




EIP-AGRI seminar: Healthy soils for Europe: sustainable management through knowledge and practice

Healthy soils are fundamental to the sustainable production of food, feed and fibre. In addition, healthy soils also provide many other functions that contribute to human well-being such as water filtering, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling and biodiversity preservation. Soil health is affected by unsustainable management practices like frequent tillage, which...
2020 - Eip-Agri

Romanian Rural Development Network Newsletter 4/2020

From the topics: Tackling drought with irrigations, exceptional measures to support the agri-food sector, smart rural: the journey to become a smart village, mountain areas' products, how to reduce food loss on the farm and many more.
2020 - National Rural Development Network ROMANIA

EIP-AGRI Focus Group Non-chemical weed management in arable cropping systems

Agriculture has become increasingly dependent on the use of herbicides and of pesticides, which has helped boost agricultural yield and food production. As a result, herbicides have become the foundation of weed management in today’s arable cropping systems. At the same time, herbicides can have effects on the environment, non-target...
2020 - Eip Agri

Shaping the future of food markets in Africa - What kind of markets do we need for the transition t Agroecology?

What kind of markets do we need for the transition to Agroecology?
From 27 to 29 October 2020, AFSA held its third Biennial Food Systems Conference and Celebration. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, AFSA decided to hold this conference virtually. The three-day event explored issues relating to “Shaping the Future of Food Markets in Africa: What kind of markets do...
2020 - AFSA

Romanian National Rural Development Network Newsletter - August 2020

From the topics: Launch of public consultation regarding the long term vision for rural areas, public consultation on the impact of CAP, implications of farm to fork strategy on agriculture and CAP and many more.
2020 - Romanian National Rural Development Network

Ciencia y saberes campesinos: un trabajo colaborativo para la extensión rural

Esta crónica da cuenta sobre el quehacer del Centro Ceres en el ejercicio de la transferencia de conocimiento, un trávés de un equipo de trabajo interdisciplinar, compuesto por una antropóloga, ingenieros agrónomos y un periodista, pequeños productores agrícolas de Cabildo, Calle Larga, Quillota, comunas de la región de Valparaíso, Chile....
2020 - Centro Regional de Investigación e Innovación para la Sostenibilidad de la Agricultura y los Territorios Rurales (CERES)

#IGrowYourFood - Meet Alymov, a rural service provider from Kyrgyzstan

Meet Alymov, a rural service provider from Kyrgyzstan, for #IGrowYourFood. 🇰🇬 Hear what he has to say about why worms play an important role in organic farming.
2020 - IFOAM - Organics International

Website in Bangla from Access Agriculture

It is with great pleasure that for International Mother Language Day, Access Agriculture announces that its world-leading multilingual agricultural video-accessing platform is now available in Bangla:https://www.accessagriculture.org/bgl The Bangla version can potentially benefit over 80 million Bangla-speaking farmers and rural businesses in South Asia. Bangla is considered to be the eighth most...
2020 - Access Agriculture

Bio-écoles en Inde du Sud

Ce livret pédagogique est le fruit des enseignements d’un projet mené pendant 5 ans, entre 2013 et 2018, avec 50 écoles primaires du bloc de Marakanam, dans l’état du Tamil Nadu en Inde du Sud : le projet Bio-écoles mené par SOL en partenariat avec Solidarité India. Ce projet est...
2020 - SOL, Alternatives Agroécologiques et Solidaires

Realidades y retos de la alimentación orgánica

La comida orgánica ha cobrado importancia en los últimos años, ante la demanda creciente de un grupo consumidor informado y conciente sobre sus derechos, la procedencia, contenidos y procesos de producción de sus alimentos, así como sus efectos para la salud, el medioambiente y la tierra.
Las prácticas orgánicas contribuyen a combatir el cambio climático, pues secuestran el carbono del aire y lo regresan a la tierra, donde pertenece. Con ello, aparte de fertilizar la tierra, permite mantener la humedad y la biodiversidad.
2020 - Vía Orgánica

Газетная статья
Uso de las herramientas de la agricultura de precisión para generar mejoras de la productividad

Una experiencia sobre el uso de los mapas de rendimiento
La agricultura de precisión es un tema en debate. ¿es posible para la agricultura familiar? ¿ Para qué tipo de agricultura familiar?. En este artículo, es un ensayo a campo que aporta elementos de análisis.El  cambio de milenio trajo una batería de herramientas digitales bajo un concepto muy amplio denominado...
2020 - Universidad Nacional de Rosario/ Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

Editorial: Agroecology and feminist economics – New values for new times

Contrary to what is sometimes argued, the current planetary crises have not arisen from the COVID-19 pandemic, but are rooted in an unsustainable and unjust global economic system. It is time to learn from other ways of doing things, other cosmovisions and other values. That way, we can build a...
2020 - Cultivate

First Mapping Report of agroecology initiatives in the Europe

This mapping report is an overview of how agroecology is understood by different citizens (policymakers, farmers, members civil society, researchers, and consumers) and a rich collection of a variety of existing national agroecology initiatives that are vital, productive, and ready to pave the way for an agroecological transition of agriculture...
European Union
2020 - Agroecology Europe Youth Network, Agroecology Europe

Local benefits for farmers in Tarnava Mare Natura2000 site

Agriculture in the mountains differs from the lowlands and has some inherent constraints due to geographical isolation, a low levels of infrastructure development, difficult climatic conditions and fragile ecosystems making agricultural production, marketing and development more difficult. Agriculture and forestry are the most traditional \ work sectors in the Carpathians, shaping...
2020 - ADEPT Foundation

FAO Agroecology Newsletter #37

Agroecology Newsletter of July 2020
2020 - FAO

Agroecology and markets – stories from the field

Mostly associated with fresh fruits, vegetables, and live animals straight from production zones, African mass markets bring together many people, irrespective of class, religion, or socioeconomic backgrounds. As thriving local economies, mass markets support ecologically-sensitive trading and consumption. It is not by chance that each of the articles in this...
2020 - Alliance for food sovereignty in Africa

Webinar: Scaling Pre-Monsoon Dry Sowing with Natural farming on 3 December 19:00 IST

Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming (APCNF) is organizing a webinar as a part of the successful implementation of Pre-Monsoon Dry sowing in Andhra Pradesh. This initiative has started as a pilot in Anantapuram district, a semi-arid region of Andhra Pradesh to demonstrate the concept of harnessing the water vapor from...
2020 - Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming

Газетная статья
Agroecological principles and elements and their implications for transitioning to sustainable food systems

A review
There is consensus that the global food system is not delivering good nutrition for all and is causing environmental degradation and loss of biodiversity, such that a profound transformation is needed to meet the challenges of persistent malnutrition and rural poverty, aggravated by the growing consequences of climate change. Agroecological...
2020 - AgroSchool for Life, France

La Permacultura como mecanismo para mantener el equilibrio de los ecosistemas agrícolas productivos

Videoconferencia internacional: La Permacultura como mecanismo para mantener el equilibrio de los ecosistemas agrícolas productivos Fecha: Lunes 30 de noviembre 2020

The power of women’s networks for agroecology in India

Commercial, industrialised agriculture has made women farmers invisible in much of the Global South. India is no exception. This is changing with India’s Zero Budget Natural Farming practices (now more often referred to as Community Managed Natural Farming), which are being used by nearly a million smallholder farmers. Women, with little...
2020 - Farming Matters
Total results:4100