




How to foster social farming in mountain areas?

On June 25, 2019, Euromontana attended a conference in Brussels on “Social Agriculture and Care Farm: Work opportunity, Social Partnership and Inclusion” organised by the Care-T-Farms project. Care-T-Farms is an Erasmus + programme, willing to encourage the use of farms as places promoting positive mental and physical health and wellbeing.
2019 - Euromontana

Country Gender Assessment of agriculture and the rural sector in Indonesia

Agriculture, as a vital sector of the Indonesian economy, provides income for the majority of Indonesian households today. Despite serving as the backbone of one of the nation’s most economically important sectors, women in agriculture are marginalized and often have little access to financial resources, knowledge and technology to improve...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Implementando el ods 2 en agricultura sostenible a través de la agroecología

Esta publicación consta de tres grandes apartados, introduciendo en el primero de ellos el concepto de agroecología, la situación de contexto actual mundial de la alimentación y sistemas agroalimentarios y cómo ha ido evolucionando la agroecología en estos últimos años en el contexto internacional y en la propia FAO. En...
2019 - Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) & FAO Office in Spain

Rencontres Sols et Climat - Capsule pédagogique: Conservation des Semences Anciennes (français)

A travers la Rencontre Africaine des Sols et du Climat, Terre et Humanisme Maroc, Terre Humaine PESI avec la Fondation du Crédit Agricole du Maroc ont réuni leurs expertises et des acteurs de l’innovation pour renforcer les capacités des formateurs agroécologistes africains autour de : la réhabilitation des terres dégradées...
2019 - Terre et Humanisme Maroc

Proceedings of the Second FAO International Symposium on Agroecology

In April 2018, FAO hosted the Second International Symposium on Agroecology to Achieve the SDGs; the Symposium had an impressive level of attendance with a total of 768 participants, including representatives from 72 governments, 350 non-state actors (including civil society organizations, academia and research organizations, cooperatives, producers’ organizations and the...
2019 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Agricultores familiares de Goiás realizam diagnósticos e indicadores de sustentabilidade agroecológico

Técnicos da Emater GO, agricultores familiares de base agroecológica, estudantes e organizações parceiras da agricultura familiar da área de agroecologia participaram da capacitação sobre diagnósticos técnicos agroecológico, por intermédio do uso de indicadores de sustentabilidade para avaliação de agroecossistemas, cujo objetivo é a adoção de tecnologias inovadoras, a partir da construção...
2019 - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)


FASST objective is to advance the effectiveness of Social Farming at systemic and practice levels by developing concrete and relevant training for the sector (both providers of services and social farmers), deliver the training to validate its relevance and accuracy, develop a system of sustainability, mainstreaming and uptake of the...
2019 - FASST

10th China Community Supported Agriculture Conference

At a time when the CSA movement globally is working to gain greater recognition by policy makers, it comes a jaw-dropping and agreeable surprise to discover the extent to which CSA in China has gained legal status and is perceived as a genuine part of the way forward by all...
2019 - Urgenci

Relancer le conseil et la vulgarisation agricoles en Afrique subsaharienne

Le Groupement Inter-réseaux Développement Rural – IRAM – Ambre conseil/CERFRANCE – CIRAD a été mobilisé par l’Agence française de développement (AFD) pour engager une réflexion sur le conseil agricole. Ce processus doit apporter à l’AFD des éléments pour une réflexion stratégique et pour nourrir les débats avec les pays partenaires...

The tide is turning, as farmworkers fight for organic agriculture

Many people choose organic food in order to protect themselves and their families from exposure to pesticides. But choosing organic also means helping to create a healthier food system for everyone, from farm to table. Far too often, discussions about pesticides in the food system exclude the men, women, and...
2019 - FoodTank

IAHA Newsletter No. 6.

With great pleasure we release the IAHA Newsletter No. 6. We aimed to summarize the number of interesting ongoing research projects on organic livestock, financed by the European Union (under the Core Organic Plus programme) in this newsletter issue. I believe that these projects will increase and develop the need...
2019 - IAHA

DEFIS SUD n°0137 - Revendiquer des opportunités locales, refuser la concurrence déloyale.

L’édition annuelle 2019-2020 de Défis Sud propose un regard sur les agricultures familiales. Pour faire des agricultures familiales un moteur de la lutte contre la faim, il importe de connaître les filières agricoles, les chaînes de valeur alimentaires et les acteurs qui la structurent.
2019 - SOS FAIM Belgium

Organic farming improved but still flaws with traceability, EU auditors find

Despite improvements in the control of organic farming, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) said more work is needed to prevent food fraud and ensure that organic standards are met, as traceability is causing continued issues for foodstuffs bearing the bio label.
European Union
2019 - EurActiv

Repensando la práctica profesional frente a los “nuevos” desafíos ambientales

La problemática ambiental aparece en el campo profesional de los ingenieros agrónomos en los últimos años como una nueva demanda social que está exigiendo nuevas formas de relación entre la sociedad y la naturaleza. El escenario donde tuvieron que desarrollar su actividad profesional en los últimos 30- 40 años estuvo caracterizado...
2019 - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias/Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Inspirational ideas: Combatting weeds with non-chemical alternatives

Agriculture in the EU and worldwide has become increasingly dependent on the use of pesticides. Change is needed because the use of these chemicals can impact the environment and the health of animals and humans. Inspired by results in other member states, the Portuguese Operational Group HortInf is trying to...
2019 - Eip Agri

On Climate & the Future of Food

A system as complex as food requires a systems approach. This bookle outlines one of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food four priority impact areas: climate.               
2019 - Global Alliance for the Future of Food

ARC 2020 - October 2019 Newsletter

In this monthly newsletter, CAP reform, more details are also given on the CAP strategic plans process, while there are two dedicated features on climate change and its relationship to farming, a document from Ireland and another visionary - Anders Borgen - with decades of practical knowledge on organic plant breeding,...
European Union
2019 - Arc 2020

Mulheres e Soberania Alimentar

Sementes de mundos possíveis
Onde e quem produz a comida que chega até você? Em um cenário de pandemia mundial, em que a população vivencia diariamente os resultados de um projeto político que tem como consequência uma crise econômica com impactos diretos na saúde pública, é preciso falar sobre os direitos dos povos em decidirem...
2019 - Instituto de Políticas Alternativas para o Cone Sul (PACS)

Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA) - #9 Nesletter

This newsletter has “scaling” as the focus theme. The various stories illustrate some of the various approaches that AIRCA members use to maximize the impact of our innovations.
2019 - Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture

Programa de investigación y formación en sistemas agroecológicos andinos – segunda cohorte

El Programa Colaborativo de Investigación en Cultivos (Collaborativecrop Research Program) de la Fundación Mcknight financia investigaciones colaborativas entre pequeños productores, investigadores y promotores de desarrollo para generar conocimientos que contribuyan a lograr sistemas agroecológicos sustentables. El Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) es una institución internacional no- gubernamental con status asociativo...
2019 - The Collaborative Program of Research in Crops (CCRP) of the Mcknight Foundation and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO)
Total results:4097