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How to process raw honeybee pollen into food for humans

Pollen is one of the products of the beehive that the beekeeper can collect to increase his/her income from beekeeping. Pollen is often called the "super food". High performance athletes are quoted as eating pollen because of its high energetic power. Each pollen grain carries a variety of vitamins, proteins...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Conservation agriculture

The main aim is to reduce costs and improve profitability. Soil health is improved as is soil moisture. Zambia is leading the way in Sub-Saharan Africa and this programme shows how the technique is practised.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Sowing and thinning sorghum

Increasing plant populations by reducing the planting distance is a key step to achieving a uniform crop stand and a high yield. On the other hand, when plants are too close to each other this can hamper good crop development. The plants will be thin and will be susceptible to...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Comment capturer une colonie sauvage souterraine

Une colonie d’abeilles peut se diviser en produisant un ou plusieurs essaims de production si elle grossit et devient surpeuplée. Ces essains peuvent s’installer dans des ruches places par les apiculteurs ou bien dans d’autres endroits adapter pour le development de la colonie. Cette fiche explique comment capturer une colonie...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Propagación de las abejas sin aguijón usando cáscaras de coco

Las cáscaras de coco se utilizan para hacer la cosecha de miel más fácil y disminuir la mortalidad de las abejas jóvenes o cría. La forma más habitual de recolección de miel de las colonias salvajes destruye una gran parte de la colmena. Las abejas necesitan mucho tiempo para reparar...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Managing vegetable nematodes

Nematodes are dreadful worms that live in the soil and in the roots of many different crops and weeds. Nematodes are easier to prevent than to control. The secret is to: grow healthy seedlings; destroy all sources of nematodes in and near your vegetable field; rotate with crops that are...
2016 - Access Agriculture

Preparing low-cost concentrate feed

In this video, we will learn from farmers how one can save money by making their own concentrate feed for their livestock and fish. Many farmers do not have enough good feed, they can buy concentrate feed that is rich in nutrients, but such feed is costly. By making a base...

The wonder of earthworms

Earthworm compost can increase soil fertility and help increase the production of vegetables in poor and salty soils. Here we will learn about a fast and easy way to make earthworm compost on a small piece of land.
2016 - Access Agriculture

A quantitative approach to the socio-economic valuation of pollinator-friendly practices: A protocol for its use

This handbook presents a guidance and protocol for determining the socio-economic value of pollinator-friendly versus -unfriendly practices that can be implemented at different spatial levels (for example, farms or landscapes). Values are generally quantified by contrasts. This protocol shows contrast between pollinator-friendly vs. unfriendly practices. By focusing on practices, this...
Brazil - Kenya
2016 - FAO

Working together for healthy chicks

In this Video, we will visit the city of Fayoum where a group of women are collaborating in raising chicks by paying close attention to the chicks’ housing, feed and vaccination programs.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Apicultura: desarrollo de familias a partir de un núcleo (pequeña familia)

Una de las formas mediante las cuales los apicultores aumentan la cantidad de familias es comprando núcleos, los cuales consisten en una pequeña familia de abejas que puede estar formado por 4 o 5 marcos. También muchas veces aumentan el número de familias cuando reciben enjambres desde sus mismas colmenas...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Protocol to detect and monitor pollinator communities: Guidance for practitioners

This publication provides guidance on using a common methodology for monitoring pollinator diversity and abundance, as part of the GEF supported Project “Conservation and Management of Pollinators for Sustainable Agriculture, through an Ecosystem Approach” implemented in seven countries - Brazil, Ghana, India, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan and South Africa. The project...
Brazil - Ghana - India - Kenya - Nepal - Pakistan - South Africa
2016 - FAO

Making a business from home raised chicks

In this video, we will visit the rooftop brooders of the women in Fayoum – and we will learn from them the key steps for a successful household chick raising business.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Comment fabriquer une vareuse

En tant qu’apiculteur, les vêtements de protection sont indispensables pour travailler dans de bonnes conditions et se protéger des piqûres d’abeilles. Il existe différents types de tenues de protection. Cette fiche décrit la fabrication d’un modèle qui est une blouse de protection qui vous sera bien utile. Elle a été...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Monitoring to make rabbit breeding profitable

In this video,  we will learn how to monitor the performance of a rabbit farm. By filling out monitoring sheets with accurate information and by keeping a notebook to systematically record all expenditures. This  will enable better management of the farm and ensuring its profitability.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Preventing diseases in rabbits

Coccidiosis and colibacillosis are the most dangerous diseases in rabbits because they are highly contagious. Veterinary products cannot cure rabbits that have been infected with these disease. Luckily, they can be prevented, as we will listen in this video.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Comment fabriquer une ruche à barrettes en Nkoko

Le palmier raphia est un matériel naturel disponible en Afrique centrale et en Afrique de l’Ouest pouvant être utilisé pour fabriquer tout type de ruche là où il est présent. Cette fiche explique étape par étape comment construire deux modèles de ruches à barrettes en bois et en palmier raphia....
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Comment fabriquer une ruche a barrettes « la grande »

Cette fiche présente un modèle de ruche à barrettes fabriqué par la Plateforme des Apiculteurs des Cataractes (PLAAC), en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). Vous y trouverez des schémas bien détaillés, des photos et conseils permettant à tous de se lancer dans des essais de fabrication de ce modèle de...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Livret technique de production du compost

Au Sahel, les aléas climatiques combinés aux actions de l’homme (déforestation, feux de brousse, etc.) ont contribué à la dégradation des terres avec comme conséquence la baisse des rendements agricoles.
2016 - Union Européenne CILSS FFEM CADDEL-Consulting

Riparian zone protection

In Kenya, small-scale farmers stabilise river banks and reduce rainwater runoff from nearby plots by planting trees and grasses.e
2016 - Access Agriculture
Total results:2004