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Sustainable Agriculture in India 2021- what we know and how to scale up

This study, in collaboration with the Food and Land Use Coalition (FOLU), provides an overview of the current state of sustainable agriculture practices and systems (SAPSs) in India. It aims to help policymakers, administrators, philanthropists, and others contribute to an evidence-based scale-up of SAPSs, which represent a vital alternative to conventional,...
2021 - e Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)

Agroecología y feminismo: transformando economía y sociedad

Este número de LEISA revista de agroecología –que traduce del inglés artículos publicados previamente en Farming Matters 36(1)– pone de relieve cómo perspectivas como el feminismo interseccional y las cosmologías indígenas, junto con la agroecología, han estado transformando nuestra economía y nuestra sociedad. Estos conocimientos proporcionan lecciones pertinentes para la...
2021 - LEISA

Руководящие принципы
Bringing climate change adaptation into farmer field schools

A global guidance note for facilitators
Climate change and sustainable development are strongly linked. The poor and least developed countries are the most vulnerable, and will be most adversely affected and also the least able to cope with the impacts of climate-related disasters. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 – Climate Action – aims...
2021 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Статья в блоге
Stop erosion

When farmers have limited access to arable land and soils are poor, limiting soil erosion can make the difference between harvesting a crop or nothing at all. Soils are indeed at the core of any crop production system. Without a healthy soil, crops cannot thrive. While measuring the effect of soil...
Burkina Faso
2021 - Access Agriculture

Legal & Policy Strategies for Health Care & Food System Partners

Food insecurity is deeply intertwined with health and economic disparities, as an underlying factor in risk for COVID-19 and as an effect of the economic crisis the pandemic has triggered. Pre-existing health inequities and an increased risk of job loss or loss of income mean that Black, Latinx, and Indigenous...
United States of America

Sembrando Capacidades

El proyecto Sembrando Capacidades, iniciado en noviembre de 2019 y finalizado en dciembre 2021 en el marco de la cooperación sur-sur trilateral entre Brasil, Colombia y FAO, buscó fortalecer políticas e instrumentos que impulsen la rentabilidad y sostenibilidad del campo colombiano, con especial énfasis en la producción proveniente de la...
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

16 thousand litres - Plates Cisternas

Over the past decades, ASA and families throughout Brazil's semiarid region have developed and refined the method of building plate cisterns. This booklet aims to share this experience in cistern construction, enabling other people to benefit from this technology that has changed the scenario and the lives of thousands of...
2021 - Articulação Semiárido Brasileiro (ASA)

Статья в блоге
Teaching the farmers of tomorrow with videos

Youth around the world are leaving agriculture, but many would stay on the farm if they had appropriate technologies and better social services, as Professor Alejandro Bonifacio explained to me recently.
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2021 - Access Agriculture

Organic seed breeding at the Organic World Congress

The LIVESEED project, which IFOAM Organics Europe co-cordinates, is contributing to the Organic World Congress (OWC) with a colourful program. Organised 8-10 September 2021 in Rennes, France, the Congress is an excellent opportunity to showcase the project’s results and recommendations.
2021 - IFOAM Organics Europe

Sembrando capacidades

Este sitio web da cuenta del alcance del proyecto Sembrando Capacidades, iniciativa de cooperación sur-sur trilateral, que buscó el fortalecimiento de instrumentos y políticas para la Agricultura Campesina, Familiar y Comunitaria en Colombia, a partir de la gestión del conocimiento y el intercambio de experiencias, presenta en este repositorio web todos los...
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Cisterna Calçadão - 52 mil litros

Ao longo das últimas décadas, a ASA e famílias de todo o Semiárido do Brasil desenvolveram e aprimoraram o método de construção das cisternas de placas. Esta cartilha tem como objetivo partilhar essa experiência na construção de cisternas, possibilitando que outros povos possam usufruir dessa tecnologia que mudou o cenário...
Brazil - British Indian Ocean Territory - British Virgin Islands
2021 - Articulação Semiárido Brasileiro (ASA)

Статья в блоге
African farmers can feed Africa

This article offers a well-argued and supported study synthesis in response to the issue, Why didn't AGRA's Green Revolution work in Mali? Is it feasible for African farmers to feed the continent? This is a must-read essay for anybody interested in the situation of Mali and the powerful farmers' movement...

Autonomy through agroecology: What women farmers expect from sustainable food systems

Women farmers, especially female peasant and family farmers are pivotal to build back better food systems. 60% of the world’s food is produced by smallholders on 30% of the global agricultural surface. 50%-80% of this food, depending on the country and region, is produced by women.  SWISSAID and partners launched a qualitative...

Информационный бюллетень
FAO Agroecology Newsletter #43

Agroecology Newsletter of January 2021.

Análisis de rachas de lluvia para el manejo de cultivos de caña, Saccharum officinarum, en el valle del río Cauca, Colombia

Las condiciones ecuatoriales del valle del río Cauca determinan que sea posible sembrar y cosechar caña de azúcar durante todo el año. Es decir, no hay fechas definidas de siembra y cosecha, a diferencia de lo que sucede en otros países (zafra). En este escenario, las lluvias, además de impactar...
2021 - Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)

Agroecological farmers in India: Sireesha’s story

This video tells the story of Sireesha - one of the thousands of women and men farmers in Andhra Pradesh, India, practicing agroecology in Farmer Field Schools facilitated by the Andhra Pradesh Community managed Natural Farming Programme and FAO. Through agroecology and FFS, Sireesha and her family improved their incomes; consume healthy and...
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Статья в блоге
Building a better fruit fly trap

The Mediterranean fruit fly is a worthy enemy. This pest, also known as the medfly, is widespread over the tropics, attacking and spoiling oranges, mangoes and many other fruits. Each female can lay 200 eggs in her brief lifetime—allowing rapid population growth. The medfly damages so much high value fruit,...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - United States of America
2021 - Access Agriculture

Статья в блоге
Stakeholders Hold Forum On Agro-Ecology, Eco-Restoration

Action Aid International gathered stakeholders on Tuesday to discuss ways to improve agro-ecology and eco-restoration on the Gambia's south, middle, and north banks, with the goal of ensuring community resilience to climate change, achieving food security, climate justice, and comprehensive disaster prevention. The Agroecology, Eco-Restoration, and Resilience Building Project, according...
2021 - Action Aid International

ConectAgroecology Hub

The digital hub ConectAgroecology is a meeting space for the members of the CPLP Agroecology Network and a tool to support the training of farmers, fishermen, and other food producers, technicians from public entities, and all people interested in developing knowledge and practices in agroecology. It is intended to contribute to the development of...

Статья в блоге
Young Ugandan entrepreneurs get hands-on experience with digital tools

Seven young entrepreneurs belonging to four teams from Uganda participated in a hands-on learning course to familiarise themselves with the solar-powered smart projector kit that they had won through the Access Agriculture Young Entrepreneur Challenge Fund initiative. The smart projector contains the entire library of Access Agriculture farmer-training videos in...
2021 - Access Agriculture
Total results:4095