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Статья в блоге
Organic in Public Danish Kitchens and Private Eateries

On May 23, a broad alliance of Danish trade unions, educational- and advisory institutions, and business organizations representing thousands of farmers, restaurants, and food companies launched a joint proposal for the upcoming Danish Climate Plan. The national climate goal in Denmark is one of the world’s most ambitious: a reduction in climate...
2021 - Organic without Boundaries

Статья в блоге
From a “gravel pit” to resilient farm

When Ana María Castro decided to use up her savings to buy a desolate piece of land, her husband had his doubts. What could she possibly grow in that soilless gravel pit? Her reply: “Let me be. I want my plot of land.” As a woman in rural El Plantel, Honduras, Ana María...
2021 - SeedChange

El Poder del Agave: Reverdeciendo el Desierto

Agave proviene de la palabra griega αγαυή que significa “noble” o “admirable,” es una sucuenta desértica perenne común, de gruesas hojas carnosas y espinas puntiagudas. Las plantas de agave evolucionaron originalmente en México, el suroeste de los Estados Unidos y en Centroamérica, pero también pueden ser encontrados actualmente en las...
2021 - Vía Orgánica

Tanzanian farmers boost diets with sustainable methods

An agroecology project from Tanzania found significant improvements in the diversity of children’s diets and food security for households after farmers learned about sustainable crop-growing methods, gender equity, nutrition and climate change from peer mentors. The investigator of the project said, “We found that this intervention approach of combining agroecology...
United Republic of Tanzania
2021 - Cornell

Статья в блоге
LEADER - 30 years and preparing for the future: Delivering LEADER’s unique added value

The ENRD Contact Point organised a workshop to explore LEADER's positive, long-term impacts in rural areas and discuss how its added-value can be maximised in the future through better partnerships, local development strategies, and local projects and initiatives under the CAP Strategic Plans.  The event took place online as a webinar.  The event...
European Union
2021 - European Network for Rural development

Hacia una hoja de ruta para el escalamiento de la Agroecología en Perú: un análisis de las políticas, programas y factores limitantes actuales

En el presente estudio se presenta un análisis de los retos y las oportunidades que tiene la agroecología para ser promovida desde las políticas públicas. Esta investigación, propone una hoja de ruta para evidenciar las problemáticas en torno a el escalamiento de la agroecología desde diversos tipos factores. Esta propuesta...
2021 - CGIAR

Статья в блоге
The Importance of Being Local

The concept of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) came about to enable mid and small-sized farms to survive by attracting people to become loyal members of our farms. No two CSAs that are ever exactly alike. The CSA concept is supremely adjustable to individual circumstances, and that’s the brilliance of it....
2021 - Organic without Boundaries

Entrevista Mercedes López sobre amparos a Monsanto-Bayer vs decreto glifosato

Nuestra directora de la Asociación de Consumidores Orgánicos en CDMX fue entrevistada junto con José Luis Bustamante de Pro-Oaxaca por la Radio Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez sobre los amparos que han otorgado los jueces a Bayer/Monsanto y al Consejo Nacional Agrario contra el Decreto de Prohibición del glifosato.
2021 - Asociación de Consumidores Orgánicos

Статья в блоге
Restoring African drylands from within – without myths

From the 2nd to the 3rd of June, the Global Landscapes Forum hosted the first digital conference focused entirely on Africa’s drylands and how integrative restoration practices can see them flourish once again. Dryland ecosystems cover some 43 percent of Africa. They’re home to more than half a billion people...
2021 - Global Landscapes Forum

Organic in Europe

Prospects & developments for organic in national cap strategic plans
'Organic in Europe - Prospects and developments for organic in national CAP Strategic Plans' highlights how much of the national CAP budgets will need to be dedicated to organic farming in all Member States to reach the EU Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies’ average target of 25% organic land...
2021 - IFOAM Organics

Тематическое исследование
Agroecological training on biofertilisers improves women’s livelihoods in Togo

The plateaux of Togo have been witnessing land and soil degradation due to inappropriate agricultural practices, the use of chemical fertilizers, climate change, and deforestation. Since 2004, Young Volunteers for the Environment (YVE), alongside the African Institute for Economic and Social Development (INADES) and the National Institute for Agricultural Training, has been...
2021 - AFSA

Статья в блоге
Sahel launches a new regional agroecological project

Sahel has launched a regional agroecological project set to increase the resilience of Sahelian farmers. The project dubbed "FAIR Sahel" consists of integrating agroecological practices into intensive agriculture. The project is based on the vulnerability of Sahelian agriculture to the effects of climate change. The project is set to be...
2021 - www.farmersreviewafrica.com

Guía Metodológica para la Sistematización de los Cuadernos Agroecológicos

Esta Guía Metodológica presenta un paso a paso sobre por qué y cómo utilizar los Cuadernos Agroecológicos. Estamos construyendo juntas/os caminos e instrumentos que nos permitan mostrar y conocer/sistematizar la contribución (económica, ecológica, social y cultural) de la mujer rural a la economía familiar, a la seguridad y soberanía alimentaria, a la agroecología y a la vida....
2021 - Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA)

Статья в блоге
Organic Agriculture is Good for All, so has a Bright Future…

China and India are the major organic agriculture producers in Asia. But other Asian countries too are working well to increase their share in the global organic market. Some countries worth mentioning are Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand, which are making systematic efforts to promote organic agriculture in their own ways....
2021 - AESA

Convert Garden Waste into Rich Resources

You can convert garden waste into a rich garden resource. This video explains how Nasira Habib does it in her home garden.  
2021 - International People's Agroecology Multiversity IPAM

Incentive instruments for agroecology and sustainable financing mechanisms

Alain Karsenty, an environmental economist, has been a Senior Scientist at CIRAD (Montpellier, France) since 1992. His research and expertise area are focused on economic instruments for the environment. He has extensive knowledge of land tenure, concessions, forest policies, and practices in West & Central Africa and Madagascar, his main fieldwork. As an international consultant...
2021 - Capacity4dev Members' Channel

Информационный бюллетень
FAO Agroecology Newsletter #47

Agroecology Newsletter of May 2021.
2021 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Introducción a la agroecología política

Es la intencionalidad de este libro es la de proporcionar un marco de análisis común para la acción colectiva agroecológica. Se trata de proporcionar los argumentos epistemológicos y teóricos que empujan hacia la construcción y desarrollo de este campo para tratar de hacer operativa la lucha por la sostenibilidad agraria...
2021 - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)

People's Food Summit LIVE from Latin America

Welcome to the People's Food Summit! This will be a 24 hour global, participatory, virtual summit that will start in Oceania, and move westwards through the time zones of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America. You are currently watching the Latin America session.
2021 - Regeneration International

Mapeo de iniciativas y procesos agroecológicos colectivos en Colombia

Organizaciones sociales, de formación y educación, no gubernamentales, academia, agencias de cooperación internacional y otros actores, hacen esfuerzos por el escalamiento de la agroecología como modelo de producción sostenible. Identificarlas e intercambiar experiencias ha sido el propósito del proyecto Sembrando Capacidades, el cual llevó a cabo en el 2020 un...
2021 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Total results:4095