




Une expérience de réhabilitation des terres

L'effet catalytique des Clubs Dimitra au Niger
Au cours des dernières années, la baisse des précipitations et la dégradation accrue des sols ont porté pour de nombreux habitants de Tinkirana - et ailleurs au Niger – à de mauvaises récoltes et de graves pénuries alimentaires. Les terres agricoles d’Idrissa étaient fortement dégradées. En 2015, il n’a récolté que...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Africa’s commitment to end hunger by 2025

The Regional Initiative seeks to strengthen the programmes, mechanisms, capacity and delivery of actions needed to operationalize commitments to end hunger by 2025, and to support mapping exercises that identify gaps and determine requisite interventions to enhance policy dialogue on food security and nutrition, both at regional and country levels....
Angola - Chad - Ethiopia - Ghana - Kenya - Malawi - Niger - Rwanda
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

The Africa Solidarity Trust Fund for Food Security

The Africa Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF) is an innovative Africa-led fund to support Africa for African development initiatives. Its main goal is to strengthen food security across the continent by assisting countries and their regional organizations to eradicate hunger and malnutrition, eliminate rural poverty and manage natural resources in a...
Angola - Burkina Faso - Chad - Côte d'Ivoire - Democratic Republic of the Congo - Ethiopia - Kenya - Malawi - Niger - Zimbabwe
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Building resilience in Africa’s drylands

Populations in Africa are increasingly exposed to the negative impact of natural and human-induced disasters such as drought, floods, disease epidemics and conflicts which threaten the agriculture production systems and livelihoods of vulnerable communities. The initiative on “Building Resilience in Africa’s Drylands” was developed to enhance the capacity of these...
Burkina Faso - Chad - Ethiopia - Kenya - Madagascar - Mali - Niger - Senegal - Somalia - South Sudan - Uganda - Zimbabwe
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

First Africa School Feeding Day

1st March 2016, themed “Home Grown School Feeding: a Conduit for Africa’s Sustainable Development”, will mark the first edition of the Africa Day for School Feeding, to be observed jointly by the African Union Commission, AU Member States and development partners. Niamey, the capital of Niger, will host the official celebrations with...
2016 - African Union

Dimitra Newsletter: Gender, resilience and climate change

2015 was a landmark year for the future of the planet and therefore for the future of every woman, man, girl and boy, in all four corners of the world. Two important events - the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 and COP21 on development and climate change, led to...
Ethiopia - Ghana - Mali - Niger - Senegal - Uganda
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Social Protection in the Sahel and West Africa

Strengthening resilience for Food Security and Nutrition
The brief aims at summarizing the efforts of FAO to maximize the impacts of social protection interventions in the Sahel and West Africa by strengthening the linkages with resilience, food security, nutrition and economic growth; ensuring the effective reach of most vulnerable households and making national social protection programmes risk-informed...
Burkina Faso - Ghana - Kenya - Lesotho - Mali - Mauritania - Niger - Zambia
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

AfDB helps to enhance food security in Niger

With funding from the Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP), the Water Mobilization Project to Enhance Food Security in Maradi, Tahoua and Zinder Regions (PMERSA-MTZ) is being implemented in Niger and benefits from a UA 40,443,000 financing: 9.34 million from the African Development Fund (ADF), UA 21.02 million from...
2016 - African Development Bank Group

Газетная статья
Comment se construit l’invisibilité des populations pastorales au Sahel : l’expérience de la crise alimentaire de 2005 au Niger

Au Sahel, les systèmes d’information élaborés et perfectionnés depuis les années 1980 n’ont pas suffi aux politiques nationales et aux actions d’urgence internationales pour gérer la spécificité des populations pastorales. Cette inadéquation renvoie aux difficultés historiques des administrations à prendre en compte la gestion commune des ressources naturelles et la...
2016 - CIRAD

Promouvoir le lait local au Sahel

L’expérience des centres de collecte paysans multi-services au Niger
Le lait cru du Niger n’est que très faiblement valorisé, du fait de la très forte saisonnalité de la production et d’un réseau de commercialisation peu développé, alors que les besoins urbains sont importants et en constante augmentation. Le projet Nariindu a permis de développer une solution innovante de centre...
2016 - Institute for Research and Implementation of Development Methods (IRAM)

Economics of land degradation and improvement

This book on Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement provides with valuable knowledge and information both at the global, regional, and national levels on the costs of land degradation and benefits of taking action against land degradation. A key advantage of this book is that it goes beyond the conventional...
Argentina - Bhutan - China - Ethiopia - India - Kenya - Malawi - Niger - Russian Federation - Senegal - United Republic of Tanzania - Uzbekistan
2016 - Springer International Publishing

Converging challenges, compounding risks - A region under high pressure

In the Sahel, extreme poverty, fastgrowing populations, climate change, recurrent food and nutrition crises, armed conflicts and insecurity are building up to a perfect storm threatening the lives of communities already living on the brink of crisis. The region is one of the world’s climate change hotspots. Increasingly unpredictable weather patterns,...
Burkina Faso - Cameroon - Chad - Mali - Mauritania - Niger - Nigeria
2016 - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Animals, trees for a better crop

In semi-arid West Africa, farmers and herders explain why and how trees and livestock play a crucial role in obtaining a productive soil and crop. In Niger and Ghana this is one of the strategies of integrated striga and soil fertility management that has a positive effect across agroclimatic zones....
2016 - Access Agriculture

Purchase from Africans for Africa

Phase I learning and results report
Purchase from Africans for Africa (PAA Africa) – a pilot project inspired by the Brazilian learning on institutional food procurement – recently released a report on the lessons learned from the first phase of implementation. This report details the joint efforts in five countries to increase smallholder farmers’ access to...
Ethiopia - Malawi - Mozambique - Niger - Senegal
2015 - World Food Programme (WFP)

Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands

Building resilience and benefiting livelihoods
The aim of the guidelines is to enhance restoration efforts in the world’s drylands. They provide specific guidance for policymakers and other decision-makers, and for practitioners. Well-informed policymakers and other higher-order decision-makers can be enablers in the design and implementation of effective restoration efforts by providing appropriate policies, governance mechanisms...
Australia - Burkina Faso - China - Egypt - Ethiopia - India - Lebanon - Mauritania - Nepal - Niger - Peru - Senegal - South Africa - Spain - Syrian Arab Republic - Türkiye - United Republic of Tanzania - Uzbekistan
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Strengthening the productive potential of men and women farmers in arid and poor areas of the Sahel

The case of efficient and accessible agroecological practices in the county of Loga, Niger
The county of Loga is considered the most underprivileged in the Dosso region and one of the poorest in Niger. A community rehabilitation program, after the food crisis of 2012, ranked the county as the most vulnerable area of all five departments that make up the Dosso region. The annual...
2015 - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Public procurement in Africa benefitting family farmers and schools

Innovative partnership operational in five countries
10 March 2015, Rome - An innovative partnership spanning five African countries is providing important lessons on how governments can procure food for public institutions, such as schools, directly from small-scale family farmers. Modelled on Brazil's achievements in fighting hunger and poverty, the Purchase from Africans for Africa programme (PAA...
Brazil - Ethiopia - Malawi - Mozambique - Niger - Senegal
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agricultural growth in West Africa (AGWA)

Market and Policy Drivers
West African Agriculture is at a turning point. The combination of strong demand growth, sustained economic growth, higher global agricultural prices, and an improved policy environment has generated the most conducive conditions for Agricultural growth in over 30 years. West African countries and their Development Partners now clearly recognize the...
Benin - Burkina Faso - Cabo Verde - Gambia - Ghana - Guinea - Guinea-Bissau - Liberia - Mali - Niger - Nigeria - Senegal - Sierra Leone - Togo
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Restitution des résultats d'enquête dans le cadre du projet "Identification d´options politiques et stratégiques pour une meilleure adoption des technologies par les exploitations familiales"

Article qui décrit un atelier qui s'est déroulé du 30 mars au 02 avril 2015 à Chadakori (Région de Maradi), au Niger. Cette rencontre organisée conjointement par l´Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger (INRAN) et la Fédération SA’A qui a regroupé les producteurs, les médias, les autorités administratives...
2015 - Agrifam-Niger

Atelier:"Identification d´options politiques et stratégiques pour une meilleure adoption des technologies par les exploitations familiales" (AGRIFAM)

Le projet AGRIFAM-Niger concerne principalement la culture de niébé compte tenu de son importance socio-économique au Niger en général et dans la Région de Maradi en particulier. L’atelier a pour objectif de restituer aux différentes plateformes les résultats des enquêtes ménages menées sur les sites et de réaliser une session...
2015 - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger (INRAN) la Fédération SA’A
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