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In the words of family farmers: Indonesia

For seaweed farmer Hassan Heremba Basri teaching his children everything he knows about farming will ensure their successful future.
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Making Agroecology Viable for Small Farmers: Experiences from the Field

"The practices illustrated through these case studies are being extensively shared among farmers from across the country. These local practices are not just ways of thinking or alternatives; they are based on the specialized knowledge and practices of people and communities.They contain insights that when appropriately applied, can help farmers...
2014 - Focus on the Global South

Where Have All the Small Farmers Gone? The Story of Agriculture and Indian Farmers

"This first booklet in the series – 'Where Have all the Small Farmers gone?' – traces the broad path that agriculture took in India, to see where and how the small farmers are placed in it. It notes the major milestones en route, and underlines the major ups and downs,...
2014 - Focus on the Global South

Информационный сборник
Value Chains for Food Security and Nutrition in the Pacific Islands

The declining export competitiveness of farmers and fishers in the Pacific Islands, coupled with increased dietary dependence on imported food, has led public and private sector stakeholders in the Pacific to prioritize improving the capacity of their agricultural sectors to meet their domestic food needs. As a result, there is...
Cook Islands - Fiji - Samoa
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

营养源于创新 美味来自废物

就营养不良普遍的情况而言,随着家庭菜园的不断扩大,对许多尼泊尔人来说常年吃上 新鲜蔬菜已成为现实。但是,他们的故事表明家庭菜园的好处不仅仅局限于提高每家每户的 营养。家庭菜园还能帮助赋予妇女权利,保护生物多样性,广义上说,这对提高家庭和社区 营养都很有必要。
2014 - Centre for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

Fiji: Under the Sleeping Giant

A group of twenty young Fijian farmers dream of earning enough money to support their siblings. Their plan? To farm papaya organically and to access the premium price that the organic market pays. But they can only do this if their product is certified organic. With the prohibitively high cost...
2014 - International Fund for Agricultural Development

All Nepal Peasants' Federation

All Nepal Peasants Federation (ANPF) is an umbrella association of entire Nepali peasants fighting against feudalism, imperialism and neo-liberalism. It is fighting for the agrarian reform and peasants rights for last 6 decades since its inception in 1951 AD. In the new context of democratic republic of Nepal with the...
2014 - All Nepal Peasants Federation (ANPF)

Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a non-profit, scientific facility that conducts research on the most pressing challenges of forest and landscapes management around the world. With our global, multidisciplinary approach, we aim to improve human well-being, protect the environment, and increase equity. To do so, we help...
2014 - Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON)

The Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON) is intended to serve as an umbrella organisation for national FOs, to coordinate capacity building, share success stories and the lessons learnt, support regional exchanges of expertise between FOs and their associated private sector and donor agency partners.  
2014 - Pacific Island Farmers Organisation Network (PIFON)

Towards stronger family farms

Voices in the International Year of Family Farming
This publication draws from reports and notes from a series of events in the International Year of Family Farming: Regional Dialogues on Family Farming were organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization in collaboration with the World Rural Forum, the International Cooperative Alliance and the World Farmers Organization to increase the understanding of the family farming context in each region,and...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

The world of edible insects in Lao

A traditional heritage can become one of the new alternative solutions to fight against hunger ensuring food security. With a fast growing populations and 70 per cent of the land already dedicated to meat production, in the near future insects will quickly become a perfect solution for the provision of...
Lao People's Democratic Republic
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Информационный сборник
FAO’s contribution to reducing and preventing child labour in agriculture 2012-2014

Child labour is work that interferes with compulsory schooling or damages children’s health and personal development. Thanks to continuous efforts at the international and local level, recent global data,1 show that the number of children engaged in child labour worldwide has significantly declined from 215 to 168 million children (40 percent decline...
Cambodia - Lao People's Democratic Republic - Malawi - Mali - Niger - United Republic of Tanzania
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Статья в блоге

在印度奥里萨邦部落地区,林农轮作被 称为Pudu chaso,这样的农作方法对于维持农 作物的多样性是十分重要,并且产生各种栽 培方式。作物轮作,间作,和其他可持续农 业实践是Pudu农民传承传统知识的一部分, 这有助于创造他们所居住的景观。 然而,这一切都在受到不断的威胁。商 业伐木摧毁了部落的大片森林,在那里曾经 是部落的妇女用来采集食物和燃料的地方, 现在几乎完全消失。该地区还将继续遭受各 种破坏,人们通过修建道路、铁路和建水坝 来吸引企业的投资;但同时,部落土地和人 民生活也受到了破坏。在科拉普特区域,超 过一半的人(约一百万)已经由于新水库建 设而流离失所,超过一万公顷的森林土地被 破坏。
2014 - Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

Тематическое исследование
Sikkim Himalaya-Agriculture

Improving and Scaling up of Traditionally Managed Agricultural Systems of Global Significance the
The proposed GIAHS project, Sikkim Himalaya-Agriculture is a part of globally significant biodiversity hot spots of the world within the greater quadri-national junction of Khanchendzonga landscape in the Eastern Himalayas. The region is an assemblage of sacred landscapes called Demazong (the valley of rice) or the Shangrila (the hidden paradise...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Farmers’ organizations in Bangladesh

A mapping and capacity assessment
Farmers’ organizations (Fos) in Bangladesh have the potential to be true partners in, rather than “beneficiaries” of, the development process. Fos bring to the table a deep knowledge of the local context, a nuanced understanding of the needs of their communities and strong social capital. increasing the engagement of Fos...
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

IYFF convention

On 24-25 November 2014, Farmers, Agencies of the Government, Civil Society and International Organizations came together to define a roadmap that will institutionalise incentives for farm families through specific policies and programs from all the stakeholders. 

Тематическое исследование
Cultivating biodiversity: Peasant women in India

In the Deccan region of India, over 60,000 women peasants are feeding their families, their culture and their pride with biodiverse farming practices. Their knowledge and successes have reached across national and institutional borders, and they have received recognition from around the world.
2014 - ILEIA, Center for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

Agroecology: farmer's perspectives

The video outlines three case studies of farmers utilizing agroecological practices in their farming systems. It focuses on complex adaptive rice systems in the Easter part of the island of Java, Indonesia; on a large-scale farm in the Netherlands applying sustainable soil management practices; and on social aspects of agroecology...
Brazil - Indonesia - Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
2014 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Spore: Family farming, the beginning of a renaissance

More than 500 million family farms dominate agriculture around the world ensuring food security and providing employment to hundreds of millions of people. Family farms are also essential in safeguarding agro-biodiversity, and sustaining communities and cultures. However, family farming faces numerous challenges including insecure land rights, and limited access to...
Côte d'Ivoire - Kenya - Samoa - Uganda

Market access and growth intensification project

The Market Access and Growth Intensification Project will operate in the six dzongkhags (districts) of the eastern region, where some 30 per cent of the population of the country lives. The overall goal of the project is to reduce poverty and improve food security and the standards of living of...
2014 - International Fund for International Development (IFAD)
Total results:1914