




LEADER action acts as catalyst for new funding for water biodiversity projects in Ireland

Irish LEADER support for the Water Biodiversity Training Programme for the Duhallow Communities project acted as a catalyst in helping local authorities design popular and productive environmental actions attracting larger sources of funding. LEADER is good at building social capacity in rural community organisations that can be directed to develop and...
2023 - EU CAP Network

Point sur la situation alimentaire au Sahel (PSA)

Début mai, les prix des céréales restent globalement élevés (par rapport aux cinq dernières années) au Burkina, au Mali et au Niger. Le bulletin donne aussi une série d’informations sur le niveau d’approvisionnement des marchés, la situation alimentaire des ménages ou encore les différentes activités génératrices de revenus développées par...
2023 - Afrique Verte

Газетная статья
Key research challenges to supporting farm transitions to agroecology in advanced economies. A review

In response to the sustainability issues that agriculture faces in advanced economies, agroecology has gained increasing relevance in scientific, political, and social debates. This has promoted discussion about transitions to agroecology, which represents a significant advancement. Accordingly, it has become a growing field of research. We reviewed the literature on...
2023 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development

Workshop regional: digitalización de la agricultura: experiencia china y desafíos para América Latina y El Caribe

El proyecto de “Respuesta y recuperación al impacto del Covid-19 en los medios de vida rurales y los sistemas alimentarios en los países de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC) a través de la Cooperación Sur-Sur” se desarrolla en 12 países de la región y tiene como resultados...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Metodología para analizar la viabilidad de articular la acción anticipatoria con la protección social desde un enfoque inclusivo

Una propuesta aplicada a medios de vida agrícolas y la Seguridad alimentaria
La metodología tiene como propósito producir evidencia que permita incentivar el diálogo técnico-político entre la comunidad de práctica de los sectores de gestión del riesgo de desastres,la protección social, agricultura y de seguridad alimentaria; con énfasis en las comunidades rurales cuyos medios de vida agrícolas y seguridad alimentaria se ven...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Access Agriculture Panorama - September 2023

The Access Agriculture Panorama features information on new videos, audio podcasts, blog posts, articles contributed by experts, partner highlights, voices from the field and upcoming events.
2023 - Access Agriculture

How community-designed solutions take pressure off Madagascar’s Manombo Rainforest, spur food production

Health In Harmony (HIH), an international nonprofit organisation through its community-designed solutions approach has introduced sustainable farming practices among local farmers and reduce reliance on logging for income further easing pressure off Madagascar’s Manombo Rainforest.
2023 - https://farmersreviewafrica.com

The Political Economy of Food System Transformation: Pathways to Progress in a Polarized World

Although the global food system increasingly is viewed as unsustainable for human and planetary health, the policy pathways for transforming the status quo are often highly contentious. This book brings together inter-disciplinary scholars to analyze the political economy dynamics central to food system transformation and to identify pathways for enhancing...

Milestones: A tangled web that needs urgent action

The impacts of climate change are many and distributed. While extreme events, enhanced in frequency or intensity by climate change, may not cause as many causalities as they did in the past, they disrupt many services. Among these, disruption in health services, including those that address sexual and reproductive health...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Au One forest summit, l'enjeu de la survie des forêts tropicales

Le One Forest Summit s'est achève ce jeudi 2 mars 2023 à Libreville au Gabon, au cœur du bassin du Congo, l'un des trois bassins forestiers tropicaux les plus importants du globe. L'enjeu était de trouver des solutions pour inciter financièrement les pays du Sud à préserver leurs forêts afin de...

Soil monitoring in Europe Indicators and thresholds for soil quality assessments

This report describes the rationale for a series of common and broadly accepted soil health indicators to support policy. The focus is on soil threats, and indicators were selected in view of their appropriateness for assessing the condition of soil, its degradation, its resilience and its valuable services. For each...
European Union
2023 - European Environment Agency (EU body or agency)

FAO lanza convocatoria a jóvenes técnicos y profesionales para crear emprendimientos rurales innovadores

La revolución del AgTech avanza rápidamente en América Latina, a partir de una amplia gama de nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a los sistemas agroalimentarios. Sin embargo, estas innovaciones y avances tecnológicos no siempre llegan a los pequeños productores, que representan más del 40% de la población productiva de la región. Para enfrentar...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Global heating likely to hit world food supply before 1.5C, says UN expert

The president of the UN’s desertification conference, Alain-Richard Donwahi, warns of imminent threats to global food supplies due to the combined effects of climate change, water scarcity, and poor farming practices. Donwahi, who presided over the UN Cop15 summit on desertification, emphasized that the detrimental impacts of climate change, particularly...

Africa: The NARO PAH-safe fish smoking kiln

Greater support is needed for the adoption of a safe and effective fish smoking technology, associated with numerous positive socio-economic outcomes
Smoking fish is one of the most common methods of food preservation among fishing communities in Uganda. The most common species that fishing communities smoke include Nile Perch and Tilapia. However, one of the main hazards associated with traditional smoking methods is the risk of cancer due to Polycyclic Aromatic...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

‘During droughts, pivot to agroecology’: Q&A with soil expert at the World Agroforestry Centre

As the drought in Kenya persists, pastoralists in the region are struggling as millions of livestock die and vast swaths of crops perish. Food insecurity affects approximately 4.4 million people in the country. International food agencies have described the situation as a dire humanitarian crisis, emphasizing the critical need to...

The regional agroecology fund in eastern Africa

The Regional Agroecology Fund in Eastern Africa is a financing and learning tool to support agroecology networks and organizations across the region, which form the core of Eastern Africa’s agroecology movement. The purpose of the fund is to: • Offer donors a simple way to fund grassroots organizations, networks, and...
2023 - The Agroecology Fund

How to sell ecological food

When selling in fairs, you can create an identity as a group, for example, by using the same signs, aprons and table cloths. Organize recreational, educational activities with consumers, and their kids. Make alliances with local authorities to create places to sell ecological food, differentiated from those produced with agrochemicals....
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2023 - Access Agriculture

Soils, where food begins

The book of proceedings of the GSOIL4N contains the papers presented during the Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition that was held from 26 to 29 July 2022. The papers provide the latest research findings and multisectoral insights which evidenced that nutrient imbalance is a global and crosscutting threat with multifactorial drivers...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Газетная статья
Sustainability assessment in innovation design processes: place, role, and conditions of use in agrifood systems. A review

Facing the ecological and social crisis that the agrifood systems cross, a profound transformation of food systems is required, necessitating systemic and sustainable innovations. Sustainability assessments are generally performed to identify and/or validate the improvement in sustainability conferred by a designed artifact relative to the current or standard situation. However,...
2023 - Agronomy for Sustainable Development

AR6 Synthesis Report Climate Change 2023

A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - Summary for Policymakers
This Synthesis Report (SYR) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) summarises the state of knowledge of climate change,its widespread impacts and risks, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. It integrates the main findings of the SixthAssessment Report (AR6) based on contributions from the three Working Groups1, and the three...
2023 - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Total results:19125