regional Office for East Africa and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) have signed a partnership agreement to coordinate cross-border efforts on animal health, trade and natural resources management coordination. The programme will address community engagement on policy and investment as well as cross cutting areas of work such...
Burundi - Central African Republic - Djibouti - Ethiopia - Kenya - Rwanda - Somalia - South Sudan - Sudan - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Family Farming Meeting the Zero Hunger Challenge
The main objectives of this paper are to analyse the nature of the emerging agrarian structure in the Asia-Pacific countries where family farming comprising small and marginal farmers, tenants and women plays a dominant role in the agricultural sector and to identify the key challenges and opportunities for the viability...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Информационный сборник
INVESTING in Ireland's agriculture 2014-2020
In the period to 2020, the new CAP will invest EUR 10.7 billion in Ireland's farming sector and rural areas, with additional co-financing from the Irish authorities. Key political priorities have been defined at European level such as: jobs and growth, sustainability, modernisation, innovation and quality. At the same time,...
2016 - European Commission
Газетная статья
La co-conception en partenariat de systèmes agricoles innovants
La co-conception de systèmes agricoles innovants est une piste prometteuse pour répondre au défi de l’innovation, notamment pour les exploitations agricoles familiales africaines confrontées à de multiples changements. Mais il faut penser à la place et aux rôles tenus par de multiples acteurs (agriculteurs, conseillers, chercheurs) pour produire les changements...
Burkina Faso
2016 - CIRAD (France)
XXX EURAGRI Conference -
“The bio-economy – challenges and implementation – the research organizations’ perspective”
The agri-food sector, as an integral part of the bio-economy, serves a multitude of functions, sometimes with conflicting implications. In order to maintain a competitive sector that also values environmental services and rural development, the continuous development and application of new technologies but also new organizational forms will be crucial....
2016 - Estonian University of Life Sciences
Статья в блоге
Internally displaced families in Georgia have a chance at new livelihoods
Some 700 vulnerable internally displaced persons in Georgia could soon be earning income by growing fruit, raising rabbits, breeding cattle, beekeeping, horticulture and other agricultural activities.
Financed by the European Union, the income diversification initiative is implemented by FAO and the Livelihoods Agency of Georgia’s Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Plant Production and Protection (NSP)
The Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) supports countries in the transition to sustainable crop production systems.
NSP works with countries and a broad range of partners in developing and promoting agro-ecological approaches to sustainable crop production that build on ecosystem services while enhancing and protecting the underlying natural resource base....
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Meat from the moors: What is the future of upland sheep farming?
What is it really like to farm sheep in a far-flung corner of the English moors? This film is about Matthew Trevelyan, a young upland farmer on the North York Moors. Matthew Trevelyan took over the running of Hill Top Farm, near Spaunton, from his father several years ago and...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - Sustainable Food Trust
How to prevent the hidden food poison – FoodAfrica Programme strives to control aflatoxins
In food-scarce conditions, is bad food still better than no food at all? FoodAfrica research programme partner, ILRI researcher Johanna Lindahl says that it might be true, although with aflatoxin-contaminated food the judgement could be difficult.
In food-scarce conditions, is bad food still better than no food at all? FoodAfrica research programme partner, ILRI researcher Johanna Lindahl says that it might be true, although with aflatoxin-contaminated food the judgement could be difficult.
News article about the FoodAfrica Programme's research results on how to reduce aflatoxins in maize...
2016 - Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Support to family farming and small scale agriculture as a strategy to achieve rural poverty reduction
The workshop “Support to family farming and small scale agriculture to achieve rural poverty reduction. Opportunities and priorities to strengthen FAO Regional Initiatives” is aimed at analysing the main trends in family farming and debating the strategy and achievements of the three FAO Regional Initiatives related to family farming and...
2016 - Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Информационный бюллетень
Boletín de agricultura familiar para América Latina y El Caribe, enero-junio 2016
Esta edición introducirá las prioridades de la Iniciativa Regional de Agricultura Familiar y sistemas alimentarios inclusivos para el Desarrollo Rural Sostenible de la FAO, a fin de describir el entorno de la agenda regional para la AF y contribuir a la visibilización de temas estratégicos.
Mediante el Boletín de Agricultura Familiar,...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Mexico - Paraguay - Peru
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Integrated Landscape Approaches for Africa’s Drylands
This book presents emerging findings on the importance of moving beyond single-sector interventions to embrace integrated landscape management that takes into account the health of the ecosystems that support human livelihoods and contribute to the resilience of rural communities in Sub-Saharan African drylands. Integrated landscape management is particularly important for...
2016 - World Bank Group
Responsible governance of tenure of land in the Mediterranean: conflicts and innovations
In the Mediterranean regions, the pressure on natural resources, particularly land, is a key element defining the processes of economic and social development. In fact, the land tenure shapes the development of agricultural production chains, natural resources management, large projects and major infrastructure development, as well as the success of rural...
2016 - FONCIMED 2016
Total results:20962