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Gender Agenda - Women in fisheries: A collection of articles from SAMUDRA Report

Throughout the world, women of fishing communities play a central role in the fisheries and in maintaining the social fabric of their households and communities. However, they remain largely invisible, and the roles they play, largely undocumented. Policy interventions meant to support them have been few and far between, contributing...

Fishing for Standards: A Collection of Articles on ILO's Proposed Comprehensive Standard on Work in the Fishing Sector

Forty years after its last standard on work in the fishing sector, ILO has proposed a new standard,to be placed on the agenda of the 92nd Session of the International Labour Conference in June 2004 at Geneva. This dossier puts together reports on workshops held to discuss this proposed standard,as...
2004 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Тематическое исследование
Gender roles in agriculture

Case studies of five villages in northern Afghanistan
The purpose of this report is to contribute to a greater understanding of the roles women and men play in the different stages of agriculture as well as other production and income-generating activities. Little research exists on gender roles within Afghanistan and the focus of much research and most programming...
2004 - European Commission

Social Capital in Rural Areas of Latvia within the Context of Public Organizations

This study targets social capital development possibilities in the rural territories of Latvia, and focuses on its inhabitants' public activities. Private property was restored more than 10 years ago, and since then the number of public organisations has sharply increased. These organisations offer the chance to solve several problems. The...

Institutional Factors Influencing Agricultural Sales of the Individual Farmers in Romania

The paper analyses the impact of institutional factors on the agricultural sales of the individual farmers in Romania. The analysis relies on the Agricultural Household Survey conducted in 15 villages in 2003 in Romania and on interviews with the agricultural engineers at the village level. The study uses the social...

Técnicas de producción de leche, praderas y de gestión para la Agricultura Familiar Campesina (AFC)

En esta publicación, INIA Carillanca pone a disposición de los pequeños y medianos productores, técnicos y profesionales, información en producción de leche, praderas y gestión de empresas lecheras, como una forma de contribuir a mejorar capacidades que permitan hacer más eficientes los sistemas productivos lecheros.
2004 - Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA)

Carbon sequestration in dryland soils

This publication reflects part of FAO's work on soil carbon sequestration within the framework of its programme on the integrated planning and management of land resources for sustainable rural development. The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the scientific aspects and potential for carbon sequestration in drylands – some of...
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Газетная статья
Prospects and challenges of biodiversity in small-holder systems

There is a wide diversity of cultivated banana (Musa spp.) found growing in small-holder systems around the world. The main types of bananas that are important for small-holders differ from region to region. Diversity is important for small-holders for many reasons. Diversity-rich production systems help to ensure a continuous supply...

Agricultural Productivity Growth: A Vehicle for Rural Poverty Reduction in Ukraine?

This paper discusses the trickle-down effects of productivity growth in Agriculture and trade-offs between agricultural aggregate productivity growth and rural poverty alleviation. Empirically, we attempt to establish the link between agricultural productivity growth and the distribution of incomes in rural areas, the price for grains – a major agricultural commodity,...

The Effects of Social Capital on the Organization of Agricultural Enterprises and Rural Communities in Transition: The Case of Ukraine.

The paper develops a new perspective in social capital theory by outlining the significance of social capital for organizational development and change. Different mechanisms of economic coordination such as markets, hierarchies and teams have been shown to exhibit various and consistent social capital-dependence. Accordingly, insufficient amount of social capital is...

Agricultural Policy and Rural Development: Theoretical and Empirical Aspects

The paper discusses the impact of industrialized countries' agricultural policy on the development of rural areas, with special reference to the CAP. Against the background of the principles of rural development policy it analyses effects on employment and environmental objectives in rural areas. The impact of agricultural market policies is...

Measures of Rural Development Policy in Russia

Russian rural areas (populated areas outside towns and cities) occupy two thirds of the country territory. Practically all Russian constituent regions have rural areas, though varying by their share in a region’s total area and by their population number. In the Southern and European Russia and Siberia the former reaches...
Russian Federation

Газетная статья
Linking ecologists and traditional farmers in the search for sustainable agriculture

For centuries, traditional farmers have developed diverse and locally adapted agricultural systems, managing them  with  ingenious  practices  that  often  result  in  both  community  food  security  and  the  conservation  of agrobiodiversity. This strategy of minimizing risk stabilizes yields, promotes dietary diversity, and maximizes returns using low levels of technology and limited...
2004 - The Ecological Society of America

Информационный бюллетень
Dimitra Newsletter: Women take action

This edition of the Dimitra newsletter focuses on rural women, information and empowerment. Two workshops, organized by our local partners, Amsed in Morocco and Women’s NET in South Africa, take the spotlight. The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for rural women was on the programmes of both events....
Burkina Faso - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Morocco - Uganda
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Информационный бюллетень
Dimitra Newsletter: Africa: Great Lakes region

This newsletter exclusively focuses on three countries of the sub-region: the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Rwanda and Burundi. We lay open the pages to organizations which have provided us with articles explaining their difficulties, their strategies and the solutions they have found to improve the living conditions of rural...
Burundi - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Rwanda
2004 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Mercadeo de los productos orgánicos en Bolivia

El caso ASOPEC
De acuerdo con los análisis de la FAO y otras instituciones, la información de mercados (Market Information) ayuda a los agricultores en la toma de decisiones sobre aspectos importantes del proceso de mercadeo. Además contribuye a: la reducción del riesgo asociado con la comercialización; la selección de mercados convenientes para...
Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Cuba - Ecuador - Honduras - Mexico - Peru - Uruguay
2004 - Università di Perugia

Рабочий документ
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS): Towards analyzing the drivers of changes in farming systems

The GIAHS project has the objective of documenting and fostering the viability and permanence of farming systems that are particularly remarquable due to the positive externalities that they generate and that benefit the environment and society at large. It will shed light on the positive roles that these systems perform...
2004 - Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Политический обзор/документ
Mieux connaitre la réalité de l’exploitation familiale ouest-africaine

La notion d’exploitation agricole familiale trouve son origine dans l’organisation de la production agricole en Europe. Elle a pris corps et s’est consolidée dans le discours théorique des agronomes et des économistes agricoles à partir du début du XX ème siècle. Elle repose sur une dominance historique longue en Occident...
Chad - Mali - Niger - Senegal
2004 - Coopération Suisse au développement

Журнальная статья
Titulación de comunidades campesinas

Las mesas de tierras del Grupo Allpa, conformadas en los departamentos de Puno, Cusco, Huancavelica y Ayacucho, señalan que el proceso de titulación y posterior registro de las tierras en registros públicos es demasiado largo, complejo e incluso costoso para los comuneros.
2004 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Журнальная статья
Comunidades campesinas. La tierra y sus recursos

El trabajo de la comisión especial encargada de revisar la legislación sobre comunidades campesinas y nativas, debe presentar a fines de noviembre una propuesta de nueva legislación a la Comisión de Amazonía y Asuntos Indígenas, la cual deberá discutirla y, si la aprueba, remitirla al pleno del Congreso. En medio...
2004 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)
Total results:20002