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Основная тема

Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in Australia

Australia’s agriculture and food industries are well placed to contribute to the economy’s future growth given the robust prospects of global food demand and the continuing high international competitiveness of these sectors. There are, however, important challenges that call for new ways to exploit agricultural resources and human capital. The...
2015 - OECD

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Provide subsidy to farmers directly, RBI tells govt

Expressing concern over distortion of the credit culture in agriculture, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has written to the government, urging it not to give subsidy for the sector to banks and, instead, provide it directly to farmers.
2015 - Business Standard Private Limited

Europe, Central Asia struggling with malnutrition in many forms

More than 55 percent of adults in Europe and Central Asia are overweight or obese. Millions are anaemic, or suffer from iodine, zinc and Vitamin A deficiencies. In children, malnourishment persists at alarming rates in many countries, leading to stunted growth and other problems. An FAO paper published in advance of...
2015 - FAO

Статья в блоге
The CPLP opens a public consultation to create its first common draft guidelines for the promotion of family farming

The CPLP has initiated the creation of common draft guidelines to support Family Farming.  These guidelines will identify priority issues and will support the Member States`  effort to develop a sustainable agriculture to combat hunger and poverty efficiently. The Zero Draft is already available and the deadline for the public consultation is ...
2015 - Family Farming Campaign

Operación y mantenimiento de sistemas termo solares

Cartilla informativa para la generación de energía térmica
Cada año se incrementan las bajas temperaturas registradas en las zonas Alto Andinas y del Altiplano, producto del cambio climático, trayendo como consecuencia una mayor incidencia de enfermedades respiratorias, de la piel y otras que atacan principalmente a niños y adultos. Por otro lado, existen actividades productivas locales ubicadas en...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2015 - Soluciones Prácticas

Статья информационного бюллетеня
Agroecologia: os cães ladram e a caravana passa

Trata-se de um provérbio árabe, um paradigma entre o estacionário e o evolutivo. Os cães podem latir para qualquer coisa, inclusive para destilar o ódio, como ocorre atualmente. A caravana moderna é uma marcha, pouco divulgada no país, mas que tem por trás, cinco milhões de pessoas atendidas pelas políticas...
2015 - Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA)

Moldovan agriculture to become more drought-resistant

Improving small-scale farmers’ resistance to drought through better water management and modern irrigation technologies is the objective of a Hungary-funded FAO project kicked off here today. At  project inception workshop, participants discussed the need for Moldova’s smaller farms to adapt to the effects of climate change.  The project aims to improve...
Republic of Moldova
2015 - FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

Газетная статья
Reconfiguración de la pobreza en Chile

Un análisis comparativo entre los espacios rurales y urbanos
Chile ha reducido de manera acelerada sus niveles de pobreza, especialmente en áreas rurales. A lo anterior, se suman las transformaciones en diversos ámbitos que han experimentado los espacios rurales que han dado paso a una nueva ruralidad. Este estudio permite cuantificar la importancia de estos cambios estructurales acaecidos sobre...
2015 - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA)

La Federación Agraria Argentina es una entidad privada, de carácter gremial y de servicios que por libre determinación nuclea a pequeños y medianos productores. Su origen fue una declaración de huelga de Arrendatarios y Aparceros que tuvo lugar en 1912 y que la historia recogió como “Grito de Alcorta”. Actualmente, la...
2015 - Federación Agraria Argentina (FAA)

El dueño de la pelota

La productividad de sus recursos naturales renovables da a ciertos países en desarrollo una ventaja. Para que sea sustentable, éstos deben saber posicionarse en relaciones internacionales y proteger el medio ambiente. La compras de tierra (landgrabbing o acaparamiento) es evidencia de esto. Video en español y subtitulado al inglés.
2015 - Ojos que ven

Статья в блоге
Small Farmers can expect the Caribbean farmers network to assist in marketing their produce in addition to forming links across the region

Farmers will be assisted in marketing selected produce and creating links in the region, with the establishment of the Caribbean farmer’s network (CAFAN). Chief Coordinator, Jethro Greene says it was recognized that everyone cannot get involved from the inception; so CAFAN will work with those who are willing to get...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2015 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

Информационный бюллетень
Dimitra Newsletter: Improving nutrition and banking on rural youth

The newsletter opens with several articles that address issues that are key to improving nutrition. In Chad, FAO is working with administrative and traditional authorities to implement an innovative approach aimed at increasing women’s access to fertile land, a winning formula for improving the livelihoods of rural households. Another initiative...
Chad - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ethiopia - Guinea - Malawi - Niger
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Éthiopie: Surveiller la sécheresse

Hassan Adile connaît bien la sécheresse. À l’instar des 12 millions de pasteurs que compte l’Éthiopie, il parcourt de grandes distances pour trouver des pâturages et de l’eau pour son bétail. Aujourd’hui, il a une nouvelle responsabilité. Il a suivi récemment une formation pour apprendre à déceler les signes avant-coureurs...
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Capacitación e instalación de sistemas fotovoltaicos en las comunidades de Carmen del Emero y Yolosani

En el marco del proyecto “Mejoramiento de la calidad de grano seco de cacao nacional a través del uso de energías renovables durante la post cosecha, para el beneficio de productores indígenas del norte paceño”, ejecutado por Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) y Soluciones Prácticas con el apoyo del Programa Alianza...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2015 - Wildlife Conservation Society

Журнальная статья
7 agricultural technologies that will save the Middle East

All of the stress factors in the regionhave an impact on the ability of ordinary people to find healthy food at decent prices. So we have gathered a few big ideas that are being harnessed in the Middle East region to address these challenges and increase our resilience amidst one of the most...

Журнальная статья
The Future of the Romanian Rural Household From the Perspective of Agricultural Censuses

The development of agriculture in nowadays circumstances cannot be merely assessed from the perspective of agriculture as a main branch of national economy, but further from a social point of view which is highly significant as it represents the traditional small farm households which provide the basic necessaries for the rural population...

Информационный сборник
Regional Initiative on Small-scale agriculture

For the NENA region, FAO has formulated three Regional Initiatives (RIs) that reflect the commonpriorities expressed by the Member Countries. These initiatives are based on the principles of country ownership, participation and partnership. They focus on innovations and enhanced collaboration within and among the countries of the region, highlight the need for...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Журнальная статья
Interview: The land is our life

In this interview, and four short videos, we asked four rural women leaders and activists from Asia and Africa about the role of women in agroecology. What we found were stories of race, caste, patriarchal systems, land grabbing, statelessness and, as an overriding theme, the lack of land ownership for women. These women are part of a larger coalition working to build rural women’s leadership. They believe that women organising amongst themselves to gain leadership skills and confidence is the first step to improving their livelihoods and fighting for their rights to land- so fundamental to agroecology.
 Women in Asia are, in most cases, the farmers. But more than that, they are concerned about the nutrition of their families. There are actually more women interested in the models of agriculture that support diversity and nutrition. There are many cases of women who are fighting for land, particularly...
India - Philippines - Senegal - Sri Lanka
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

La souveraineté alimentaire, une friche fertile

Après être longtemps restée l’apanage de mouvements paysans, la souveraineté alimentaire est entrée dans le discours public sur les politiques agricoles dans les pays du Nord. La course mondiale pour l’accès aux matières premières, la spéculation sur les denrées alimentaires et le démantèlement progressif de l’agriculture paysanne au nom du...
2015 - Federation Genevoise de Cooperation

Тематическое исследование
The páramo, where water is born

San Isidro is an indigenous community in Ecuador’s central Andes that collectively built and manages an irrigation pipeline. The pipeline has brought life back to family farming and created more space for the community to protect the páramo, a source of water and life for farming communities and urban residents...
2015 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture
Total results:19470