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Self help group

As individual farmers lack resources to invest in, or learn about, Conservation Agriculture. This video shows a group in Kenya that has come together to share knowledge and equipment and to assist each other.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Post-harvest handling and utilization of cactus fruits

This practice provides a description of the post-harvest handling and utilization of the cactus fruits in food industry. The practice is aimed at building the technical capacity leading to improvement of the products which are prepared from cactus especially for the small scale farmers and agro processors. It covers the...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Le compost enrichi - appelé également compost en pile ou en lasagne

Cette fiche technique présente les modalités de réalisation d'un compost enrichi. Ce type de compost est bien plus riche que le compost vert car il a une teneur élevée en matière organique et contient plus d’éléments nutritifs

Water users associations

In Kenya, WRUAs first began forming in the 1990’s. They are established by communities along rivers and guarantee the participation of their members in all management decisions taken on the use of the river water.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Rice-fish Culture System (RFC)

Rice-fish culture is the simultaneous or alternate production of fish in a rice field. It consists of stocking the rice field with fish of selected size and species to obtain a fish crop in addition to rice which is the main crop. If properly implemented it could increase rice farmer’s...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Human urine as fertilizer

Land in Tororo district in Uganda has been intensively used and the soil fertility is low and declining. This video features a possible solution - using urine as a fertiliser.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Fish powder

Remaining fish parts that are not eaten are usually wasted. Fish powder made from fish remaining can be used to enrich staple foods such as maize and cassava, and therefore improve levels of micronutrients in the diet. This practice describes the benefits of the fish powder, how to produce fish...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Improving health in native dual-purpose cattle

The principle of organic breeding is to adapt the cow towards the local and natural production system. The one-sided genetic selection, preferring increased milk yield, complicates feeding and management of modern Holstein genetics when confronted with the strict rules defined for organic milk production. This requires a reformulation of existing...
2016 - FiBL

Semis direct de maïs sans herbicide - Quatre années d'essais pratiques

Pour la culture du maïs en agriculture biologique, on a d’ordinaire recours au labour en raison de son effet désherbant. Toutefois, en ce qui concerne l’érosion et le compactage du sol ainsi que le lessivage, l’utilisation de la charrue ne s’avère pas optimale, surtout dans cette culture. Le semis direct...
2016 - FiBL

Confección de trampa de cartón para captura de enjambres de abeja africanizada

La abeja africana Apis mellífera scutellata (o A.m.adansonii, según otros autores) continúa su avance migratorio por el continente americano. Por el comportamiento que estas abejas han mostrado, se considera que al dispersarse paulatinamente en el continente americano, ocasionarán un gran impacto; principalmente porque originarán una reducción en la producción de...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Parasite control for organic ruminants

Gastrointestinal parasitism is a major challenge to the health and welfare of organic livestock. Although considerable research has taken place on alternative parasite control, farmers are still hesitating to implement novel approaches. In this video, Spiridoula Athanasiadou explains how the PrOPara project wants to change this.
2016 - FiBL

Eight golden rules for sustainable development of dairy

This practice describes golden roles for dairy production, including; feeding milk cows, calf rearing, breeding adult cows, heat stress management, animal health, producing quality milk, and housing dairy stock.
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Comment fabriquer de l'extrait de propolis à base de propolis brute

La propolis, ou «colle d'abeille », est un mélange résineux que les abeilles récoltent sur les bourgeons des arbres et des résines végétales. La propolis est utilisée par les abeilles dans la ruche pour ses propriétés antimicrobiennes et anti-virales. Les humains peuvent également bénéficier des propriétés de la propolis. En...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Keeping milk clean and fresh

Modern dairy plants buy fresh milk from local farmers and herders to make into many different products. The company pays a fair price, but requires strict hygiene: they only buy milk that is clean and fresh.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Elaboración de velas de cera de abejas estampada

Una alternativa para la elaboración de velas con las características que posee la cera de abeja es utilizándola cómo cera estampada. Esta cera puede ser la misma que se utiliza para los marcos o bien puede ser teñida con algún colorante para proporcionar mayor cantidad de alternativas de mezclar colores....
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Stone lines

Stone lines induce a natural process of terracing as they trap sediments. They are also built to rehabilitate eroded lands. Farmers in Kenya show how they construct stone lines.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Taking milk to the collection centre

Milk spoils because of germs that are too small to see. The germs grow in the milk and spoil it. Germs multiply faster in warm milk than in cold milk. So move the milk to the collection centre within 30 minutes of milking, or the milk will start to spoil....
2016 - Access Agriculture

Grass strips against soil erosion

Contour hedgerows slow the speed of water coming down the slope and allow the water to infiltrate. They also allow the washed away soil and nutrients to settle out above the hedgerows. You can plant many different grasses, depending on what you need and what is locally available.
Thailand - Viet Nam
2016 - Access Agriculture

Managing cattle ticks

Ticks are small creatures like insects that attach to the body of animals to suck their blood. Ticks cause diseases like skin lesions. The animals will become skinny and no longer produce milk.
2016 - Access Agriculture

Elaboración de velas con molde de plástico o silicón

En la siguiente tecnología se describen los pasos para confeccionar velas en un molde (de silicón u otro) en base de cera de abejas. Esta tecnología proporciona una nueva forma de ingreso de recursos donde se utiliza la cera de abejas que recicla el apicultor. Esta manera de confeccionar velas...
2016 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Total results:2004