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CIHEAM Watch Letter 37 - Mediterranean Agriculture and Climate Change

Climatic constraints, especially the scarcity of water and land resources have always been characteristic of Mediterranean agricultural systems that have developed ingenious farming systems to adapt. Today, the resilience of these systems is challenged since climatic disruptions will generate different conditions for agricultural production throughout the region and will impact...
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

A meeting of minds in Warsaw

Saturday 29th October, Warsaw - Member organisations and invited guests met in Warsaw, Poland to celebrate LIFE’s work in support of the small scale, low impact fishers of Europe
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Статья в блоге
Country envoys visit Albania and Serbia for a first-hand view of FAO’s work

FAO Permanent Representatives of Australia, Chile, Kuwait, Japan, Libya, Russian Federation, USA, and the European Union are on a field visit to of Albania and Serbia this week. By visiting FAO project sites and talking with farmers, national officials, FAO partners, other UN agencies and FAO teams on the ground,...
Albania - Serbia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Работа конференции
The value chains of Mediterranean sheep and goat products. Organisation of the industry, marketing strategies, feeding and production systems

In the Mediterranean, the diversity of production systems and value chains is seen as an asset for sustainability. More than anywhere else, the Mediterranean zone boasts a wide range of sheep and goat farming situations, products and natural resources. This diversity of production systems has provided many different products, shaped...
Algeria - France - Italy - Lebanon - Morocco - Portugal - Tunisia - Türkiye
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)

Статья в блоге
How a meeting in Cork could save rural Europe

Cork, a picturesque city in South-West Ireland might not ring a bell to many people, and the event taking place there this week even less: the Cork European Conference on Rural Development. Unless, of course, you’re somehow involved – for better or for worse – in the European Union’s agricultural...
European Union
2016 - Euroactiv

Mediterra 2016. Zero Waste in the Mediterranean

Natural Resources, Food and Knowledge
Presented in Rome the 5th of December during the FAO Council 155th Session, the 2016 UNFAO-CIHEAM Joint edition of Mediterra  offers an innovative and prospective approach on the issues of TRIPLE WASTE reduction including agricultural losses, waste of natural resources and waste of knowledge and knowhow. This Report features a collection of shared expertise and local experiences...
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéenne (CIHEAM)

Статья в блоге
Sixth Annual Meeting of Family Farmers and Small-scale Producers

On 21 February 2016, at Sighişoara, Fundaţia ADEPT repeated for the 6th consecutive year, its popular annual event dedicated to Family Farmers and Small-scale Producers from the Târnava Mare area, bringing together around 200 local farmers with the specialists who have contributed to the survival and prosperity of their landscapes....
2016 - ADEPT Fundation

Survival of Sea Bass and Small Scale Handliners in the Balance

ICES Advice for Sea Bass in 2017: Zero catches based on precautionary approach?
Scientific assessment and observations from small-scale fisheries highlight the poor state of sea bass stocks, and raise major concerns about the survival of the resources and of the fishers who depend on them.
France - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Газетная статья
Successfully addressing climate change

Climate change is a major challenge in Europe as well as globally with potential implications for issues including food security and environmental protection. As reflected in the priorities for the current period, EU rural development policy must play its part in contributing solutions. Rural areas and activities can be surprisingly...
2016 - European Network for Rural Development

Статья в блоге
Our very existence depends on soil, so why is it not protected?

The headlines are full of stories about migration, food and climate change – soil, perhaps unsurprisingly, barely gets a mention in these stories, yet it is crucial to understanding all three issues. Shockingly, the UK estimates that there are only 100 harvests left in its soil. More than 300 civil organisations,...
European Union
2016 - EurActiv

Les Européens, l’agriculture et la politique agricole commune (PAC)

La politique agricole commune (PAC) a été mise en place en 1962. Il s'agit d'une politique commune à tous les États membres de l’Union européenne (UE), gérée et financée grâce aux ressources du budget annuel de l’UE, dont la PAC représente près de 40%. Ses principaux objectifs sont d'améliorer la...
2016 - Union européenne

Статья в блоге
EU rural areas must enter digital era

The future of the EU’s rural development depends on digital technologies, which are essential to fill the existing gap with urban areas, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan has said.
European Union
2016 - EuroActiv

Overview of Community Supported Agriculture in Europe

The experiments in farming described in this book represent new social forms of agriculture which have arisen in recent years while traditional family farms have declined and industrial agriculture has increased. These new famers involve many local families directly in the decisions and labour which produce the vegetables, fruits, milk,...
European Union

Статья в блоге
No future for people or the planet without attention to food and agriculture now

Ensuring adequate, nutritious and safe food for a growing population is a complex task – one where food, livelihoods and management of natural resources can no longer be handled separately. Bearing in mind specific regional challenges, the countries of Europe and Central Asia appear determined to get it right. Gathered here...
2016 - Food and Agriculture of the United Nations

What is Land Grabbing?

A critical review of existing definitions.
Land grabbing is a serious issue that affects the environment, economy, social welfare and human rights. Despite the global reach of land grabbing, there is no definition that fully captures the issue. Here, Eco Ruralis presents not only its complete definitional framework, but also an overview of other definitions and...
2016 - Eco Ruralis

Small-scale fisheries markets

The revised Common Market Organisation (CMO) is a great opportunity for small-scale fisheries (SSF) producers to better access the market and to compete successfully with imported fishery products. The aim of intervention is to give the consumer the opportunity to buy a fresh, safe, and environmentally-friendly product, and to guarantee...
European Union
2016 - Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union (European Parliament)

Раздел "Разное"
Aquaculture in the EU

Tapping into Blue Growth
Aquaculture covers the farming of aquatic organisms (finfish, molluscs, crustaceans, algae…). It takes place in both inland and marine areas. The Commission is helping EU Member States to simplify administrative procedures, implement spatial planning and promote sustainable aquaculture. Aquaculture is a key component of both the Common Fisheries Policy and the...
European Union
2016 - European Commission

Доклад конференции
How is the life of family farms in Europe? Presentation of Italy

Association of private farming of the Czech Republic organized an International Conference on family farms and Common Agricultural Policy of EU. The event was held in Brno on 4 - 6th of April 2016. 10 European countries attended the conference. Herewith volume 3. Presentation of Italy
2016 - Association of Private Farming of the Czech Republic

Fishermen and the local municipality join forces to set up a local fish market

Fishermen and the local municipality worked together to improve selling conditions for fresh fish in Olt county with a local fish market for 170 fishermen.
2016 - European Commission

Доклад конференции
Thematic regional seminar: Youth, women and rural development: agricultural policies paving the way forward

Launched in 2011 by the European Union (EU) with the support of the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Studies in Agronomy – Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (CIHEAM – IAMM), the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development South (ENPARD – South) wishes to reinforce the partnership between the...
2016 - Centre international de hautes études agronomiques méditerranéennes (CIHEAM)
Total results:2290