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Статья в блоге
Jordan: Agricultural Resources Management Project

Mid-term evaluation
The rationale for ARMP is based on supporting rural households in the two Governorates of Karak and Tefila to intensify their agricultural practices by enhancing natural resource management in the designated project areas. This is to be achieved by arresting soil degradation and restoring soil fertility through the sustainable use...

Газетная статья
Agricultural mechanization for small farmers, a case study in Cunco, IX Region of Chile.

A project offering mechanization services to small farmers has been in progress since 1992 in the district of Cunco, located in the foothills of the Andes in the IX Region of Chile. This project is administered by an non-governmental organization and is financed through international cooperation. A technical evaluation of...
2002 - Universidad Católica de Temuco

Газетная статья
Factors provoking friction and internal breakdown in rural agricultural enterprises

The factors that strengthen organizations are analyzed, by studying the organizational process and the perceptions of the members, in order to determine the factors that initiate friction and breakdown within an enterprise. Factors that initiated friction were found to be the lack of communicational feedback between executives and workers, the...
2002 - Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA )

Доклад конференции
Risk and De-Collectivisation: Evidence from the Czech Republic

Risk and De-Collectivisation: Evidence from the Czech Republic Bezemer, D. J. (2002), Proceedings of 2002 International Congress, August 28-31, 2002, Zaragoza, Spain The paper analyses the behavior of family farms socialist-style farms in the presence of risk, given the typical post-socialist environment in the Czech Republic. http://purl.umn.edu/24888

Reinvesting in African small-holder agriculture

The role of tree crops in sustainable farming systems
This Policy and Strategy Paper contributes to an on-going policy debate-within the Bank but also with its client governments-about the role of tree crops in various production systems, and as key commodities in the trade portfolio of various African nations. It attempts to answer the following questions: a) What is...
2002 - World Bank

Farm Transformation and Restructuring in Czech Agriculture – Ten Years After

Farm Transformation and Restructuring in Czech Agriculture – Ten Years After Doucha, T., Divila, E., Trávníček, Z., (2002) 13th International Farm Management Congress, July 7-12, 2002, Wageningen, The Netherlands. The development of the farms structure in the Czech Republic can be found for example in the article written by Doucha, Divila...

Технический документ
Cold water fisheries in the trans-Himalayan countries

The Trans-Himalayan region encompasses a number of countries situated in the midland and highland areas of the Himalayas, Karakoram, and in a broad sense also in Hindu Kush and Pamir. The mountains are characterized by a very low level of human development, with full exploitation or overexploitation of the natural...
Bhutan - China - India - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Myanmar - Nepal - Pakistan

Журнальная статья
Agricultura orgánica versus agricultura industrial. Su relación con la diversificación productiva y la seguridad alimentaria

El trabajo analiza cómo se vinculan las agriculturas orgánica e industrial con la diversificación productiva y la seguridad alimentaria. A partir de un estudio de caso, se aborda el problema en relación a dos grupos de campesinos del NE de Argentina (uno de ellos vinculado con la producción orgánica de...
2002 - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Referencial metodológico para la aplicación del diagnóstico rural participativo

Un paradigma alternativo útil en la investigación agrícola. Caso: Productores de parchita (Passiflora edulis. f. sp. flavicarpa), municipio Obispos, estado Barinas
El diagnóstico rural participativo (DRP) es visto en este trabajo como un paradigma alternativo útil en la investigación agrícola. El mismo se preparó a partir de un conjunto de propuestas metodológicas de investigadores, los cuales han contribuido a fomentar la participación de productores y productoras agrícolas en todo lo que...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2002 - Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Venezuela (INIA)

Журнальная статья
The design of a rural sustainable development program

Study case: Caritupe, Municipality of Petit, State of Falcón–Venezuela
The design of a rural sustainable development program by a multi-disciplinary team from the Division of Forestry, Geographical, Farming-Animal and Environmental Services and Projects (UFORGA), attached to the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Science of the University of Los Andes, is presented in this essay. The program was created with...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2002 - Universidad de los Andes (ULA)

Газетная статья
Opportunities and Constrains for Conservation Agriculture in Africa

This journal article from Leisa Magazine illustrates examples of Conservation Agriculture in Africa. Considerable efforts have been made in Africa to try to arrest the tendency towards soil degradation, loss of fertility and frequently declining yields. These have focused on better ways to conserve soil moisture, to prevent soil loss,...
2002 - LEISA Magazine on Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture

Organic agriculture, environment and food security

Organic agriculture is defined as an environmentally and socially sensitive food supply system. This publication examines its many facets, looking at the contribution of organic agriculture to ecological health, international markets and local food security. It builds on empirical experiences throughout the world and analyses the prospects for a wider...
2002 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Рабочий документ
Technology transfer for agriculture growth in Africa

This paper searches for the most effective technology for agricultural growth in Africa on the basis of FAO data available during the last forty years. The paper discusses the challenges for agricultural growth and evaluates the development assistance that was made by donors to the agricultural sector in Africa in...
2002 - African Development Bank

Subsistence Farming in Bulgaria

Between Tradition and the Market
Present-day Central and Eastern European agriculture is characterized by a high incidence of small-scale farmers who are not producing for the market. This is partly the result of land reform procedures practiced in these countries. Post-communist land reforms predominantly restituted land to pre-communist owners, resulting in an extremely fragmented ownership...

Статья в блоге
IFAD in Morocco

Nowhere is the linkage between the environment and poverty more pronounced than in the fragile ecosystems where inhabitants are often compelled to degrade their natural resources and struggle for survival. IFAD’s drive to break this vicious cycle has often led to the development of innovative, replicable models. A striking example is...

Conversations: A Trialogue on Power, Intervention, and Organization in Fisheries

In the winter of October 1999, as part of a programme of ICSF, three persons converged on the Treasure Guest House in Accra, Ghana. They came from three very distinct parts of the world, each bringing along a different baggage of culture and upbringing. What they shared, however, was a...
2002 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Газетная статья
Agroecology: the science of natural resource management for poor farmers in marginal environments

Throughout the developing world, resource-poor farmers (about 1.4 billion people) located in risk-prone, marginal environments, remain untouched by modern agricultural technology. A new approach to natural resource management must be developed so that new management systems can be tailored and adapted in a site-specific way to highly variable and diverse...
2002 - Elsevier Ltd

Газетная статья
Agroecology: the science of natural resource management 5 for poor farmers in marginal environments

Throughout the developing world, resource-poor farmers (about 1.4 billion people) located in risk-prone, marginal environments, remain untouched by modern agricultural technology. A new approach to natural resource management must be developed so that new management systems can be tailored and adapted in a site-specific way to highly variable and diverse...
2002 - Elsevier Science B.V

Журнальная статья
CONVEAGRO en Palacio: Los temas de la agenda

El 19 de febrero se concretó la reunión de la dirigencia de CONVEAGRO con el Presidente de la República, Alejandro Toledo, ministro de Agricultura, Alvaro Quijandría, Economía P.P. Kuczynski y del PROMUDEH, Cecilia Blondet. El objetivo fue presentar propuestas orientadas a superar la falta de mercado y rentabilidad para la...
2002 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)

Журнальная статья
Vicuñas en disputa

Informe acerca de la derogatoria del DS 053 por el cual se autoriza entregar rebaños de vicuñas a particulares, misma que perjudica las comunidades campesinas altoandinas en cuyas tierras habita la especie.
2002 - Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (CEPES)
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