Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах


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Газетная статья
Intercropping aromatic plants with coffee (Coffea arabica L.) under greenhouse and field conditions

Most of the natural products that cause allelopathy are secondary metabolism copounds synthesized by plants and microorganisms, and most of the currently identified are present in aromatic plants. Allelopathic and autotoxic effects of coffe plants are well known due to production and accumulation of caffeine in a soluble form in...
2007 - Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Caravan - High-value crops, value-added crop and livestock products

ICARDA’s mission is to alleviate poverty by improving the livelihoods of farming communities. Often, the key is to add value to primary crop and livestock outputs. This issue of Caravan provides glimpses of the Center’s work to help farmers and pastoralists add value to their products, and thereby improve their...
Tunisia - Türkiye
2007 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Электронные учебные курсы
Livelihoods Assessment and Analysis

This course introduces the concept of livelihoods and the components of the livelihoods framework. It also provides guidance on assessing livelihoods in different food security contexts and on selecting and interpreting livelihoods indicators.
2007 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Руководящие принципы
Directrices FAO/OMS para los gobiernos sobre la aplicación del sistema de APPCC en empresas alimentarias pequeñas y/o menos desarrolladas

El presente documento tiene por objeto prestar asistencia a las autoridades nacionales de inocuidad de los alimentos en la elaboración de una estrategia de APPCC para las empresas pequeñas y/o menos desarrolladas en el marco de una política nacional de inocuidad de los alimentos. Es el resultado de la experiencia...
2007 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Centro de Información de Actividades Porcinas (CIAP)

Sitio web que describe del Centro de Información de ACtividades Porcinas (CIAP), organización sin fines de lucro administrada por representantes de instituciones académicas, científicas y de desarrollo: Universidades Nacionales de Río Cuarto, Rosario, Córdoba, La Pampa, Río Negro, Buenos Aires, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Universidad de la República Uruguay y el...
Argentina - Uruguay
2007 - Centro de Información de Actividades Porcinas (CIAP)

Tirer le meilleur profit des procédés écologiques

AGRIDAPE (Revue sur l'agriculture durable à faibles apports externes), is a Magazine about Sustainable Agriculture with Low External Inputs. This notion refers to all those technological and social choices available to farmers that are willing to improve their production with an eye for a better environmental management. The French language magazine's focus is on the optimal use...
Bangladesh - Nepal - Western Sahara
2007 - Innovation environnement developpement (IED)

Тематическое исследование
Enhancing smallholder farmers’ market competitiveness in Tanzania

Tanzanian agriculture is dominated by small-scale subsistence farming. Like the entire economy, agriculture is in a transition from being a command to a market-based production system. The transition process started in the mid-1980s as part of the economic adjustment and structural reform programs and policies supported by Tanzania’s development partners....
United Republic of Tanzania
2007 - Cornell University

Metodología de pequeños productores para mejorar la producción agrícola

Estrategias locales para la gestión de riesgos
El presente documento es el resultado de la ejecuación del Programa de Integración de Mecanismos de Reducción de Desastres y Gestión de Riesgos impulsado por COSUDE e implementado por la Unión de Asociaciones Productivas del Altiplano UNAPA, con la participación directa de un grupo de productores que lideran procesos de...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2006 - Programa de Integración de Mecanismos de Reducción de Desastres y Gestión de Riesgos

Электронные учебные курсы
Reporting Food Security Information

This course provides guidance in designing, writing and increasing the impact of food security reports in different contexts.
2006 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Simple methods of meat preservation: Meat dryers

The meat dryers are constructions of wood, metal and/or concrete, stationary or mobile, without or with a roof. For strips suspended by hooks or with a loop attached or fixed by clips, removable horizontal bars, either made of wood or metal or horizontal wire strings are needed. The following description...
2006 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Land degradation as a global issue

A synthesis of three studies commissioned by the Global Environment Facility to strengthen the knowledge base to support the land degradation focal area
A synthesis of three studies commissioned by the Global Environment Facility to strengthen the knowledge base to support the Land Degradation Focal Area. The report presents a number of recommendations for advancing the relevance of land degradation investments by the GEF, and identifies priority topics in SLM for the GEF. Some of...
2006 - Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Политический обзор/документ
Development domains for Ethiopia

Capturing the geographical context of smallholder development options
The choices that smallholder farmers are able to make are strongly conditioned by the geographic conditions in which they live. The importance of this fact for rural development strategy is not lost on policy makers. For example, the government of Ethiopia frequently frames policy discussions by broadly different geographical conditions...
2006 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Investigación participativa y desarrollo

"En este último número del año 2006 presentamos artículos que destacan la importancia de la investigación participativa para la construcción de conocimiento en forma conjunta, entre la ciencia formal y el saber de los agricultores campesinos. Este concepto y su relación con los artículos son el motivo del editorial escrito...
2006 - Asociación Ecología, Tecnología y Cultura en los Andes

Политический обзор/документ
Investing in smallholder irrigation

Smallholder irrigated horticulture has proven to be a viable and attractive option for poor farmers in developing countries. This paper relates two important lessons learned: low-cost productive technologies must be available to smallholders in terms of both location and price and must correspond to their needs, and the importance of...
2006 - World Bank

Журнальная статья
Una herramienta para superar la pobreza

Las microfinanzas y el sector rural
Las microfinanzas corresponden a la oferta de servicios financieros (especialmente créditos) a sectores pobres. La principal barrera que enfrenta la población más pobre para acceder al mercado de créditos es la exigencia de garantías reales por parte de las instituciones, con las que no cuentan. La solución que se ha...
2006 - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Политический обзор/документ
Land, land policy and smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia

Options and scenarios
Access to land is an important issue for the majority of Ethiopian people who, one way or the other, depend on agricultural production for their income and subsistence. Land tenure issues therefore continue to be of central political and economic importance, as they have been at several junctures in Ethiopia’s...
2006 - Future Agricultures Consortium

El huerto: una alternativa de producción familiar

La finalidad de este folleto es servir de apoyo a las personas interesadas en iniciarse en la construcción y manejo de huertos familiares para mejorar la disponibilidad de alimentos para que tengan una mejor nutrición y seguridad alimentaria. Es el resultado de consultas bibliográficas realizadas por especialistas y de experiencias...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2006 - Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela (INIA)

Diretrizes e Prioridades do Plano de Ação para Implementação da Política Nacional da Biodiversidade

A proposição de um mecanismo de gestão sustentável da biodiversidade deve considerar as características específicas do país: sua dimensão territorial; extensão e complexidade de sua biodiversidade; volume de recursos financeiros necessários à conservação e à utilização sustentável desse patrimônio; diversidade étnica e cultural; distribuição de renda; e divisão de competências...
2006 - Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA)

Red Rural de Organizaciones Privadas de Desarrollo (Red Rural)

Entre los objetivos de la organización están: Formular e impulsar políticas y estrategias de desarrollo sostenible para los sectores sociales más vulnerables del ámbito rural, especialmente campesinos e indígenas, mujeres y jóvenes rurales, en busca de una mayor equidad social. Contribuir al fortalecimiento de las iniciativas de desarrollo rural, originadas en el...
2006 - Red Rural de Organizaciones Privadas de Desarrollo (Red Rural)

Газетная статья
Agrosocioeconomic diagnostic of the coffee farms in the Monaicito River’s microbasin, Trujillo State-Venezuela.

An agrosocioeconomic diagnosis in the coffee farms of the Monaicito River’s microbasin was carried out. This allowed describing and analyzing the main social and agroeconomic variables, which characterize them. The most outstanding results are: farms mainly administered by the proprietors, high illiteracy, housings in good habitability conditions and basic services,...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2006 - Universidad de los Andes (ULA)
Total results:19991