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Газетная статья
Agroecología: Potenciando la agricultura campesina para revertir el hambre y la inseguridad alimentaria en el mundo

En este artículo se analizan las potencialidades de la agroecología basada en el control de las comunidades locales para hacer frente a enormes problemas humanos como el hambre y el deterioro ambiental. Para ello se revisa la literatura existente y se analizan diversas experiencias locales como la milpa mexicana, las...
Cuba - Mexico
2010 - Revista de Economía Crítica

Тематическое исследование
Sistematización de buenas prácticas en el marco de la prevención y mitigación de siniestros climáticos en el sector agropecuario en el Altiplano Central, Bolivia

El cambio climático es una preocupación tanto para decisores como para la gente común, ya que afecta los medios de vida de los más vulnerables, en este caso, de los pequeños productores que se encuentran en el altiplano andino. El presente documento presenta la sistematización de las buenas prácticas más...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2010 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO)

’t pure WEI-gevoel (that pure farmland feeling)

Sint-Jozefhoeve is an active dairy farm which, in the past, has worked hard to expand the  business. Thus, the farm is also an educational dairy farm which welcomes young people in the frame of school excursions and youth camps. Recent renovations in the frame of previous Leader project have created...

Coastal Fisheries Trends in Estonia

A Comparative Analysis of the Strategies of Fisheries Action Groups
Estonia is a maritime nation. At least this seems so if one looks at Estonia on a map. The lifestyle of a shore-dwelling people, however, is not visibly widespread, and coastal fisheries are rather unevenly developed. Nonetheless, it could not be said that coastal fishing is defunct. Naturally, along with...

Газетная статья
Perception of drought by farmers and its impact on farming and irrigation practices

Climate change scenarios predict negative impacts on agriculture in the southern Mediterranean regions. Preparedness for increasingly frequent droughts requires a good knowledge on how chronic water shortages may affect production and cropping systems. This work investigates recent variations in agricultural production and in cropping practices in Tunisia as induced by...

Статья в блоге
Les origines et l’évolution de l’agriculture soutenue par la communauté

l’initiative d’Alliance Provence, une rencontre a été organisée entre des représentants des réseaux Equiterre, Urgenci, Alliance PEC Rhône-Alpes et Alliance Provence. Cette rencontre a permis de revenir sur les origines de l’Agriculture soutenue par la communauté (traduction française littérale des Community Supported Agriculture américaines), et la façon dont le modèle...
2010 - URGENCI

Электронные учебные курсы
Assessing Impact of Development Programmes on Food Security

This e-learning course on Assessing Impact of Development Programmes on Food Security has been designed to support countries and regions in assessing the overall impact of their investments in food security on the well being of the targeted populations. The course brings together the latest information on impact assessment from...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

NEBUS Midwest – Netwerk Buurtwinkels met Streekeigen regioproducten (Network of local stores with local regionally produced products)

More and more people enjoy our countryside. Authentic regional food products such as farm and regional produce play an important role in this. That is why the npa De Lochting, RESOC Central West-Flanders, UNIZO Central West Flanders and npa Pival have joined forced to distribute regional products. In every municipality...

Estrategia Centroamericana de Desarrollo Rural (ECADERT)

La ECADERT es una estrategia regional aprobada por la Cumbre de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA), el 19 de junio del 2010, y que busca generar oportunidades y fortalecer las capacidades de la población de los territorios rurales de Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,...
Belize - Costa Rica - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Panama
2010 - Estrategia Centroamericana de Desarrollo Rural (ECADERT)

Food Safety and Nutrition Strategy for 2010 – 2013

The foundations of the food safety system in the Czech Republic were laid as early as in 2001 when by the Resolution of the Government of the CR No 1320 the very first strategic food safety document was adopted (Strategy to Assure Food Safety in the Czech Republic). The food...

Mulheres na Reforma Agrária

A experiência recente no Brasil
Neste livro estão reunidos diversos artigos acadêmicos e de gestoras publicas que buscam problematizar a presença das mulheres na reforma agrária no Brasil. Estudos quantitativos e qualitativos que abordam aspectos fundiários, da produção e reprodução, das relações familiares, das lutas sociais dos movimentos sociais do campo e o das políticas...
2010 - Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA)

Тематическое исследование
Enquête sur la valorisation des bas-fonds au Bénin

Etude de cas sur les logiques paysannes et les dynamiques locales dans la commune de Djidja
Les bas-fonds sont aujourd’hui au centre de nombreux projets de développement visant une  sécurisation alimentaire à travers des projets de petite irrigation. La première partie de ce  travail traite des stratégies mises en oeuvre par le gouvernement béninois qui a fait de  l’aménagement des bas-fonds une de ses priorités. Cependant,...
2010 - Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement (IHEID)

Nature & Faune: Natural resource tenure systems and their implication for agriculture, food security and nature conservation in Africa

As population density increases and available natural resources diminish, tensions and competition increase among stakeholders for access to land for farming and animal husbandry as well as access to forest, fishery and wildlife resources. The scramble for resources involves communities, economic interest groups, governments and the private sector as they...
Benin - Botswana - Burkina Faso - Cameroon - Côte d'Ivoire - Gambia - Ghana - Kenya - Mozambique - Namibia - South Africa - Zimbabwe
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Информационный сборник
Rural Development Policy post 2013 – Opinion Poll among Rural Actors, Austrian National Rural Network – Summary of Statements and Positions

The Austrian National Rural Network service unit “Netzwerk Land” has invited 1.400 stakeholders in rural development to answer three questions about the future orientation of the rural development policy. Additionally, these questions were posed on the front page of the network’s webpage. The RD monitoring committee held further discussions and...
2010 - European Network for Rural Development

Журнальная статья
Sheep farm in Kullabygden invested in a farm shop

"So far, we are not slaughtering ourselves, but we sell all of our jointed lamb meat in our farm shop," says 27 year old Otto Ramsay. He was grateful to receive SEK 200,000 as start-up support from the Rural Development Programme last year, in order to rebuild the old stables...

Visual Soil Assessment (VSA)

Pastures part 2
This publication contains visual indicators of environmental performance under pastoral grazing
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Информационный сборник
Statement of opinion of the COUNCIL OF BULGARIAN AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATIONS - The general framework of the EU’s Common Agricultural (CAP) after 2013

Agriculture is a strategic sector of the economy and has deep traditions in Bulgaria. In 2009 the gross value added generated by the sector of agriculture was estimated at BGN 1,506 million and farming jobs totaled nearly 90,000, excluding the employment in food industry and other sectors of light industry....
2010 - The European network for Rural Development

The Fome Zero (Zero Hunger) Program

The Brazilian experience
The launching of the “Zero Hunger Project – a proposal for a food security policy in Brazil” in October 2001 by presidential candidate, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, reflected the maturing of discussions and proposals on food security and fighting hunger, which had become national priorities to be addressed through...

Политический обзор/документ
FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples

 The purpose of this policy document is to provide FAO with a framework to guide its work on indigenous peoples’ issues. Current activities follow no systematic course of action relating to such issues and will benefit greatly from the delineation of a common direction and approach. At the same time,...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Работа конференции
Report of the FAO–DOF Workshop on the options for a potential insurance scheme for aquaculture in Thailand

In recognition of the important role played by the shrimp farming industry to the Thai economy, the Department of Fisheries of Thailand and FAO conducted a joint workshop to provide stakeholders with a detailed overview of the benefits of, and requirements for, a successful establishment of a mutual insurance scheme that responds to...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Total results:20002